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Sermon Outlines by JRR SR

A New Cruse

A New Cruse Preached By Rev. James Reynolds Sr. at the Deliverance Center on March 25, 2007 OPENI...

A Throne in the Secret Place

A Throne in the Secret Place A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Psalm 27:5 For in t...

Are We Missing it?

A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Text: Revelation 12:12 Revelation 12:12 — will t...

Breaking Up Fallow Ground

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. April 13, 2005 Wednesday Bible Study Title: Breaking Up Fallow Ground...

Can America Escape Judgment (transcript)

Can America Escape Judgment? Isaiah 1:4 preached by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. at Deliverance Ce...

Can America Escape Judgment? (outline)

Can America Escape Judgment? A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Isaiah 1:4—Ah sinfu...

Character Development

Preached by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. at the Deliverance Center in Portland, Maine on Sunday Mo...

Conditions of Discipleship

The Conditions of Discipleship The Conditions of Discipleship A sermon outline o...

Conformed or Transformed?

Conformed or Transformed A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Romans 12:1,2 I. B...

Conformity Versus Transformity

Conformity Versus Transformity A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Romans 12:2 ...

Fire on the Altar

Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday Am, May 16, 2010 Tit...

First Love

maybe: preached 20110223A by James Reynolds, Sr. Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. Jame...


FORGIVENESS Preached by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday Am, March 14, 2010 at the Deliverance ...

From Vessel to Vessel

20101017A Title: Empty from Vessel to Vessel Text: Jeremiah 48:11,12 Jer 48:11 Moab hath been at ...

God is Not Mocked

God Is Not Mocked Rev. James R Reynolds, Sr. January 5, 2005 Ezekiel 38 versus one through 23. G...

God's Love Revealed

Deliverance Center — Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday Am, July 10, 2011 Title: ...

God's Promises 20091129A

He promises that He wold be there with us< [This is a machine transcription from part of a record...

God's Ultimate Purpose

TEXT: Romans 11:36 A sermon outline by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr.

Healing is For All

[machine auto-transcript from 20090322P Healing is for All needs editing to be very useful.] Neve...


A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Luke 16:23 — in hell he lifted up his eyes. ...

How to Get To Heaven

Tent Revival Crusades – Cumberland, Maine Sunday Pm, July 11, 2010 Rev. James Reynolds, Sr. Titl...

Jewish Messiah

A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Introduction THEME: According to the Scriptures J...

Justification By Faith

Justification By Faith A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Romans 3:26-31 ## I. Decla...

Justification by Faith

September 25, 2002 SERVICE: 20020925 Justification By Faith TEXT: Romans 3:26-31 I. Declares God’...

Living Epistles

TITLE: Living Epistles SERVICE:20110410A DATE: April 10, 2011, Sunday Morning TEXT: 2Co 3:2 Ye a...

Long Hair, Bald Head Short Study

There are 2 extremes – long hair – or shavenbaldness – a sign of judgment – Isaiah 3:17, 24baldne...

Loving Thy Neighbor

Matthew 22:37-40 Preached Sunday Morning, December 18, 2011, by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. INTRO...

Making Diamonds out of Black Coal

October 30, 2005 Sunday Morning Rev. James R. Reynolds Sr. "Making Diamonds out of Black Coal" ...


NEGLECT TEXT: Hebrews 2:4 Preached by James R. Reynolds, Sr. on May 22, 2011 Sunday Morning. He...

Newness of Life

Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. October 17, 2010, Sunday Am...

Opening Heaven

Heaven Opened A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Revelation 19:11—And I saw heaven ...

Praying Until the Answer Comes

Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday Am, November 7, 2010 T...


REVIVAL preached by Rev. James Reynolds, Sr. on March 23, 2005 at Deliverance Center Wednesday Bi...

Rivers of Living Water

Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. September 19, 2010, Sunday ...

Ruled Over

Handwritten sermon notes. "If we are going to be rulers we first must be ruled over." Ephesians 5...

Satan Attacks the Church

Satan Attacks the Church Deliverance Center - Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday...

Sovereignty of God

[recording transcript] This day and consider it in by our not the Lord he is God in heaven above ...

Tested for the Throne

TITLE: Tested for the Throne DATE: December 14, 2008, Sunday Morning TEXT: Psalm 105:15-19 IT is ...

The Conditions of Discipleship

The Conditions of Discipleship The Conditions of Discipleship A sermon outline o...

The Demands of Doctrine

The Demands of Doctrine A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Romans 12:2 Romans...

The God of Miracles

Page 1 Scan Page 2 Scan TEXT: Psalm 105:36-45 Introduction What He's Done for Other's He'...

The Impossible Made Possible

Text: Mark 9:23 preacher: Rev. James Reynolds, Sr. August 14, 2009 preached under the Gospel tent

The Key to Victorious Living

A Sermon by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. Preached Sunday Morning January 9, 2000 text: Ephesians ...

The Lifeblood of Fellowship

The Lifeblood of Fellowship (IMPORTANCE - BASIS - STANDARD - SURETY) A sermon outline of Rev. Jam...

The Ministry of the Believer

Deliverance Center – Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr TITLE: The Ministry of the Beli...

The Pattern Church

The Pattern Church A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Acts 2:41-47 Acts 2:41 ...

The Price of Knowing God' Perfect Will

The Price of Knowing God's Perfect Will A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Rom...

The Renovation of the Mind

The Renovation of the Mind A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Romans 12:2 Rom...

The Responsibilities of Mothers

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. May 8, 2005 Mother's Day Sunday Morning Service Title: The Respons...

The Second Coming of Christ

The Second Coming of Christ Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Preached by James R. Reynods, Sr. April 3, 20...

The Secret of Pleasing God

The Sercret to Pleasing God Hebrews 11:5 Rev. James Re. Reynolds, Sr. Sunday Morning, January 2, ...

The Way of the Eagle

The Way of the Eagle Rev. James R. Reynolds. Sr. Proverbs 30 verse 18 says, ---read verses 1...

Three Confessions

August 18, 2007, Saturday Pm TITLE: Three Confessions TEXT: Philippians 2:5-11 (87 people) And...

Wedding Customs of the Jews in Relation to Christ

Revelation 19:7-9 Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. The Bridegroom Makes the Choice In studying the bet...

What the Bible Says About Cutting the Body

Taught by Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. on Wednesday, December 8, 1999 at the Deliverance Center IN...

When Satan Attacks the Church

When Satan Attacks the Church Deliverance Center - Portland, Maine Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. S...

Where are Your Ears?

Text: Hebrews 12:25-28 Preached by James R. Reynolds, Sr. May 15, 2011 Sunday morning. Heb 12:25...

World War III

A sermon outline of Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. TEXT: Ezekiel 38:1-8; Luke 21:20 INTRODUCTION We ...

New Testament Sermons List

Text: 2Pe 3:1 ¶ This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your ...

How Do We Neglect So Great Salvation?

TITLE: How Do We Neglect So Great Salvation? TEXT: Hebrews 2:1-3 PREACHER: James Reynolds, Sr. I....

Faith and Healing Sermons List

060625A God's Plan for Health and Happiness James 5:16 060827A Praying in the Holy Ghost Jude...

Various Sermon Notes

“The Secret of Pleasing God” Hebrews 11:5 Walk in Newness of Life Walk not After the Flesh – Rom...

The God of Peace Sanctifies Wholly

TEXT: I Thessalonians 522,23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your ...

Why Believers Struggle

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr.September 11, 2005Sunday Morning Title: Why Believers Struggle Text: ...

By Faith Enoch

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. August 28, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: By Faith Enoch Text: Hebrews ...

The Abundant Life

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. May 22, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: "The Abundant Life" Text: John 10...

The Principal By Which Men Shall Be Judged

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. May 22, 2005 Sunday Evening Title: "The Principal By Which Men S...

A Perfect Man

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. July 10, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: A Perfect Man Text: Matthew 5:...

The Guarantee of Success

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. August 7, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: The Guarantee of Success Text: ...

Why Believers Backslide

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. August 21, 2005 Sumnday Morning Title: Why Believers Backslide Text...

The Completeness of Personality

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. September 25, 2005 Sunday Morning **Title**: The Completene...

The Ultimate Request

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. November 27, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: The Ultimate Request Text: ...

A Father

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. June 19, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: "A Father" Text: I John 2:13,1...

The Place of Power

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. June 26, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: "The Place of Power" T...

Going Out that We Might Go In

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. June 29, 2005 Wednesday Night Bible Study Title: "Going ...

Faith Proved by Testing

Rev. James R. Reynolds, Sr. September 18, 2005 Sunday Morning Title: Faith Proved by Te...

Sovereignty of God

[transcript] This day and consider it in by our not the Lord he is God in heaven above and upon t...

See that Ye Refuse not Him that Speaketh

TEXT: Hebrews 12:25-29 Heb 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped n...

The Grace of God

Titus 2:11-12 Titus 2:11-12 — For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all ...

Possibility, Principle and Potential of Faith

INCOMPLE TRANSCRIPTION FOLLOWING: last edit: August 13, 2022 Sermon Audio [poor quality of reco...


TEXT: 3 John 1-8 DATE: October 29, 2000, Sunday Night MP3 Youtube (audio only)

Manifesting the Life of God

Preached by James R. Reynolds Sr. on February 1, 2004, Sunday Morning at the Deliverance Center a...

Paul's Change

TEXT: Acts 9:1-25 The Exposition of the Text: Saul's 1. Saul, the Religious Zealot Acts 9:1 ¶ An...

Steps Back to God

Outline written by James R. Reynolds, Sr. Hosea 14:1-9 — O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God;...