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Some Class Notes Part 1 of 2




History is different from prophecy. History has to do with the past and prophecy has to do with the future.

This book was written around sometime around 97 A.D. But remember what the Lord said about time.

II Peter 3:8 – A day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day

Some say don’t touch the book of Revelation; – Revelation 22:18 – So to not accept this book is to in a sense take away from this book; Remember in verse 3 – We read, hear, and we keep. Those who read and keep this book is blessed.

Everything has a beginning in Genesis and everything has an ending in Revelation. Revelation completes the plan that was started in Genesis.

  • Genesis shows the fall of man and Revelation shows the restoration to paradise. Revelation 2:7
  • Genesis reveals the beginning of man’s rebellion and Revelation shows the end of man’s rebellion. II Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1 (What does sea speak of: sea always has to do with something that is troubled, always turning up muck and mire, there is a spiritual element there)
  • Genesis reveals the beginning of the curse – Revelation 22:3
  • Genesis reveals where death began (Genesis 5: - They all die) and Revelation reveals where death ended. Revelation 21:4
  • Genesis reveals Satan’s evil activities; Revelation reveals Satan bound and no longer loosed.               Revelation 20:3


- I Corinthians 1:7

The Apocalypse has to do with the revealing, appearing, manifesting.

Remember when he said with ten thousands of his saints that could mean millions and millions.

- I Thessalonians 1:6-10

When He went up into a cloud, what was that cloud? Remember that when He arouse the graves were opened; and remember Joseph wanted to be buried in the Promised Land; He ascended with the saints, He lead captivity captive.

- I Peter 1:7

Remember this, it is more than just a possibility, it is an absolute; we will be tried. We will be tried by fire.

I felt I had no business preaching, because I didn’t know God.

The death of my first wife – said I’ll never preach his Gospel (trial so hot, until I said God I can’t take it anymore)

The death of my son (one year later, to the very day) – said I’ll preach you’ll Gospel (had it not been for a supernatural miracle of God giving his grace to me, I could have lost my mind)

- Daniel 12:4

- Revelation 22:10

The same spirit that inspired it will make it know to those seek, know, and keep.

Don’t expect to understand and receive Revelation if you are not walking in the light that you have.


(2) It is a revelation of Jesus Christ

What does the name Jesus mean: Saviour (He shall save His people from there sins)

Not by Jesus


  1. The Sons exaltation

Acts 2:33


  1. His ministry in the Church

Revelation 1:13


  1. His position in the throne

Revelation 4:2

  1. His choice of a Bride

Revelation 19:7, 8

Through chapter 1 and 2 is says to him that overcometh, and in the last sense to him that overcometh will sit on the throne with me


  1. His rapture of the Church

Revelation 4:1 – After the church age,

To sit with me on the throne, When? When they become overcomers like He overcome

The outpouring of the Holy Ghost, the fullness, both the former and latter rain, that will help us to enable to obtain that overcoming position.

We cannot produce perfection for ourself, it is promised in the Word. We cannot be off and on, in and out, and expect to receive his power. The outpouring will not be amongst the church. I believe it will be both a personal and in the services outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

I believe the outpouring will be before His Bride is translated. He wants to show His power. The last enemy to be defeated is death.

The church will be raptured after the 3½ years of tribulation. He is not coming back after His Bride, but after the church. The Bride was taken to the Bridegroom. Acts 3:21 …the heaven must receive Jesus until the restitution of all things…  

At the turn of the century, the greatest contenders to the great moves of the Holy Ghost were churchgoers.


  1. His coming in power and glory

Matthew 24:30

What were the signs?

He is coming as that great God of heaven


  1. His raising the dead

John 5:28-29

All that are in the graves are going to hear his voice

vs. 27


  1. His judgment of the nations

Revelation 14:7


  1. His reign and rule on the earth

Revelation 11:15


  1. His judgment on Satan

Revelation 20:

The Lord’s Day has to do with his coming.

If the devil is giving you a hard time, get lost in the spirit. In the natural, everyone of the churches had faults, but John got lost in the spirit and saw that the devil was bound.

After the thousand years, he is loosed and not only deceives many, but many nations; the number as many as the sand of the sea.


(4) It is a prophecy

Some say it is the church producing Christ

Others say it is the Israel producing Christ

Isaiah 66:7

Revelation 12:1, 2

People go wrong because they don’t believe all together that this is prophecy. Israel had no idea they were producing Christ. And remember it is future prophecy. He showed him things that are to come to past.

Revelation 1:19

vs. 19 – Write the things which thou hast seen

vs. 11 – He talks about the things that he has seen. He is writing to the churches. Wherever there is an absence of who he is writing to is to say he is writing to the churches.


Out of the struggle, there is coming a man child. The Bride; the man child has to do with the fully matured child,

It is the Word that is going to produce the Life of Jesus in the life of the believer.

How do we make ourself ready; by appropriating all that God has provided for us.

Some Keys: -It is a book of prophecies -It is written to the churches



(5) It is symbolic

Signs are used through out the scripture.

What does an angel refer to in the scripture? It refers to a messenger, a messenger of God.

Don’t worship anything but God.



A man once said to God, How come you did send us a man who would have a cure for cancer? And God said I did, and you aborted him.


They said to John, I am one of those who kept the sayings of John



Genesis represents the beginning and Revelation represents the ending.

The subject of this book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Revelation is considered to be a gift from God. Revelation is prophecy, and prophecy is the future, history written in advance.

Revelation 4:1

Through it is symbolic language; that does not mean that all is symbolic; and remember whenever he does not refer directly than he is writing to the churches.



  1. Introduction
    1. The Subject of This Book


    1. The Scribe of This Book

John 1:1-14

I John 1:1-3


    1. The Value of This Book

It is a spiritual book and to understand the things of the spirit, it will take spiritual discernment, thus we need and must have the Holy Spirit. Eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard but he hath reveled them unto us by the Spirit (I Corinthians 2:9, 10). Many times we read over things, and have read it over and over but than all to once the Lord reveals something unto you and it is like a new window that is opened unto you.

Judah always in scripture has to do with praise. The great revivals were birthed out of praise, and prayer. Desirers and hungry for God;

Illustration: Grandpa talking about his message, “A Panoramic View of Pentecost” talking about Pentecost, and its changing from old time preachers, to our generation. We desired to be eloquent and have become half-hearted in our life and religion. It is not that old time religion anymore.

The Holy Spirit knows more than you will ever be able to learn. He can do for you in a sec what would take you years and years to learn, actually things you would never learn.

His words are spirit and life. We don’t need half-heartedness anymore.


It is rewarding because of the revelation.

Bro. Gunderson was a man I truly envied-wanted what he had as such, He was great, great man of God.

Every book has a blessing, but Revelations specifically says you will receive a blessing. Blessed are those that read, hear, and obey this book.

Revelations 22:10

Seal not this book because the time is at hand.


  1. The Salutation
    1. The Sources of This Salutation
      3. The Spirit

Not talking about seven spirits, but seven functions of the Spirit.




    1. The Subjects of This Salutation

The Philadelphian age came at the turn of the century; the spirit of God moved and than all the sudden all the church organizations started popping up.

If you deny the Father and the Son, you are of an anti-Christ spirit.

In the 60’s there was a real turning of the organizations.

William Branium said this in the late 50’s; there would be two preachers who would lead the churches into a world council of churches; Oral Roberts and Billy Graham.

Probably around the 50’s & 60’s the Laodicean age started to be ushered in.


    1. The Substance of This Salutation

If we have peace with God that is all that really matters.

Peter was leaving Rome because of Persecution; that was the history of it. And as he was fleeing he had a vision of Christ going to Rome and going to be crucified again; and Peter said no Lord I will go and returned and when they were to crucify Peter he said I am not worthy to be crucified by my Lord, put me upside down.  

And in the midst of it all, He cometh


The sign of the beginning of the tribulation is when God steps on the scene for Israel.


WATCH & PRAY – that you be counted worthy


We need to be seeking, applying all the truth that we can. You can see that tribulation is not far away.

The refining process is developing the Bride but the Church will be come to development through persecution.

Paul said we have the earnest of our inheritance

Kept by the power of God… I Peter 1:4, 5

Those in the last days those who will attain to the Bride, will have the fullness of the spirit; have applied all the truth that they have attained.


    1. The Circumstances of This Salutation

We are brothers because we are born into the same family. A Christian is born into the church; not joining the church will do it.

Remember this, there is going to be suffering, times of real struggle; and that is when you will really get to know God. A development of our faith;


  1. The Vision

Revelation 1:10-20

The Lord’s Day in the scripture always has to do with his coming.

He was transported through time, and was reveled these things.


    1. Received in the Spirit
    2. Commanded To Record It
    3. Commanded To Share It
    4. Announced By A Voice

There is something about the trumpet, and instruments like that, that you could not only hear it, but you could also feel that. When William Branium preached you could not only hear but you could feel it, and Branium was not that loud of a individual.

A great voice, that takes in something more than just a sound.

It is just that voice that goes through you,

Preachers should lift up their voice as a trumpet. We might as well just close the doors if we are just going to entertain people. What is the purpose of the church if all we come for is to be entertained?

PREACH THE WORD!!!   And always be ready to preach and to sound the trumpet.

Leviticus 25:10, 11 – Make the trumpet sound throughout all the land, he wanted everyone to hear the sound, to know it is the year of Jubilee; no matter what they were doing, they could drop their things and go home, it is the year of Jubilee.

Soon and very Soon we are going to see the King





Revelation 1:10-20

The Lord’s Day is the return of the Lord.

It is so important to write things down, even if you think that you will never forget it.


    1. The First Scene of the Vision


The spirit will go with the church. And when the church is taken out;

The Holy Spirit was in the Old Testament but in a different manner.

When the church is taken He will leave in the manner in which he came at the day of Pentecost.

The true church is the body of Christ.


A candle gives light, but out of itself.

Exodus 27:

Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit.

We are not a candle; we need oil to keep our lamps burning.

Is it enough that you got filled with the Holy Spirit once; that means we need to continually be refilled.


II Peter 1:4


    1. The Seconded Scene of the Vision



    1. The Third Scene of the Vision






The Seven Churches

Revelation Chapter 2-3

Seven Letters

  1. Addressed To The Ministers


“Unto the angel of the church”

Revelation 22:8, 9

This was a man that was glorified; it was not an angel as such.


Angle means messenger


    1. It Is A Revelation of Ministerial Responsibility


      1. To hear from God

Ezekiel 3:17

The blood will be required on our hands. This is very serious;

Illus: Bernead Seveay, talked in the pickup, died a few days after

This like murdering a man, it is a sin you would have to repent. The grace of God goes beyond what we can understand.


      1. To receive from God

Galatians 1:11-12

Make sure everything that you preach come from the Lord. Don’t let the theories of the Lord sway you.

A young man in Bible School I was with was swayed every week by the book he read.

Remember the Spirit and the Word agree.

Often times you will sit and hear something and can’t find fault with it, but your spirit does not agree, something is wrong.  

I promised myself, that I wouldn’t give anyone more than one night until I have heard him first.

Illus: Crooked preacher, took offering for Grandpa and took it with him, crooked as corkscrew

It is not just having the right word but we must have the right spirit


      1. To speak for God

Isaiah 58:1


      1. To answer to God

II Corinthians 5:10


    1. It Is A Revelation of Ministerial Distinction


      1. They are a part of the Church

Philippians 2:29

I Thessalonians 5:12, 13

Respect him highly because he is a minister of the Gospel.

Esteem them very highly in love; He makes it very plainly to “know them”

There are some that don’t deserve this honor, you must live right.


      1. Yet a separate part of the Church

Didn’t receive by man, I was called by God to minister.


    1. It Is A Revelation of Ministerial Protection

“He that holdeth the seven stars”


God protects us, in countless situations, we don’t even know about.



      1. Keeps for Himself

John 10:27, 28

Now this scripture is so mistreated; they know Him and they follow Him

This is not eternal security; that is a lie


      1. Keeps from the Enemy

II Timothy 4:16-18

All men forsook me, even Barnabas.

Out of the mouth of the lion, the devil is roaring lion


    1. It Is A Revelation of Ministerial Authority

“In His right hand”


      1. The place of authority

Luke 22:69

God’s right hand having to do with power and authority

Giving them power and authority over devils


      1. It is delegated authority

When God gives delegated authority, can it be taken away? The gifts and callings of God are without repentance.

Example: A.A. Allen – In the closet, lost all recollections of time, 13 things God revealed to him 13 things that were displeasing to God, It took him 13 months to cross of the last on the list. God used him, miracle of the unformed flesh to a baby. One of the greatest miracles; Under pressure of finances and etc he went back to drinking, than he repented, and this cycle went on and on, and eventually he gave up on repenting. Told the ministers, said I know where I am going, but I am going to keep all the people I can from going there.

A young man I know, late in his ministry, got healed in his ministry. God used him but he was not right.

Don’t try to do more than what God calls you to do. So under the pressure of trying to do too much; Without Him we can do nothing, and without Him we are doing it with ourselves.

Luke 9:1


      1. They are His representatives

II Corinthians 5:20

We are ambassadors, we are representatives of Christ.

When in Japan, our commander told us, “Gentlemen, you are ambassadors for the Untied States of America, Act like it, Do the right thing”

We ought to walk right, live right, talk right; it really matters what we say

Some preacher use slang like: gosh and gee – that is referring to God and that is wrong and evil. When we speak of the Lord’s name we should use a lot of reverence and honor and care.

Does it excite you that you are going to heaven and not hell? Shouldn’t I live a life that exemplifies Christ? A Christian should be known by how he looks the presentation.

Something you will encounter in this age; this age of dress down to go to church, they wear ripped cloths to go to church, no suit and or dressed up clothes in honor to him.

“The unfaithful servant saith he delayeth his return” Matthew 24:48

You will have to face some things, and you will have to take a stand against some things.

Will you go to hell out of a suit? No, but we are his ambassadors

Don’t degrade the position that we have been put in, by using the slang of the world, by using slang in general. We are ambassadors for Christ.


What is an apostle? One that is sent

How will they hear unless someone goes, unless someone is sent?

There are true and false prophets and apostles.

I Corinthians 12:28

Set some in the church: Apostles, Prophets, Teachers…Pastors

Are all prophets and teachers, No – there are some

Desire the best gift, the best gift is the one that is needed

An Apostle is usually one that sets up churches…

Can they bear each others qualities?


Some say it is a five-fold ministry. But in reality it is a four-fold ministry. (Teaching-Pastors)

Illus: a man preaching, man said I don’t see anything wrong with having a little bit of paint, and I had to sit them down.




  1. Directed To The Churches


“Who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks”




  1. Seven is the number of completeness
    1. To the whole Church

There is only one church. And that is not talking about the church that is part of the world. Those who are born again and filled with the spirit


    1. To the whole Age

From Pentecost to the Rapture of the Church

There were seven churches scattered through Asia-Minor.

Why does it refer to these seven churches only? In every one of these churches, they had distinguishing marks which were symbolic of each church age.

Yes there were more than these churches in that time and area


  1. Seven is a compound number
    1. The divine number -3
    2. Plus the world number - 4


  1. Seven Gentile churches
    1. No letter for the church at Jerusalem


    1. He will have a Gentile bride

Ruth was a Moabite; Esther was not of the lineage of Abraham

Acts 15:13-15

The Tribulation is really God dealing with the nation of Israel.

 The first 3½ years are not as bad as the later 3½ years; but it still will be bad. People will be killed, tortured and etc…


  1. Seven churches Paul wrote to
    1. Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians

I believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews but it was written to the people and not to a church.


    1. Personal letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon
    2. Believe to have written Hebrews to the people


  1. Ephesus – Church of apostolic age – 96 A.D.



  1. Smyrna – Church of the persecution beginning about the second century – 97 A.D.



  1. Pergamos – Church of imperial favor – beginning about 312 A.D.



  1. Thyatira – Church of the Papacy – beginning 450 A.D.


316 A.D. The holy Roman Catholic church came into being, taking their relics, devised by heathen leaders in the church

The church was birthed on the day of Pentecost, which was the first church; even though the Roman Catholic church will try to claim it.


  1. Sardis – Church of the Reformation – beginning about 1517 A.D.


Martian Luther prior to his great study of the scriptures that lead him to the “just shall live by faith” but before that he, the sprit of God spoke to him that, the just shall live by faith.

Luther fought them in their counsels, and they fought him hard.

God restored faith – Jude says …contend for the faith…

The Wesley brothers restored the element of sanctification, anything that was worldly, and sinful, and bearing the element of the world.


  1. Philadelphia – Church of the latter day outpouring – present through end of age


The Baptist bible college in Topeka, Kansas – students received the power of the Holy Ghost.

They were so earnest in seeking the Lord, they actually set up a time of everyday seeking the Lord, 24 hours, 3 hour periods and then someone else would relieve them, sometimes they would get so enthralled that they say can I take another shift.

That revival spread all throughout America, like a prairie fire, from one town to another. And even around the world.

Philadelphian age is still in affect, even though it is not as prominent as the Laodicean age.

Why? - Revelation 3:10 Philadelphian church will be caught up

Keep the Word, tribulation worketh patience;

…hour of temptation… or interpreted hour of tribulation

Some will be counted worthy; some will be part of the Bride. Some still love his Word, and hold to his Word.

…from… not just put you some place but take you to a great place


  1. Laodicea – lukewarm Church – present through end of age


Some say the Lord would rather you be outright sinful than to be lukewarm. That is not true, remember he is writing to the church, this was a church that used to know the truth but now they have cooled off and they are luke-warm.

Three stages of the Christian walk: cold, luke-warm, and hot

When you are luke-warm, you are comfortable, and that means that you don’t feel your need.

To say that He would rather you be sinful, dear God.


In every church Jesus commended them, condemned them, counseled them, and challenged them.


The most important thing right now: “That you know the truth, and that truth becomes a part of your living.”


There will be a people that will escape the tribulation hour. The hour is becoming more and more self-evident. < Iniquity is abounding – The Love of many is waxing cold -


In the revival back when, they said they had more people in their prayer meetings than in their church services. Used to be that churches ran revivals 5 or 6 months or even three months; but now we have our Sunday morning service and maybe a Sunday night.

Illus: Grandpa, I enjoy reading and studying the Word, it is not something that I have to do. I delight in they Word.



  1. Seven letters John wrote to the Seven Churches
    1. Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea
    2. He wrote the Gospel of John, the three Epistles and Revelation,

Not addressed to the churches as such


  1. Seven distinct parts in each letter
    1. An address
    2. A citation
    3. A statement of knowledge

The Lord knows the end from the beginning. He does not become to be knowledgeable, He knows.


    1. A description of moral status

He is writing to the church, these are not letters written to sinners. As much as he has plans for Israel, he would scatter them if they rebelled.


Some tried by fire, if the Lord brought them to judgment that they would suffer lose. Lose of the things that they had accomplished. They would have had a reward.

Some as if by fire, by the skin of your teeth;

The grace of God goes beyond anything that we can grasp


He is not talking to sinners; He is talking to the church.


    1. A personal application to the individual
    2. A command
    3. A promise


  1. Out of the seven, Christ finds fault with five
    1. One of these He finds nothing to commend
    2. Two alone pass inspection –

Yet they are in contact with elements which He condemns


When you come to Laodicea, probably the most worldly of all of them; He finds complaint with all of them, except for maybe the Philadelphia church, and even that to a certain degree.


  1. The Content of the First Letter

Revelation 2:1

    1. The Messenger

He addresses it to the church of Ephesus, but to the angel of the church

Galatians 2:6-9

Romans 11:13

Ephesus was a gentile church

Galatians 1:12-19

There is some thought that when he went to Arriba, he spent some thought there, and that is where he received those revelations

Upon this rock (revelation) will I build my church; Peter had a revelation

They did not establish the church in Ephesus; it was Paul that started it. Paul was considered the messenger for that church age.

God is established in what He does, He is unchangeable.

We will try to identify who these other angels are.

Paul was a man that was sold out to God and had much power and anointing.

Paul is without questioned

Acts 19:10, 1- ~ Paul pastored this church for about 2 years

Paul established the church around 53 AD

A local church that had an understanding of Pentecost, which started the church age


    1. The City

Why did God select these churches? These seven churches have much type and their names have a lot of meaning also.

Ephesus was on fire for God, fervent; Even an indication that they are overzealous.

God never demeaned them to sell their land and live impoverished.

They sold their lands and everything and they needed help because they became overzealous.

At the day of Pentecost the church was flying high.

Ephesus started out on fire, but now they are drifting

Hebrews 2: - Give the more earnest heed, not to let them slip (in the Hebrew meaning drift) When something drifts it is carried downstream


Great church, great city and know in total ruin.

Revelation 2:1-

Had to be a commitment of both sides, he will not hold you unless you are willing to be held.





    1. Commendation

vs. 2, 3


      1. For their works
      2. Their labor
      3. Their patience

It is so important to wait; We need to be very careful that we are jumpy

The Lord not only gives you a commission but He also has a timetable of when you are to go

We need all the teaching we can get, and we need the Holy Spirit.

It is absolutely necessary – We can do nothing without Him


      1. Separation from evil

If you compromise just a little, than where are you going to stop? We need to be graceful, know what we believe and stand for it, the whole cousel of the Word and do it in a graceful way.


      1. Discernment of falsehood

It is so important to try the spirits.

Judge not – He was speaking to Pharisees and Sadducees (religious leaders of that day)

We are admonished to judge all things – but be careful that you are not doing the thing that you are judging.

    1. Complaint

vs. 4

      1. Remember

They didn’t lose their first love. They left their first love. (They know exactly where they were at, and where they should be, and how it could be if they returned)


      1. Repent

Repentance: going one way – with the current; remembered the old life of righteousness, TURN and make my way back to the cross (change of mind and change of direction)

Repent and do the first works – begin again


      1. Return

Just because the church drifts, he will not just throw you away.

The last church age church he will spew them out of His mouth – If he rejects the church, how does he reject them.

Those that don’t drift and follow Him completely;

Those that he spews out, he spews them out into judgment, in the time of tribulation and into persecution. He has great feeling for the church

“When you hold out a one hand, hold the other hand up.” That way you cannot be hurt, too much. Friends can cut deep than any stranger.

You have to be very careful with ministers – they can burn you really bad.


      1. Remove “or else” “I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent”




    1. Commendation

vs. 6

You gain more, with honey than you do with fire.

Are we to be a ruler over the people? We are to be a leader and a servant.

He our greatest example, He was a true servant.

Foot-washing was a custom of that time, it was a need.

Should we control them? We should lead them.

How does the church run its business? On its knees

They used to pray their pastors in; now they vote them in and check names and etc of the mind and no spirit lead decisions.

There should be limitation and organizations but that should not take the place of God.

At the turn of the century we didn’t have all these originations. They broke away.

1913 – Jesus only broke away from the church

Now it is headquarters; and that does not mean that you cannot serve God in a organization but they will usually try to run you and direct you to a certain way.


    1. Counsel

Terms used in the Bible are often misappropriated.

A babe is not a sheep but a lamp.

Do the lamps know the voice of their Shepard? No, they have to be helped and instructed.

My sheep know my voice and they follow me.


A lot of thoughts that come through our mind that do not necessarily come from others and even us; But usually the devil is throwing his fiery darts.

Whatever comes to you must line up with the Word. The Spirit and the Word agree, always.

When he is come he will take the things of mine and reveal them unto you –

When God speaks to you it will always have a deep meaning. The Lord does not talk frivolously. I need an ear, to hear what the spirit is saying, and have the revelation of his Word.

The natural man understandeth not the things of the spirit for it is foolish.

We need to have the Holy Spirit and we need to have an ear.

Not everything that goes through the air is from God. Be very careful to obey – if the Holy Spirit says something to you and you do not obey, than you will probably find a long while before he visits again but if you obey, he will come again and again

Be quick to obey

He that overcomes – eat of the tree of life

The fullness of the blessings of the Lord is not only for time, but for eternity. There is something for the overcomer to enjoy right now – a separated group.

John was given a book and told to eat it. Revelations

Feast, Live, Enjoy – the revelations of God