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The Spirit of Adoption

(Romans 8:10-16) Those in Christ have received the spirit of adoption.

Having received the spirit of adoption, I have received a new work (v. 10–13)

We can see the importance works of righteousness in verses 10 through 13.

Because of Christ's work, I have life (v. 10)

Because of sin, your body is subject to death, but because of righteousness your spirit is subject to life!

Because of the work of the Holy Ghost, I am alive (v. 11)

The Holy Ghost raised Jesus from the dead. The mortal body that is subject to death is made alive by the Holy Ghost.

  1. The Spirit gives life by freeing the believer from sin and death.
  2. The Spirit gives life by doing what the law could not do.
  3. The Spirit gives life by condemning sin in the flesh.
  4. The Spirit gives life by Christ providing righteousness for us.

Because I am alive, I work (v. 12–13)

Having received the spirit of adoption, I have been received into a new family (v. 14–16)

Are we all God's children? All people are God's creation, but only those born again are God's children (John 1:12–13; Gal. 3:26; Col. 1:16).

The Spirit gives guidance (v. 14)

The Spirit gives adoption (v. 15)

The Spirit gives witness (v. 16)