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Call to Separation


Song of Solomon 4:2 Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.

LEBANON- Was the border mount between the enemy’s country and the Promised land. It was never conquered by Israel. It is that buffer zone of mountainous country between the world and the Promised Land. Symbolic of the separation between the world and the Believer. Between compromise and faithfulness to God.

History tells us that these mountains were infested with thieves and outlaws. Always there and ready to devour the wayfaring traveling. Lions, leopards, chasms, and outlaws.

Lions and leopards. The lion is a symbol is of the roaring enemy full of hatred and open anger against God. To devour whoever that is out there. Bitter and full of open hatred for God.

The Leopard is a symbol of an enemy that is subtle and swift against all mankind. In Revelation 13:2 the leopard is used as an emblem of the antichrist.

IN that border land is where the enemy is most successful in getting its pray. Sad thing 90% of the church resides in this territory. 90% of the church will make it to Heaven as of by fire. Lingering around where they got in at. He would not have us to tarry in this borderland experience.