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Romans 12

Chapter Twelve

"A Living Sacrifice"

Romans twelve can involve a lifetime of study, and therefore my comments on this chapter will not be exhaustive. My study of this chapter is ongoing.

Often times words lose their value with us with overuse. Let us look more closely at the vocabulary of the first two verses of this chapter that we may gain a deeper understanding of it:

Beseech — This has the ideas of to call near and intreat. This is a plea in earnest.

Therefore — What is it THERE FOR? All of Chapter eleven expresses what grace has brought about. The outcast has been included. Therefore, we must do….

Brethren — He speaks to those that have been blood bought and born again. Not, the Israel of Isaac of the spiritual Israel.

Mercies of God — It is by the mercy of God that we would be hearing such a plea. Had it not been for God's mercy shown on the road to Damascus, Paul could not make such a plea. He does not make the plea because he is better than everyone, but because of God's mercy is he qualified to make such a plea.

Bodies — In the mortal body we must glorify God. Not just someday and for now do the best that we can. …We should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.—Titus 2:12

Living Sacrifice — The flesh must be crucified. Our will must be crucified. We offer alive, but God thoroughly will purge us as long as we remain on the altar.

Holy — Our lives ought to be light to those that wander in the darkness.

Acceptable unto Godfully agreeable; well pleasing In this age full of men pleasers, we must seek our approval from God. What does He think about a direction you take? To be accepted by this world is to be rejected by Him. We cannot be agreeable with the flesh and this world and at the same time be agreeable to God. There must be a clear line of alliance defined. Who will you side with?

Reasonable service — His yoke is easy, but any requirement God could make of us would pale in greatness to what He has provided for us.

ConformedConform to the same pattern; fashion self according to;

Transformedmetamorphosis; change; This is the miraculous work ofGod.

Renewing of your Mind — Our mind is made new by the Word. Replace our carnal thoughts with What saith the Lord.

Good, Acceptable, & Perfect Will of God — This is not God's three wills, but three adjectives of God's one sovereign will. He is not double-minded.

The following instructions are given for the Believer to follow. Again, a lifetime could be devoted to their study. This chapter is rich, but I will be content for now to simply list the different thought presented. They are categorized respectively, God's gifts to man, and man's return responsibility to God for what God has given.


Grace Given

Dealt to every man the measure of faith

One Body in Christ



Proportion of Faith





Think Soberly

Giving with Simplicity

Ruling with Diligence

Show mercy with Cheerfulness

Let Love be without Dissimulation

Abhor that which is evil

Cleave to that which is good

Kindly Affectioned

Brotherly Love

In Honor Preferring one Another

Slothful in Business

Fervent in Spirit

Serving the Lord.

Rejoicing in hope

Patient in Tribulation

Continuing Instant in Prayer

Distributing to the necessity of Saints

Given to Hospitality

Bless them which Persecute You; Bless and Curse Not

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Be of the same mind one toward another.