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Who is the Bride of Christ?

Why is it so important to know the truth concerning the Bride of Christ?

Do you have an understanding from the Scripture as to who the Bride of Christ is and what the requirements are for becoming a part of this great company of Believers, which make up the Bride?

There is much controversy, even among scholars of the Bible, as to who the Bride of Christ is and what the requirements are for becoming a part of this company.

It has been my desire throughout this book to let the Scripture speak for itself. Doing this avoids the mistakes of others who try to make Scripture fit into their doctrinal views rather than let the Scripture form their views of doctrine.

This book is written for the implicit purpose of giving a clear understanding of who the Bride of Christ is, and what the Scriptural requirements are to be apart of the Bride.

To disagree may not be evil, but to have a mind that has been prejudiced by false teaching and refust to acccept truth for truth's sake is evil. Jesus said,

"Ye reject the commandment [truth] of God that ye may keep your own tradition."