3.2.3 Erroneous Views of God
Erroneous Views of God
By seeing what He is not, we shall be helped to a better understanding of who He is.
1. Agnosticism-from two Greek words meaning not Knowing
Denies the human ability to know God
From the same etymology as ignoramus
The agnostic declares that the finite cannot grasp the infinite.
Refutation to this view
We can know of God without comprehending Him
The Scriptures declare that God is knowable
Jeremiah 24:7 And I will give them a heart to know me, that I Am the LORD:
Daniel 11:32 The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
2. Polytheism is the worship of many gods
Characteristic of ancient religions
Still practiced today in heathen lands
New age cults
Based on the idea that the universe is governed by many forces
God of water
God of fire
God of other forces of nature
Worshipped the creature more than the creator Rom. 1:25
Refutation to this view
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
Matthew 4:10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.
books.John 17:3—And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent
kjv/deuteronomy.6:4 books.Deuteronomy 6:4
God is One
Three persons within One God
Monotheism the worship of One God
3. Pantheism all is god
The earth is all part of god
Trees, birds and all the animals
Man is also god
According to the pantheist god lives and expresses himself through nature
Refutation to this view
Pantheism confounds God with nature
The poem is not the poet
The creature is not The Creator Romans 1:25
4. Materialism matter is the cause of all life and mind(Big bang theory)
Denies any distinction between mind and matter
Man is simply an animal
Refutation to this view
Life only comes from existing life
No instance has ever been demonstrated of life coming from dead matter
God is the creator of all life
5. Deism admits there is a personal God, who created the world; then left it to be governed by natural law
A wound clock left to run on its own
Leaves no room for Divine intervention
No miracle is possible
Refutation to this view
Scriptural testimony of Divine intervention
Historical record of God's providence
6. Dualism there are two opposing forces of good and evil
Portrayed as good angel verses bad angel
Refutation to this view
God is more than an impersonal force
Satan's kingdom has been defeated
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