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Test: Final Examination with Answers

Final Examination for Romans

Circle the correct answer.

Who does Paul use as an example of justification by faith? (Chapter 6)

  1. Moses
  2. Joshua
  3. Noah
  4. Abraham

What is the main theme of Roman's chapter seven? (Chapter 9)

  1. The sinner's relationship to sin
  2. The believer's relation to the law
  3. The true advantage of having the law
  4. Justification by faith

What does Romans chapter nine talk about? (Chapter 12)

  1. Paul's salutation
  2. Paul's captivity to the law of sin
  3. Paul's salvation experience
  4. Paul's sorrow for the Jews

What Roman government leader lead the first persecution of the Christians in AD 64? (Chapter 14)

  1. Paul
  2. Nero
  3. Titus
  4. Philip

Who did Paul say was "the first fruits unto Christ of Achaia?" (Chapter 20)

  1. Amplias
  2. Epaenetus
  3. Apelles
  4. Asyncritus

Fill in the blanks.

Romans was written from Corinth around 57-58 AD. (Chapter 1)

Although the Gentile did not have the written word; they still had the same principals contained in the Word written on their heart. (Chapter 4)

Those in Christ has received the spirit of adoption. (Chapter 10)

Romans chapter twelve deals with the Christian's duties, which ultimately leads to a surrendered life. (Sura ya 16)

God ordains authority for the purpose of defending good and disciplining evil. (Chapter 17)

Answer True or False.

There is righteousness in knowing the law. (Chapter 3)

False (

The Law has never justified anyone. (Chapter 5)

True (5.1)

The sinner is in bondage and cannot enjoy the fulness of God's intended blessing for him. (Chapter 7)

True (7.2)

God's plan of salvation stops at justification. (Chapter 8)

False (

Priscilla and Aquila were cooks. (Chapter 20)

False (20.3)