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Message Given at Landmark Convention Ministers Breakfast 2011

The Holy Ghost

Minister’s Breakfast, Saturday, April 16, 2011

For surely I have ordained this hour and opened this door opened. Yea I would say unto thee hast thou not heard the cry of the lost? Would you say that your preaching must be unto those who can give into your hand? Yea, I say I have called thee unto nations that are broken and down and destitute because of sin. Yea, I have called you to suffer and endure hardness as a good soldier. Surely I wouldst say unto thee this day, ‘Shake off the bondage of thy comfort.’ Hear the call that I give unto thee. There are souls this day that are dying. I say unto you, you can make a difference if you will have hearkened unto the call. Say not there is tomorrow for the night is coming when no man can work. Oh, Let not the cry come from your lips, ‘The harvest is past, the summer is ended and they are not saved.’ I say unto you this day, hearken unto the call of the Lord your God. Surely I will anoint you. Surely I will make a way when there seems to be no way. Yea, I say unto you, ‘I own the cattle on a thousand hills. It is nothing for me, I am God.’ But yea this day I need a sacrifice. Yea this day, give unto me your loaves and fishes and I thy Lord will multiply them and you shall know that it is God that hath done this thing. The door is open. Go this day. Go and I the Lord thy God will go with you.