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1555 total results found

DBI Textbooks

General Info About DBI Textbooks


DBI Tanzania Records

Deliverance Center

Local Church

The Purpose and Practices of the Local Church - originally authored by Joel McLain and edited by Stephen Reynolds Jr.

Epistles 1

1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians

Epistles 2

1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon

Nyaraka II

Wathesalonike 1 & 2, Timotheo 1 & 2, Tito & Philimon

Sermons and Studies By Stephen Reynolds Sr.

Sermon and Bible Study notes prepared for the congregation of the Deliverance Center.

Song Book

The Bride of Christ


Bible Introduction

D.C. Adult Bible Class

Christians and Music

Book of Revelation

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

James Reynolds Sr
Bible school student
Stephen Reynolds Jr
Revelation 1:1

Sermon Outlines by JRR SR

Sermon Transcriptions

Book of Romans

A survey of the book of Romans.

Poetry by Jon LePage

Book of Acts

A Student's Commentary on Romans


DBI Tanzania Records


Epistles 1

1 Corinthians

Epistles 1

2 Corinthians

Epistles 1


Epistles 1


Epistles 1


Epistles 1


Epistles 1


Epistles 2


Nyaraka II

Nyaraka 2 ni uchunguzi wa Wathesalonike 1 & 2, Timotheo 1 & 2, Tito & Philimon.

1 Thessalonians

Epistles 2

1 Wathesalonike

Nyaraka II

2 Thessalonians

Epistles 2

1 Timothy

Epistles 2

2 Timothy

Epistles 2


Epistles 2


Epistles 2


Epistles 1


D.C. Adult Bible Class

Section 1

Book of Revelation

Master Outline of Textbooks

General Info About DBI Textbooks

Book Studies Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus ,Numbers, Deuteronomy) Old Testament History (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther) Poetry (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon) M...

Student List

DBI Tanzania Records Students

Name,Gender,Birth date,Village,Marriage,Phone,When saved?,Holy Ghost?,Pastor,What Christian work?,Health name gender dob village married phone saved holy ghost pastor what christian work? health school session Baraka Martin M 19 Sagar...


Deliverance Center

  WE ARE Deliverance Center is a Bible believing church family located on Route 1 just across the town line of Arundel, Maine. We are a Full Gospel local church preaching the living Christ to a dying world! All Are Welcome LIVE STREAM We stream live audio o...


Local Church

Local Church: The Purpose & Practices of the Local Church Preface Introduction to Local Church The New Testament Pattern The Church Throughout the Ages The Kingdom of God The Church and the Churches The Independent Church Principles of Church Government Plura...

Introduction to Epistles 1

Epistles 1 Introduction

Epistles I is a survey of the following Pauline Epistles: I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians. Paul completed at least three missionary journeys: (A.D. 46-49)  Journey to Galatia - Acts 13-14 (A.D. 50-52) Journey to Greece - Acts 15-1...

Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Epistles 1 Introduction

  Let us set the scene for the epistles in our study by taking a brief look at Paul's Second Missionary Journey (Acts Chapters 15-18). After this foundation is laid, we will begin a study on the epistles or letters that Paul wrote to the churches. Paul's Seco...

Introduction to 1 Corinthians

Epistles 1 1 Corinthians

Introduction to 1 Corinthians The Writer Paul 1 Corinthians 1:1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, The Purpose of the Writing "To the Church of God which is at Corinth" 1:2 "To them that ...

Outline of 1 Corinthians

Epistles 1 1 Corinthians

Introduction Grace, Christ, Power and Wisdom of God (Ch. 1 & 2) The Temple of God (Ch. 3) The Ministers of God (Ch. 4) The Wickedness in the Church of God (Ch. 5 & 6) The Marriage Union Under God (Ch. 7) Christian Liberties in God (Ch. 8, 9 & 10) Instructions...

Textual Study of 1 Corinthians

Epistles 1 1 Corinthians

Grace, Christ, Power and Wisdom of God (Ch. 1 & 2) Introduction 1:1-3 vs. 1 The messenger of God is called to be a brother to other believers Thanksgiving for the Grace of God (1:4-9) The cause and the cure for contention (1:10-31) The Christ of God The Powe...

Introduction to Epistles 2

Epistles 2 Introduction

:lang(swa) { display:none; } Epistles 2 is a survey of 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon. 1 & 2 Thessalonians are DOCTRINAL and especially concerned with the Second Coming of ChristWathesalonike 1&11 ni vya KIMAFUNDISHO na hasahasa vyahusi...

Utangulizi kwa Nyaraka

Nyaraka II Utangulizi

Nyaraka 2 ni uchunguzi wa Wathesalonike 1 & 2, Timotheo 1 & 2, Tito & Philimon. Wathesalonike 1&11 ni vya KIMAFUNDISHO na hasahasa vyahusika na kurudi kwa Yesu mara ya pili Timotheo 1 & 11 na Tito ni za KICHUNGAJI na zenye mashauri ya kimatendo kwa ajili ya w...

Introduction to 1 Thessalonians

Epistles 2 1 Thessalonians

The Writer We see from 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:18 that the writer was Paul the Apostle. This epistle was probably written in A.D. 51 from Corinth during Paul's year and half ministry there (read Acts 17). We also see from the first verse that Silvanus (Silas...

Personal Relations to the Thessalonians (1-3)

Epistles 2 1 Thessalonians

Grace and Peace from God to them (1:1) Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ Paul was writing by Divine inspiration. He received more wisdom and revelation because he was obedient to God to give what he had already rece...

Mahusiano binafisi kwa Wathesalonike

Nyaraka II 1 Wathesalonike

:lang(en) { display:none; } Personal Relations to the Thessalonians (1:1-3:13)Mahusiano binafisi kwa Wathesalonike (1:1-3:13) Grace and Peace from God to them (1:1)Neema na amani toka kwa Mungu ziwe kwao (1:1) Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Fathe...

Utangulizi kwa 1 Wathesalonike

Nyaraka II 1 Wathesalonike

:lang(en) { display:none; } Introduction to 1 ThessaloniansUtangulizi kwa 1 Wathesalonike The WriterMwandishi We see from 1 Thessalonians 1:1 and 2:18 that the writer was Paul the Apostle. This epistle was probably written in A.D. 51 from Corinth during Paul...

Practical Instructions in Doctrine and Life (4-5)

Epistles 2 1 Thessalonians

Instructions Given in Chapters 4 & 5 Exhortations concerning the Christian walk (4:1-12) Instructions concerning those that sleep in Jesus and the dead in Christ (4:14- 4:16) The manner of Christ's coming (4:14-5:4) Instructions concerning being prepared for h...

Introduction to 2 Thessalonians

Epistles 2 2 Thessalonians

The Writer The writer of 2 Thessalonians is Paul (1:1; 3:17). This second letter was written a few months after the first, while Paul was still in Corinth. Some people had misunderstood Paul and concluded that the coming of Christ was so imminent that they fai...

The Truth about The Second Coming of Jesus

Epistles 2 2 Thessalonians

The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Glorified (Ch. 1) Thankfulness "A church…in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." 1:1 The Apostles are thanking God for their brethren. 1:3 Paul was thankful because: Their faith grows exceedingly Their love abounds Th...

Introduction to 1 Timothy

Epistles 2 1 Timothy

The Writer Paul wrote this (1:1) and it is the first of three of Paul's Pastoral Epistles. Paul wrote nine epistles to the Churches, but I & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon were personal letters. Paul wrote two letters to Timothy in Ephesus. Paul wrote this epi...

Important Instructions for the Church

Epistles 2 1 Timothy

1. Sound Doctrine in the Church (Ch. 1) Introduction (1:1-2) Charge Some (1:3-11) Step by step Paul charges Timothy and in doing so he charges and instructs us. Paul commands Timothy to transmit a message. Teach no other doctrine (1:3) Godly edifying which is ...