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3.5.4 One God in Three Persons

One God in Three Persons

The Father is God

One God and Father of all (Eph. 4:6, I Cor. 8:6)

Jesus referred to The Father as God (John 20:17)

The Father has life in Himself (John 5:2)

Scripture refers to The Father as God (Phil. 2:11, I Peter 1:2)

The Father is ascribed the attributes of Deity (John 1:18, John 20:17, Matt. 18:19)

The Son is God

The Word that became flesh is God (John 1:1)

Jesus is The I Am (John 8:58)

The Mighty God (Is. 9:6-7)

The Great God (Titus 2:13)

In Jesus dwelt the fullness of The Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9)

Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8)

The Holy Spirit is God

Scripture refers to The Holy Spirit as God (Acts 5:3-4)

The Holy Spirit is ascribed the attributes of Deity (Acts 1:8, Rom. 15:19, I Cor. 2:11, I John 5:6)

Each Person of The Godhead active in creation:

  1. Father (Gen. 1:1)
  2. Son (John 1:1-2)
  3. Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2)