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The Promises of Adoption

(Romans 17-25) What hope does this Spirit of Adoption bring us?

Patiently wait for the adoption

The believer has great things to look forward to in God. God has done great things in and for the believer and there is yet a redemption that we patiently wait for in hope or faith! What does the believer have to look forward to?

Heirs of God (v. 17a)

The believer receives the privileges and inheritance of a son because he shares a relationship with the Father.

Suffering unto Glorification (v. 17b-18)

Trials prove the true character of the Christian. And although the suffering is not glorious, Paul brings our attention to glory that will follow. The Christian has hope in suffering, for if we suffer, we shall also reign. Christ is our example of suffering (1 Pet. 2:21; Heb. 2:10; 5:8-9; 1 Pet. 4:1; James 5:10).

The creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (v. 19-22)

God has a vast plan and Hope lies ahead for Creation. In bondage because sin is in the world, but there will be a deliverance!