The Value, Meaning and Need of Personal Soul-Winning
The Value, Meaning and Need of Personal Soul-Winning
The Soul-Winner Receiving And Following. The Soul-Winner must receive from God and must closely follow Christ if he is to be effective. The wisdom and power of influence of the soul-winner are truly from God.
The Value of Personal Soul Winning
Matthew 16:24—… If any man will come after me…follow me.
Philemon 23; Col. 1:7; 4:12; Hosea 6:3; John 8:12; 10-27; 12:26; 21:22; Eph. 1:8; 5:1; I Peter 2:21; Rev. 14:4
Save souls from Hell.
James 5:20; Jude 23; John 3:18, 36
Builds up the Church
Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:47; Luke 13:23-30
Keeps the Church alive.
Matt. 10:32
You will die spiritually if you do not witness.
Prov. 15:24; John 6:63; Matt. 7:13,14; 24:14; I Cor. 1:18; John 1:7; Rom. 1:16
You will be chastened to witness fruitfully and faithfully.
John 15:2—Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
Revelation 3:19—As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
John 15:17—These things I command you, that ye love one another.
The Meaning of Personal Soul-Winning
Evangelism is to the multitude. (Fishing with a big net.)
Personal Soul-Winning is to the individual. (Fishing with a hook.)
Personal Evangelism (one on one) is the greatest means for catching men. For example, here is a common ratio of results:
2 years revival in a church may yield 48 converts: 11 men/37 women
2 years personal work may yield 75 converts: 40 men/35 women
That personal touch reaches the man’s heart. Women are freer than men to respond on their own. Men seem to hold back so they need that personal one-on-one care.
The Gospel is like tonic—it is meant for all.
Mark 16:15 says the Gospel is to be preached “To every creature”. There is not a people to whom the Gospel would be irrelevant or insufficient. The power of the Gospel exceeds even the mythology of the Greek goddess Panacea. (Panacea was supposeably able to heal anybody and everything using a particular potion. The word panacea is therefore used today meaning a cure-all.) Panacea was fictitious, but the Gospel is absolutely in truth a cure-all.
The Gospel can also be likened to a tonic. A tonic is an agent (as a medicine) that increases body tone, invigorates, restores, refreshes, or stimulates. We need the Word of God to stir our FAITH. Everything in the Word is for everybody in every place.
Personal Evangelism is like a prescription—it is for the individual.
Personal Evangelism prescribes to the individual the Word of God for his need of Salvation. A prescription is very specific and it is given for a certain thing for one person in one place. We need to use all means that we have in reaching the lost, but one at a time. We still may hang out a lot of ropes and we are bound to catch a soul on one!
The Need in Personal Soul-Winning
The ultimate need in Personal Soul-Winning is a consistent life that bears witness to the truth and power of the Gospel. People would rather SEE a sermon any day over HEARING one. We must remember the holiness and spirituality of our mission.
NOTE: Go to God for man before you go to man for God. (PRAY)
We need to remember three things about the Gospel.
Go with the Gospel
Grow with the Gospel
Glow with the Gospel
We need to understand three things.
We are Ambassadors for Christ.
An ambassador is the highest ranking diplomat. A diplomat is a government representative. A diplomat must be a tactful person. As a diplomat a person is representing his government. To represent is to take the place of another; such as, the ambassador may be sent in the place of the President.
Being an Ambassador for Christ is the highest calling (HOLY CALLING) and honor with the greatest privilege. We have the most solemn responsibility to represent all Heaven as one of the highest ranking Diplomats of the Kingdom of God.
2 Thessalonians 1:11
John 12:26—If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour
Phil. 3:14; II Tim. 1:9; Heb. 3:1; I Cor. 1:26; II Cor. 5:20; Eph. 6:20; Prov. 13:17
We are living Epistles.
What message is the world reading from our lives?
II Cor. 3:2, 3; Heb. 8:10; 10:16
We are Christians—Christ Followers/Disciples.
The Disciples were first named Christians at Antioch in 43 AD. The Greek word for "Christian," is Christianos. This means "follower of Christ.” Originally, it was probably a term of mocking or derision – "little Christs." Eventually, however, Christians used it of themselves as a name of honor, not of shame (Acts 26:28; I Peter 4:16). Every born-again believer that continues on in truth, faith and love and follows Jesus is a true disciple. Acts 11:26; 26:28; I Peter 4:16
We must live right.
We must talk right.
We must act right.
“Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, and reap a habit. Sow a habit, and reap a character; Sow a character, and reap a destiny.—Charles Reade
Every small virtue or vice leaves its mark. All poor habits must be resisted and all virtues protected. How do we get rid of a poor habit? The only way is to STOP, and not just wean yourself off. Let Jesus take it from the beginning. Drop the habit, don’t try to get rid of it little by little.
Begin with a Habit –
Lose some, and you have
Abit –
Lessen a little more, and still see a
Bit –
Taper off more, but you will still have
It –
Cut all the way down to almost gone, but there is
And yielding to temptation can bring the habit all the way back! Lay it ALL on the altar NOW.
We need a vision – a two-fold vision
To see Jesus John 1:29-36
To see the field (need) John 4:35; Matt. 9:36-38
We need an aim – a two-fold aim
To know Jesus John 17:3; 16:15
To make Him known John 15:27
We need action – a two-fold action
To know truth – evangelical
To make the truth known – evangelism
To evangelize is to be actively engaged. You cannot evangelize while slumbering and sleeping. Mark 16:15 …GO…PREACH…
We need to be evangelistic and not merely evangelical…
DEFINITION: Knowing or having truth; Having truth stored and not in motion |
DEFINITION: Going and carrying the truth; making the truth known |
Truth on Ice |
Truth on Fire |
Preserving It |
Using It |
A reservoir of pure water. Clean, untouched, and a great fortress that is well-fortified, but going nowhere. |
Putting a pipeline into every heart and soul just like putting a pipeline from a reservoir to a needy place. (i.e., water irrigation) |
sings – “Hold the fort for I am coming” |
Storm the strongholds for God is leading! |
The Church is an offensive force and not merely a defensive agent. Matt. 16:18 says, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The Truth is not something to be defended for truth is Stand alone—does not need to be propped up. Truth is the force to fight with, not a form or a force to fight for.
1 – Truth is Eph. 6:17 – Your weapon (sword) to fight with.
2 – Faith is Eph. 6:16 – Your protection (shield) to resist and to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
3 – Love is I John 4:8,16 – Your source of strength, power and encouragement. “God is Love” You draw from God His love then give to all men the love of God.
You don’t defend the Word or protect the Word or give your word. Sow the Word of God and let God give the increase. Eccl. 11:6; I Cor. 1:17, 18; 3:6-9; Acts 6:7; Jude 21 “Keep…looking…unto Eternal Life.”
Aliyeiokoa roho ataipokea Na kuiendeleza
Aliyeiokoa roho huipokea kwa Mungu na ni lazima amfuate kwa karibu Kristo ili aimudu kazi yake. Hakika Mungu humpatia hekima na uwezo wa kushawishi kila anayeokoaa roho za watu
Matayo 16:24—…Mtu yeyote akitaka kunifuata na ajikane mwenyewe ajitwike msalaba
wake, anifuate
Filemoni 23; Wakol. 1:7; 4:12; Hosea 6:3; Yohana 8:12; 10-27; 12:26; 21:22; Efeso. 5:1; I Petro 2:21; Ufunuo. 14:4
Thamani binafsi ya kuokoa roho
Ziko roho kutoka kuzimu
Yakobo 5:20; Yuda 23; Yohana 3:18, 36
Hulijenga kanisa la Bwana.
Mt.. 16:18; Matendo 2:47; Luka 13:23-30
Huliweka kanisa hai.
Mt.. 10:32
1. Utakufa kiroho kama hutatoa ushuhuda wako
Methali. 15:24; Yohana 6:63; Mt.. 7:13,14; 24:14; I Wakor. 1:18; Yohana 1:7; War. 1:16
2. Utalazimika kushuhudia kwa matunda na uaminifu wako
Yohana 15:2 - Kila tawi ndani yangu lisilozaa huliondoa na kila tawi lizaalo hulisafisha ili lizidi kuzaa…….
Ufunuo 3:19 - Wote niwapendao mimi nawakemea, na kuwarudi; basi uwe na bidii, ukatubu.
Yohana 15:17-Haya nawaamuru ninyi, mpate kupendana.
Maana ya Mtu Binafsi Kuokoa Roho
Injili ni kwa ajili ya mkusanyiko. (Ni kuvua kwa wavu mkubwa kabisa)
Mtu binafsi kuokoa roho kunamhusu mtu mmoja. (Kuvua kwa kutumia ndoano)
Kuinjilisha mtu binafsi (mmoja kwa mmoja) ni njia kuu ya kuwapata wanadamu. Kwa mfano: Hapa chini tulinganishe matokeo.
Kwa miaka 2 ya uamsho katika kanisa tunaweza kuzalisha;
Watu 48 waliookolewa: Wanaume 11 na wanawake 37
Na kwa miaka 2 ya kazi ya mtu binafsi inaweza kuzaa
Watu waliookoka 75: Wanaume 40 na wanawake 35
Njia ya kuwasiliana na mtu binafsi inaugusa moyo wake. Wanawake wako huria zaidi kuitikia wito kuliko wanaume. Wanaume wanajizuia zuia kwa hiyo wanahitaji kuhudumiwa kibinafsi; mtu mmoja kwa mtu mmoja.
C. Injili ni kama soda ambayo huchangamsha – ni kwa ajili ya wote.
Marko 16:15 - Akawaambia, enendeni ulimwenguni mwote mkaihubiri injili kwa kila kiumbe. Hakuna watu ambao injili haiwahusu au haitoshi. Nguvu ya injili inazidi hata zile za kufikirika katika simulizi za miungu – wa Kigiriki kama yule aitwaye Panasea. (Panasea alisemekana kuwa ni kimungu kilichokuwa na uwezo wa kutibu mtu yeyote au kitu chochote kwa kutumia dawa fulani. Neno Panasea linatumika siku hizi kumaanisha dawa ya kila kitu.
Injili inaweza pia kulinganishwa na soda. Soda ni kiburudisho (kama ilivyo dawa) ambayo huutuliza mwili, huuchangamsha, huurudishia siha njema na huusisimua. Tunalihitaji neno la Mungu kuiamsha IMANI yetu. Chochote kilichoko katika neno la Mungu ni kwa ajili ya kila mtu..
D. Injili kwa mtu binafsi ni kama amri- ni kwa ajili yake huyo mtu mmoja.
Injili kwa kila mtu mmoja inamwelekeza Neno la kumfaa yeye binafsi ili aweze kuokolewa. Amri hutolewa kwa lengo maalumu, kuhusu mahali na kitu kimoja. Tunahitaji kutumia kila njia tuwezayo kuwafikia roho za watu waliopotea mmoja mmoja kwa wakati tofauti. Huenda tukalazimika kuweka mitego mingi na tukafanikiwa kuokoa roho moja.
#Mahitaji ya mtu binafsi ya kuokoa Roho
Hatimaye ni mtu mmoja mmoja anayeweza kuokoa Roho za watu kwa kuishi ukweli unaompendeza Mungu kwa ushuhuda na kuongozwa na Injili. Watu wanapenda kuona Injili kwa matendo kuliko kuisikia tu. Tunapaswa kukumbuka utakatifu na usafi wa moyo katika safari yetu ya kiroho.
ANGALIZO: Nenda kwa Mungu kwa ajili ya kumpata mwanadamu kabla hujaenda kwa Mwanadamu kwa ajili ya kumpata Mungu (SALI)
Inabidi tukumbuke vitu vitatu kuhusu injili.
1. Nenda na injili
2. Kukua kiroho na injili
3. Angaza na injili
Tunatakiwa tuelewe vitu vitatu.
1. Sisi ni mabalozi wa Kristo
Balozi ni ofisa wa ngazi ya juu anayeiwakilisha serikali. Ofisa anayeiwakilisha serikali ni lazima awe na mbinu nzuri. Kama balozi anaiwakilisha serikali yake. Kuwakilisha ni kushika nafasi badala ya mtu nmwingine; kwa mfano balozi anaweza kutumwa badala ya Rais.
Ukiwa ni balozi wa Kristo umeitikia wito wa juu kabisa (WITO MTAKATIFU) ambao una marupurupu mengi mno. Tunao wajibu mkubwa wa kuiwakilisha mbingu kama Mabalozi wa Ufalme wa Mungu.
2 Wathesalonike. 1:11-Kwa hiyo tuwaombee ninyi siku zote, ili Mungu wetu awahesabu kwamba mmekustahili kuitwa kwenu, akatimiza kila haja ya wema na kila kazi ya imani kwa nguvu.
Yoh. 12:26 - Mtu akinitumikia, na anifuate; nami nilipo, ndipo na mtumishi wangu atakapokuwepo. Tena mtu akinitumikia, Baba atamheshimu
Fil 3:14; II Tim. 1:9; Ebr. 3:1; I Wakor. 1:26; II Wakor. 5:20; Efe 6:20; Methali. 13:17
2. Sisi ni Nyaraka zilizo hai
Je ulimwengu unapata ujumbe gani unapoyasoma maisha yetu?
II Wakor. 3:2, 3; Waebr. 8:10; 10:16
3. Sisi ni Wakristo - Wamfuatao Kristo / Wafuasi
Wafuasi wa Kristo waliitwa Wakristo huko Antiokia mwaka 43 baada ya kuzaliwa Kristo. Neno la Kigiriki la neno Mkristo ni Christianos. Hili neno maana yake ni mfuasi wa Kristo. Mwanzoni neno hili lilikuwa kama la kejeli au dharau – “Kakristo kadogo.” Hata hivyo, siku za baadaye, Wakristo wenyewe walianza kulitumia kama jina la heshima (Matendo 26:28; I Petro 4:16). Kila mtu aliyeokoka huenenda kwa ukweli, imani na upendo na kumfuata Yesu. Huyu ni mfuasi wa kweli wa Yesu Matendo 11:26; 26:28; I Petro 4:16
a. Lazima tuishi ipasavyo.
b. Ni lazima tuseme ukweli.
c. Ni lazima tutende kwa haki.
“Otesha wazo, vuna tendo na ujipate tabia.
Otesha tabia, uvune mwenendo na utajipatia maisha.”
—Charles Reade
Kila tendo dogo la wema au uovu huacha kovu. Matendo yote ya kimasikini yanapaswa kukataliwa na matendo mema yalindwe. Je tutaondoaje matendo ya kimasikini? Njia pekee ni KUACHA, sio kusitisha kwa muda. Mwachie Yesu abebe toka mwanzo. Acha kabisa tabia mbaya usiipunguze kidogo kidogo.
Anza na Tamaa –
Punguza kidogo, na utabaki na
Kidogo –
Toa tena kidogo, na utaendelea kuona
Kidogo –
Kata utambi kidogo, lakini bado unacho kipande
Chake –
Kata mpaka chini karibu uumalize, lakini bado
ipo – Tamaa
Kwa kuendekeza tama inaweza kukurudishia tabia uliyokuwa nayo! Yaweke YOTE katika alitare SASA.
Tunahitaji kuwa na maono – maonyo chanya.
Kumuona Yesu Yohana 1:29-36
Kuona makutano (mahitaji) Yohana 4:35; Mt.. 9:36-38
Tunahitaji kuwa na lengo – lengo chanya
Kunjua Yesu Yohana 17:3; 16:15
Kumtangaza Bwana Yohana 15:27
Tunahitaji matendo – Matendo chanya
Kuufahamu ukweli – wa kiinjili
Kuufanya ukweli ujulikane– Injili
Kuihubiri injili ni kujihusisha kikamilifu. Huwezi kuitangaza Injili ukiwa unadinzia au ukiwa umelala. Marko 16:15 …NENDA…KAHUBIRI…
Inabidi tuwe wainjilishaji na siyo tuwe wa injili. .…
UFAFANUZI: Kufahamu au kujua ukweli; kuwa na ukweli ambao umehifadhiwa bila kuwekwa katika matumizi yeyote |
UFAFANUZI: Kuubeba na kuutangaza ukweli |
Ukweli ulio juu ya barafu |
Ukweli unaowaka moto |
Uliohifadhiwa |
Unaotumika |
Hifadhi ya maji safi salama ambayo hayaguswa, kama gereza imara ambalo halina kazi. |
Unganisha bomba katika kila moyo na roho kama kuweka bomba la maji kwenye kianzio na kuyaelekeza katika sehemu yenye mahitaji (mf.kilimo cha umwagiliaji) |
Huimba – “Shikilia funguo zako kwa kuwa ninakuja” |
Ingilia mlangoni kwa kuwa Mungu anaongoza! |
Kanisa linazo nguvu nyingi sio wajibu wake kujilinda. Mt. 16:18 anasema, “Malango ya kuzimu hayatakuwa kizuizi.” Ukweli siyo kitu cha kutetewa ukweli husimama wenyewe – ukweli hauhitaji kusaidiwa. Ukweli ni nguvu ya kupigana siyo mfumo au jeshi la kupiganiwa.
1 – Ukweli ni Waefeso. 6:17 – Silaha yako (Upanga) ya kupigana nayo.
2 – Imani ni Waefeso. 6:16 – ni ulinzi wako (ngao) kujizuia au kuzima mishale mikali ya yule muovu.
3 – Upendo ni I Yohana 4:8,16 – Chimbuko la uwezo wako, nguvu na motisha. “Mungu ni Upendo” unachota kutoka kwa Mungu upendo wake ambao unawapatia wanadamu wake.
Hulichungi neno la Mungu au kulilinda au kutoa neno lako. Otesha neno la Mungu na umwachie Mungu alipatie uzao. Eccl. 11:6; I Wakor. 1:17, 18; 3:6-9; Matendo 6:7;Yuda 21 “Jilindeni…mkijongea…katika Uzima wa Milele.”
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