Doctrine 3
3.1.0 Cover Page
Third Year Textbook Doctrine 3 Theology, Christology, Pneumatology, Trinity Knowledge Exchang...
3.1.1 Introduction to Doctrine 3
Introduction to Doctrine 3 Objectives of this Course Personal To aid the student in his personal ...
3.2.0 Introduction to Theology
Introduction to Theology The Definition of Theology Three popular Views of the Term Christian (Bi...
3.2.1 Existence of God
Existence of God God's Existence Affirmed There is no formal proof of God's existence in the Bib...
3.2.2 Nature of God
The Nature of God Definition of God Who and what is God? God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and ...
3.2.3 Erroneous Views of God
Erroneous Views of God By seeing what He is not, we shall be helped to a better understanding of ...
3.2.4 Essence of God
Essence of God Meaning of ESSENCE: The core substance of anything; the ultimate nature of somethi...
3.2.5 The Non-Moral Attributes of God
The Non-Moral Attributes of God Explanation of "Non-Moral Attributes" Attributes The qualities th...
3.2.6 Moral Attributes of God
Moral Attributes of God Moral is a quality having to do with right and wrong. All moral attribute...
3.3.0 Introduction to Christology
Introduction to Christology (TODO)
3.3.1 The Nature of Christ
The Nature of Christ Christology is the study of Jesus Christ. Christ is the Greek form of the He...
3.3.2 The Pre-incarnate Christ
The incarnation refers to Christ taking on the form of a man. Philippians 2:7 -8—But made himsel...
3.3.3 Names, Offices and Attributes of Christ
Names, Offices, and Attributes of Christ The Names of Christ Jesus Jesus is the Greek translitera...
3.3.4 Work of Christ
THE WORK OF CHRIST The ministry of Christ Jesus had compassion on the sick and healed all that ca...
3.4.0 Introduction to Pneumatology
Introduction to Pneumatology (TODO)
3.4.1 Person of the Holy Ghost
The Person of the Holy Ghost The study of the Holy Ghost is referred to as pneumatology. "Pneuma"...
3.4.2 Ministry of the Holy Ghost
The Ministry and Work of the Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost will always exalt Jesus Howbeit when he, ...
3.5.0 Introduction to the Trinity Doctrine
Introduction to the Trinity (TODO)
3.5.1 Trinity Doctrine Defined
Trinity Doctrine Defined Trinity is from the Latin trinus and means threefold In reference to God...
3.5.2 Trinity Doctrine Expounded
Trinity Doctrine Expounded The word trinity means three who are one. It is the idea that God is t...
3.5.3 Erroneous Views of the Godhead
Erroneous Views of the Godhead THESE ARE FALSE VIEWS! Sabellianism Bishop Sabellius taught that F...
3.5.4 One God in Three Persons
One God in Three Persons The Father is God One God and Father of all (Eph. 4:6, I Cor. 8:6) Jesus...
3.5.5 The Trinity in Type
The Trinity in Type The Ark of the Covenant (Hebrews 9:4) The tables of stone The Father is the g...
3.5.6 The Trinity is Illustrated throughout Creation
The Trinity is Illustrated throughout Creation Man is created in God's image (Gen. 1:26) One man ...
3.5.7 God in Three Persons Scripture Passages
God in Three Persons Scripture Passages The baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3:16-17) Jesus is in the wate...
3.6.0 Simple Glossary