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Acts 1-7 Study Questions


(Chapters 1-7)

Chapter One Study Questions

1. What did Jesus tell his disciples during the forty days before the ascension? 1:3

Jesus told his disciples of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.

2. What baptism did Jesus promise? 1:5

Jesus promised the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

3. For what distinct purpose is the power of the Holy Spirit given to believers? 1:8

The Holy Spirit is given so that witness of Jesus Christ to the whole world.

4. What did the disciples do in the upper room? 1:14

They were tarrying for the Holy Ghost in one accord in prayer and supplication.

5. What woman is specifically mentioned as being present? 1:14

Mary the mother or Jesus is specifically mentioned as being present.

6. Whose prophecy fitted Judas' case exactly? (Give reference) 1:20

David in Psalms 69:25 and 109:8.

7. How many were assembled in the upper room? 1:15

One hundred and twenty were assembled in the upper room.

Chapter Two Study Questions

8. When the day of Pentecost was fully come what did they hear, see, and do? 2:2-3

HEAR - a sound form Heaven as a rushing might wind

SEE - cloven tongues like as fire

DO - speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance

9. In your own words, how do we account for the great change in Peter? 2:14 (compare John 18:25-27; Acts 4:8)

Peter had been filled with the Holy Ghost.

10. From whose prophecy did Peter quote? Give the reference for that prophecy. 2:16

Peter quoted Joel in Joel 2:28-29.

11. To whom is the promise of the Holy Ghost given? 2:39

12. What was the general atmosphere of the church?

13. Who makes the real additions to the church? 2: 47

ACTS Chapters 1 - 4 Test Please take this test without use of notebooks

  1. Write out Acts 1:8

  2. Write out I John 4:4

  3. In the Old Testament _____ was at work _____ man.

  4. In the Gospels _____ was at work _____ man.

  5. In Acts _____ was at work ______ man.

  6. The Book of Acts contains the acts of _____ carried out _____ _____ _____ through the _____ _____ in establishing the church.

  7. What did the disciples do in the upper room?

  8. When the first day of Pentecost was fully come what did they hear?

  9. What did they see?

  10. What did they do?

  11. In Acts 2 what was the general atmosphere of the church?

  12. What possession is worth more than money?

  13. Prayer and _____ is the combination for saving man.

  14. What was the connecting link between the risen Christ and the healed man in chapter 3?

  15. How do you account for the great change in Peter from John 18:25-27 to Acts?

  16. What part of Peter’s sermon in chapter 4 particularly bothered the Sadducees?

  17. What help did Peter receive in his answer to the Council?

  18. What was the only possible explanation for Peter’s & John’s conduct in Chapter 4?

  19. What did the Christians do about the persecution?

  20. TRUE or FALSE The fruit of their being “filled with the Holy Spirit” was that they spoke the Word of God With boldness.

BONUS: (25 pts) What is God’s purpose for the church? To be God’s appointed _____ for the _____ of men. To show God’s _____ in _____ . _____ the Gospel.