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God's Promises 20091129A

He promises that He wold be there with us<

[This is a machine transcription from part of a recording. It needs heavy editing to be useful]

1. God’s Promises are unfailing

He had something it just come from the upper room you get I didn't know what or that Jesus promised Silverbell by none but such as I pass Laurelwood church wake up what it had us what it's already been in him in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that's the name that frightens him that's the name that the devil trembles the name of Jesus every sickness every disease has the Baba for the name and Peter simply said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 30 some years but will anyone dare say it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise and while any late top descriptors is that NA went walking leaving and praising God home is a time is the time church needs to come to the place where he can say we have here three for illustration of the personal this was when I was first converted that I haven't been that long already somebody going to sleep wake up when I first was say down that I was a young one time libidinal but going out of the church one morning just shortly after I got say Saddam was so good to me he would understand that what he said in his Word was true and I believe that I still believe that I was going out of morning one of the ladies of the church shorthand for the preacher were going by she reached her down as she shorthand she said: I have a terrible terrible pain I don't know of that I can't remember now some years ago what she said was her hit her with water was what there was some part of her body that was hurting he reached into his pocket and use it and this is what I take and I looked at that and remember now I'm just a new convert and I looked at the man you walked giving her something of a little box this is what I take this is what I take and nurse is given unto me well I field away by your God it's a crazy call me anything you want but I believe his word on what is a church going arise in claim 1S Jesus said I gave when the churches we have resolved misunderstand what I'm saying why do I believe this were I believe that it signed sealed settled in heaven no power present the world and in the world to come that can change to pull this word but laymen is a picture of the church of the spiritual cripples at the gate of the church you must understand that there is cripples all school this city and many of them went to church as spiritual gulps and they're waiting for someone that will come by and say such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and walk I make sense to have the word of God makes all this so many sitting at the gate hope the looking longing of the promises of power and authority must be relieved that where the breakdown come garbage given us great and precious promises but the sad thing is I hear people say yeah I know that it says that but in a again this is a personal testimony not so much for me but for my mother she was telling me she went to church as a Sunday school added to the Sunday school teacher was the pastor's wife and the end she will my mother Billy I never knew whether Wallace go to a doctor in the living room had mumps publicly a hand on me by chickenpox militia had me no matter what we have and I thought it was published in until I got saved and alleged there was something in her that was real and made the difference but I never never was taken to a doctor and only time I went to the doctor was out when I got out of the Marine Corps I made a little mom and I believe it got a believe it going back to my molar and her experience she was there in the Sunday school and their preacher's wife knew that she believed her what she believed in the my mother and her younger life because she was very happy she picked up this name happy and I'm the Sunday school teacher called by name happy while you're supposed God gave doctors mother said almost momentarily spurted God spoke to said what were the world do without doctors what would the world with the greatest physician is not in the practice is in the performance I guarantee you if you're a law when you going to the doctor's office and the time lookup on the wall and it really just like this Dr. Saltonstall licensed by the state of Maine to practice and when anybody practicing on me I don't even take my car to somebody that's practicing mountain I want to find somebody that knows what they're doing see it to believe it got a believe that yes he got into a gray and precious promises but I will March 1670 Mrs. MVA steins shall follow them that no one would church regularly don't miss it on prayer meeting I and these signs shall follow them that believe them that believe them that believe through and I know I had somebody come to me not long... when nothing happens seemingly when I pray I'll expect it to happen if you believe James put it like this since it when you pray belief and always believe that way for us questions Dallas did not waver the microwave of the state on the wind and tossed and lacked not Batman link don't even think them receive anything you believe Lee Bailey my sister said to me several face in the world that's great gave the Rangers a roller I just have all the faith in the world until such as turbo Volvo Sinclair who was a teacher design buttons until he came down with cancer and I pray the law which he may die and she said to me I lost all my face that she was a lot older than I was so not respect for her I felt like saying naughty you didn't lose your faith your feelings get hurt could you thought he ought to do it just because he said it but he's not going to do it is to believe it to believe that several say there is ever a favorite remember this if there's ever failures on our partner is the signs shall follow shall follow a positive it's a guarantee from God shall follow them that believe my name shall they cast out devils I've had once been ready at the altar when one woman came stood right there and screamed at me that devil in her screen that insists you care in ICU and Devil you know I can in the name of Jesus come out and she went green and throwing herself on the floor got up and walked out to you you don't know what you got and I don't know what you've got they will they will mind you my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues that ought to give us a clue who is talking to they shall speak with one time this is not talking to everybody he's not talking about the run-of-the-mill he's not talking about those that claim to be a Christian and follow Jesus he's talking about those that have been filled with the Holy Ghost don't have to be filled with all illustrate the new tongues I'll barely everyman in our time speaking for the people listen to Holy Ghost overshadowed them and they began to speak in a language they never learn from the Jewish scholarships shelves peak new come and they shall lay hands on the sick and they might recover we hope to recover geisha Michelle a shout, preacher said when I pray I hope to get better I'm telling you this morning when I pray I expect them to get their I would be more shocked if they didn't then they do sometimes hopefully what I get chopped of God the we should begin shocked if they didn't do something wrong somewhere on your he's true to his word are faith must rise above the merely asking for things I'll face must rise up golf merely asking for things you must believe a lot of times I hear people down to if you do that please are not after anybody try to help but oftentimes our prayers alike bigger go leafs go is it is no will on our he's already got us going have to beg off believe in him believe him at 40.sub believe in him but he cannot do anything deliberately than what is true to his promises the church needs to you as the power that God has given it against the enemy was underway there at the humans that hinder revival there are demons that hinder revival and caught to not say he was going to remove them but what he did say was I've given unto you power over all the power of the enemy will call will do so with a couple he said I have given you and authority over all the demons churches time that we begin to exercise our face and believe for revival little sweeps of the city the city is in trouble and who has the answer City Hall doesn't have the answer but selectmen doesn't have the onset those folks in Washington don't have the answer this church right here has the answer because we been taught the truth we know what God has promised and he said I have given you power over all the power of the enemy and


if the church refuses to exercise that power the church becomes the VM that God gave power to overcome say that again if the church refuses to exercise that power the church becomes victim to that but they should be conqueror I remember some time ago I pray for Lady God performed a great miracle and I asked much of it coming did you test them all I wouldn't dare to do that because the devil may hit me if I just know you've heard this before but I think it feels fits in here very very well where young man that worked with us in here been here probably a year and even more don't know how long the timeless weekend on one morning came in to the office on is a general Reynolds and I got up this morning I heard the devil say he's at the local troop I like that he wasn't worried about what the devil was doing the devil was worried about him he's up we're in trouble I like that time that the church began to realize what God has put into the hour of the church and all that we requires of us is to believe out 10 listener which is a massive 16 and 19 whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever shall loose on earth's shall be raised in heaven it does not say gobble illicit abundant what it does say God has given us our over the enemy to buying and pollution given the church that power in the church seems to be running off hiding fearful of what the devil. We should be afraid we should be like that young man is up from his upper zone to your word about what the devil to an OU cause in the devil's in trouble in his word about what you would do if the church was in the place it needs to be would be the devil wondering worrying what's going I powers not our power chairs power working through the believer

weblog.minted bloggerborn of god and we been taught of God for the purpose of Christ to live in this boy into the family of God that Christ may live in is my will but Christ lives in that that individual believes we are more than conquerors as they would a bundle when the devil comes in a well-run hide and put in his place which I often have to do this because I'm a preacher that is amended -- and comply doesn't mean that the devil doesn't attack but we have to attack back then God had to say that many times wake up some morning and the sole body just doesn't seem to want to work and I have to take authority in the name of Jesus to those sheets back find a place to pray you I have authority I have authority I'm not boasting I'm simply telling you the truth is I have authority over all the powers of go Christ lives in and he said I have given it's time for us it's time for the church to say I have faced in action makes a man a warrior and days in action makes a man a warrior Vega will need to beg and plead you speak faces bold and acts of God's promises Faith is a bowl with several rounds where did you learn that I learned by experience and I'm about to go into a lot of detail but some of you heard my personal but it needs to be spoken to help some but haven't heard listen either God is true of his promises of the eyelid and the postwar right there helmeted home but me up alternate form the foundation of the garage remember that brought me home up in bed I laid there for three days and heard Hugo Hossain and I told you this before developing short push against the wall and I could put my foot against the pressure would release that pay and I laid there third day of her by her and the Lord spoke to me as clear as I'm speaking to you and said don't you believe my word of if you were then get up and get dressed and important of a three-day 700 and ago just get up and get is I didn't just jump up so they'll hold those pants all my own my home on the edge of the bed and curtain call on me and I finally got them on the shirt on when to stand up when I understand the UK said that's what he said but you believe my word get dressed I got dressed as a believed his work over and cool for us and I could go through so many experiences tell me what the Lord spoke to me that car accident said the same thing here I am in bid strap was shoulder hurting hurting it hurt my testimony how I hurt just the baroque breeds and a lot of Marie's because of her and again the Lord says don't you believe my word she got allowed me to go through some things to help you not just for me but to help you to understand that you've got to take God at his word that I am hurting I mean I was hurting and the Lord said Ray Shira I won't get into the old detail of that because you've heard it before but costs in raise your I raised it to her a racist again or a raise to begin and heard it raised it again six times in this NI I know somebody would say that all well about going to do what you do it wasn't God's fault I had to come to the place where I believed it in the seventh time when I went to raise it there was no pain and I got up and I preached that Sunday God is true to his word we must believe him say this old faces bold acts on God's promises God said it I believe it and it might happen God said it if we believe it it will happen today takes command phase will defeat the devil loose both of our set the captives free open the eyes of the blind is way up there at Pittsburgh New Hampshire they brought along into the tent and she came for prior chief blind been blind for liver 17 years hadn't been able to see the difference between daylight and not share the line that went from Herndon from reports show to the mailbox and she went out there to get her mail by sliding along the line that she's I was just a young man at the time to sell Bibles to one up in Pittsburgh to people at church and at a minestrone on reset the tendo my uncle jumped in his car argosy get somebody driving when around so all of his friends and the fact that placed the end in the midst of it they brought this woman in that was blind prayer time, I never pray for anybody and saw them see the light I prayed for people before some of you folks in the Bible screw you heard me tell about how I went uptown at one time and I was so excited when I first say God has been called everything they promised and I saw this man out there playing his accordion and is blind as a bat at go by car over the side jumped up and ran back to my handle is the name of Jesus receive your eyesight I run back to my car and the law but they came up time and the Lord came to me with an eye to third in the morning with hands raised after 21 days of fasting and prayer and I heard the Lord say I believe lay hands on the sick blind will see deaf will hear lame walk of seeing that over and over again after that night of prayer I raised my hands to her blind eye's says in the name of Jesus Christ eyes be opened and she said screaming and saying I see at your go is as great a Tory promise that we go to believe to believe that for the church is doing all kinds of gimmicks trying to bring them back no we've got the greatest thing we just need to believe what he's already given to the greatest thing the world needs set the captives free open the eyes of the blind make the deaf to say listen to me now faith is destroyed your faith of my faith faith is destroyed when you bake don't they believe in when you believe in when you are believe what you and it shall be granted to you all over the somebody says in mock up father has brought his son to the disciples and is complaining because he brought his son in the disciples did nothing to help the return to Jesus and said if thou canst do anything help us a mercy on us if thou can't Jesus Condit run around on the images if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that he is if thou can't believe my pray for somebody I believe that I've had him also come back the next time the print why because I didn't believe what they did it so well blaming them know I'm just telling you that if a person gets a hold of something big up hold on to it lay hold with that fight for what is ours and God has given us some great promises and we need that laid hold of him and not let them go man came to the tent where Mills Lane collects reinsurerle my job to believench sort of token set him up with his legs up side by side has said in the name of Jesus Christ led to be linked and it would just like to remember a show at next night is back in the line and is saying can you pray for me again g three i isn't everything was fine also than I next morning somebody did something provoked me I got angry grabs cigarette stub smoke in a set while I smoke like a comedy who believed that God in his grace but listen we need to believe the and don't have a bully will never blame the that nothing happens because it's your fault not his key is true to his where all heaven stands and back of his promises all the promises of God are you a name in that the church will ever get to that place where it can begin to believe again to see the things that God has promised I don't know about you but it bothers me when I see even preachers saying while this is a doctor that I don't this is what I take this as well help if thou can't believe all things are possible with them to me by prayer Lord Jesus is given to us great and precious promises that by these we might become part takers of the divine nature and Lanier Word declares that you went about doing good and healing all that were suppressed at the Lord use it that we become part takers of the divine nature and you given to us power and authority over all works so therefore we can go for performing that which you promise Lord raise up which are raised in the church raised to believe that will come out where they are stand for truth's love tools hold to the troops believes the troops glorify the son of God stand with


their daily I know why I can't NA NA and that I'm a aimed at my don is an


IF she Jesus said it, it cannot fail. His Word is true. Bro. Wadsowrth would you close in prayer.