3.2.2 Nature of God
The Nature of God
Definition of God
Who and what is God?
God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. Westminister Catechism
God is the infinite and perfect Spirit in whom all things have their source, support and end. Strong
Scriptural descriptions of God.
God is Spirit John 4:24
God is light I John 1:5
God is love I John 4:16
God is a consuming fire Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29
Names of God
God reveals Himself by His names.
The principal names of God are nine, falling into three classes of three names each which indicates the Trinity.
Three primary names of God
Elohim God
El strength or strong one
Alah verb from which Elohim comes from means, to bind oneself by an oath
The creation name of God
A plural noun
Used with the singular verb bara (create in Gen. 1:1.
Signifying the Trinity of God
Jehovah LORD
Comes from havah v. to be
The I AM
The Self Existent one
The Covenant keeping name of God
Jehovah-jireh (the LORD will provide) Gen. 22:14
Jehovah-rapha (the LORD that healeth) Ex. 15:26
Jehovah-nissi (the LORD our banner) Ex. 17:8-15
Jehovah-shalom (the LORD our peace) Judges 6:24
Jehovah-ra'ah (the LORD my shepherd) Ps. 23:1
Jehovah-tsidkenu (the LORD our righteousness) Jer. 23:6
Jehovah- shammah (the LORD is there) Ezk. 48:35
Adonai Lord
Lord or master Gen. 15:2, Ex. 23:17
Conveys the idea of rulership and dominion
Three names compounded with El (The Strong One)
El Shaddai Almighty God Gen. 17:1; Ex. 6:3
The God who is sufficient
Shad breast
Used in Scripture for a woman's breast Gen. 49:25
God is the nourisher, the satisfier(the contented babe)
El Elyon Most High God Gen.14:18-22
El Olam Everlasting God Gen. 21:33
Three names compounded with Jehovah
Jehovah Elohim LORD God Gen. 2:4
Shows God's relationship to man
As Creator books.Genesis 2:7-15
As Master books.Genesis 2:16,17
As Ruler books.Genesis 2:18-24
As Redeemer books.Genesis 3:8-15,21
Shows God's relationship to Israel --
Gen. 24:7, Ex. 3:15, Deut. 12:1
Adonai Jehovah - Lord LORD (Lord God KJV)
Emphasizes Jehovah is Master Gen. 15:1,2,
Deut. 3:24, 9:26, Joshua 7:7
Jehovah Sabaoth LORD of Hosts I Sam. 1:3, Ps. 24:10, 46:7,11
Occurs with special reference to warfare
Used of Jehovah Manifesting His power and glory
Occurs in the crises of Israel's need
Hosts primarily refers to angels
The idea of all Heavenly power as available for the needs of God's people
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