Bible Introduction
Introduction: Course Description
This course will be partly introduction and for many bible students partly a review of general in...
Chapter 1: General Information of the Bible
Sections The Bible Is... Names of the Bible Purpose of the Bible Comparison of the Old an...
Chapter 2: Unity of the Bible
1. Perfect Unity of the Bible: The Bible is One The Bible is without contradiction. There is no e...
Chapter 3: Inspiration of the Bible
Sections: Definition Declarations Definite Proofs Demonstrations Deceptive Views 1. ...
Chapter 4: Canonization of the Bible
Sections: Definition of Canon Description of Canonization Determinition of the Canon Homo...
Chapter 5: God's Word Into English
Sections: Timeline of the English Bibles The Bible In Languages that would Later Develop into...
Chapter 6: Modern Versions of the Bible
Sections Two Streams of Bible Transmission Biblia Hebraica Verity of the Claim of More Accu...
Chapter 7: Imagery and Typology of the Bible
Study Questions
What are the Books of the Bible?
The 66 Books of the Bible The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books. What are the books of the B...
Passing this Course
General Course Criteria: Each grade will be measured: Completing all assignments. Attend every l...
Practical Uses of the Bible
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Typology Final Exam (for reference)
Typology I-A Final Exam Prep Why should we study Typology? (2 part answer) What is the study ...
Resources and Links
God's Word into English.pptx
List of New Testament Apocrypha
Infancy gospels Infancy Gospel of James Infancy Gospel of Thomas Syriac Infancy Gospel History o...
Cover Page
First Year Textbook Bible Introduction
What the Bible Says About the Word of God
"The Word of God" occurrs in 45 verses. "Word" occurs in 678 verses Word Study (What is the nat...