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The Law of Recognition, Part 2

  • PREACHER: Greg Roberts
  • DATE: 20120526P
  • TITLE: The Disciples, Concerned with the End-Time; The Lord Concerned with the Mean-Time

(The Law of Recognition, Part II)

Text: Acts 7:8


A sign in Westminister Abbey commemorating John & Charles Wesley:

“God buries the workers, but carries on the work.”


We must deal with the business at hand and be seriously concerned with the ‘mean-time’.


End-time Christians are more concerned with deciphering the fourth toe on the left foot of some beast in Revelation, yet, never use their own feet to witness to a neighbor.”--Vance Havner


The power of God is not to make you feel good, or feel an emotional move, but this power is that we become witnesses unto God!


Never lose the vision.


Dick Vernel (sports commentator) 1970’s --”You cannot fire a cannon from a canoe.” The recoil would be too powerful and would sink the canoe. The church is in the soul-saving, delivering, power of God business and not the ‘cap-gun’, pea-shooting kind. I’m not a canoe trying to shoot a cannon; I am a child of God!”


You can make it. There is not a demon in hell that can stop an ordained child of God. All we need is God! if we take hold of God, It will work in this hour!


May 20, 1927, Charles Lindbergh, left from New York flying to Paris. 33 hours long flight. Lindberg felt a presence come in and help him stay awake. A presence to guide him when his windows iced up and his instruments failed. he referred to this flight as the “flight WE made” and not the flight “I made.” We won’t make it on our own ability, but we will by God! Thank you Lord for holding my hand.


How many times has deliverance come, at the moment before surrender? “Deliverance on the Way to Surrender.” (A sermon preached once.) It happened to the four lepers that said “Why sit here until we die?” Their plan was to surrender to the Syrians, but God worked a deliverance instead.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 1973 visited the US told of his 8 years of despair in a Soviet Union. He chose suicide by attempting to escape. A fellow prisoner drew a cross on the ground. He received this as a message from God not to take his own life. When he returned to camp, he was told he was to be released. DON’T EVER STOP BELIEVING. IT WILL WORK.

Sgt. Alvin York, from Tennessee, a deeply religious man and unwilling to go to war until his pastor convinced him to. He alone killed 20  germans and convinced a german major to surrender with 132 man. They asked him how he did it. He replied, “I surrounded them.”


Get concerned about your life, RIGHT NOW. Where are you at in the Kingdom of God right now? Are you on your way to HELL or HEAVEN?


Acceptance does not mean APPROVAL. (I let my children eat at my table, but I don’t approve of what they do.) When Mary Magdalene came in, Jesus did not approve of all she was, but He accepted her. If we can build a warm, friendly fellowship where our acceptance does NOT mean approval, than we can create an atmosphere where lives can be transformed.


The majority of people do not choose a church because of theology, but because of the people. Even pentecostal preachers have been reduced to ‘motivators.’ People are not worried about theology, or being right and holy, but just ACCEPTANCE meaning APPROVAL.


What difference does it make if you drink it out of crystal or a brown paper bag, whether you get it from a doctor or someone on the street?


Where are we at now? Sin carries people LOW. We cannot kick the sinner to the door, but must offer them CHRIST!