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Confronting the Enemies of Truth

Cover Page

Cults Confronting the Enemies of Truth Introduction to Course Why People are Attracted to Cults ...

Introduction to Course

INTRODUCTIONClass Purpose & ExplanationThe Purpose of this course is to identify the errors of ou...

Why People are Attracted to Cults

They have rejected the Gospel.Because they have rejected the Gospel many are open to just about a...

The Marks of a Cult

Extra-Biblical RevelationsPeople that get involved with revelations that are not in the bible are...

The Christian Responsibility to Cults

What is every Christian's primary responsibility with regard to cults? To be true and faithful st...

Personal Safeguards Against Cults

Spiritual GrowthThe spiritual infant must not tarry too long in infancy It is a critical time bec...

Cultic Philosophies in the Church

The false philosophies of the devil are creeping into the church. Although most of them are not a...

Curious Fascination of the Darkness

OccultI John 4:1—Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: ...

Dangers of Tolerating Evil

There are dangerous influences around us every day that are seemingly harmless. While we are inti...

The Epistle of Jude

3.7.0 Jude

James Reynolds Jr Commentary on Jude

See attachments.



Study Questions