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Dispensation of Human Government

III. Dispensation of Human Government

  • From the flood to the dispersion at Babel.

  • A period of 427 years - Gen. 8:15-11:9

  • The Antediluvian Age is the time before the flood.

  • The Postdiluvian Age is the time after the flood. It embraces four dispensations – Human Government → Promise → Law → Grace

    • It extends from the Flood to the Millennium.

      1. The Beginning of Human Government Gen. 8:15-11:9

The Deluge lasted 1 year and 10 days, Noah was 601 years old when the dispensation of Human Government began. God gave them a new start.

        1. God commanded Noah after the Flood to “Go forth from the ark” - “Be fruitful and multiply.” Gen. 8:16-17

        1. Noah’s first act upon leaving the ark -“builded an altar unto the Lord.” vs. 20

        1. God made a covenant with Noah - That He would not destroy the earth again with a flood. vs. 21-22 Chp. 9:8-11

        1. God gave the rainbow in the clouds as a sign of the Covenant. vs. 12-17

      1. God’s Commands Under Human Government

        1. “Replenish the earth” Gen. 9:1

        1. Everything to fear Noah Vs. 2

        2. Could not eat meat Vs. 3

        3. Blood was forbidden to be eaten Vs. 4

        4. Capital punishment required Vs. 5,6

      1. Noah’s Action Under Self-Government

        1. Became a farmer & Planted a Vineyard Vs. 20

        1. Became drunk Vs. 21

        2. “Uncovered” from his drunkenness Vs. 21

        3. This proves that man cannot govern himself. Gen. 6:9 & 9:21.

The best of men have evil in their heart. Human frailty needs the grace of God.

        1. Sin influences sin Vs. 22

        2. Ham’s sin was two-fold

        3. What he did to his father - vs. 24

        4. Told his brothers - vs. 22

        5. Indication of God’s Grace Vs. 24

“Noah awoke” No record that Noah ever got drunk again. Eze. 14:14

      1. Noah’s Prophecy – Genesis 9

This prophecy was not in anger but history reveals that Noah was God inspired.

        1. A curse on Canaan - vs. 25

          1. Canaan was Ham’s son - upon which the curse was placed.

          1. The curse was that Canaan was to be a servant.

          1. Canaan means - subjection, the greatest abasement.

          1. “Ham - “Niger” - black, crafty

          1. The sons of Ham. Gen. 10:6
            1. Cush - Ethiopians
Also father of Nimrod - Gen. 10:8-10. His name means “Rebel”
            1. Mizraim - Egypt
            2. Phut - Libyans
            3. Canaan - Canaanites

        1. The prophecy on Japheth – v. 27

          1. Japheth means “beautiful”

          1. Japheth was the father of the Gentiles

          1. “God shall enlarge Japheth”

          1. They, as a people, spread out everywhere.

          1. “He shall dwell in the tents of Shem”
This is a prophecy for the Gentiles that they shall receive Christ.

“And Canaan shall be his servant.” It was the Gentile nations that traded in slaves.

The Sons of Japheth - Gen. 10:2:

Son Nations Settled

Gomer Russians Russia (North)

Magog Seythians Europe (Southern)

Madai Media Iran

Taram Greeks Greece

Tubal Iberians Europe

Meshech Iberians Europe

Tiras Asiatic Italy, Spain, Egypt

        1. The Prophecy on Shem Gen. 9:26

          1. The blessing of Shem

          1. “Shem” means eminency, renown, fame Psa. 144:15

          1. The Father of the Jews

          1. The Sons of Shem - Gen. 10:21-22:

Son Nations Settled

Elam Persians East of the Tigris

Asshur Assyrians Syria

Arphaxad Cheldians Persia

Lud Lydians Lydia

Aram Aramaenians Mesopotamia

      1. The Rebellion at Babel

        1. In Gen. 9:1 God told Noah and his sons to replenish the earth.

        1. In Gen. 10:32 the earth was divided into nations after the flood.

        1. In Gen. 11:1 they were in rebellion to God’s plan.

        1. In Gen. 11:7-9 the Lord brought judgment upon them.

“Confounded their language.” “Scattered them abroad.”

        1. The dispensation of Human Government, as the dispensations before, end in judgment.

Study Questions 4: Human Government

  1. What period of time did the Dispensation of Human Government cover?

The Dispensation of Human Government covered from the flood to the dispersion of Babel.

  1. Name the four Dispensations that the Post Diluvian Age covers.

The Post Diluvian Age covers the Human Government, Promise, Law, and Grace Dispensations.

  1. How long did the Deluge last?

The Deluge lasted 1 year and 10 days.

  1. What was God’s command after the flood?

God’s command after the flood was to “Go forth from the ark” and “Be fruitful and multiply”.

  1. What was Noah’s first act upon leaving the Ark?

Noah’s first act upon leaving the Ark was that he “built an alter unto the Lord”.

  1. What was the covenant that God made with Noah?

The covenant that God made with Noah was – That He would not destroy the earth again with a flood.

  1. What was the sign of the covenant?

The sign of the covenant was a rainbow.

  1. Under Human Government what could man now eat?

“Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you” was what man could now eat.

  1. What was man forbidden to eat?

Blood was forbidden to be eaten.

  1. What was Noah’s vocation after the flood?

Noah’s vocation after the flood was a farmer.

  1. What did Noah do after he planted a vineyard?

Noah became drunken after he planted a vineyard.

  1. What does this prove concerning man governing himself?

This proves that man cannot govern himself.

  1. What does human frailty need?

Human frailty need the Grace of God.

Study Questions 4: Human Government, continued

  1. What was the two-fold nature of Ham’s sin?

The two-fold nature of Ham’s sin was what he did to his father and that he told his brothers.

  1. What was the curse put upon Canaan?

The curse was that Canaan was to be a servant.

  1. Who were the sons of Ham?

The sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.

  1. Who was Japheth the father of?

Japheth was the father of the Gentiles.

  1. What was the prophecy concerning Japheth?

The prophecy concerning Japheth was that, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant”.

  1. Who was Shem the father of?

Shem was the father of Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram.

  1. What was God’s command to Noah after the flood?

God’s command to Noah after the flood was to replenish the earth.

  1. What happened to the earth after the flood?

After the flood the earth was divided into nations.

  1. What was the rebellion at Babel?

The rebellion at Babel was that they were trying to build a tower to reach the heaven, so that they could basically take over God position.

  1. What were they in rebellion to?

They were in rebellion to God’s plan.

  1. What was the judgment brought upon them?

The judgment brought upon them was that the Lord “Confounded their language” and “Scattered them abroad”.

  1. What did the Dispensation of Human Government end in?

The Dispensation of Human Government ended in judgment.