Archived: Introduction to Course
Doctrine I
Definition of Doctrine - (dictionary) The principles, beliefs, or dogma of any church, sect, or party.
I. The Meaning of Doctrine:
The word “doctrine” literally means “teaching” or “instruction” and may be defined as the fundamental truths of the Bible arranged in systematic form. This study is also commonly called theology, which means literally “a reasoned discourse about God.” Theology or doctrine may be defined as a science which deals with our knowledge of God and His relations with man.
Why do we describe theology or doctrine as a “science”?
What is the connection between theology and religion?
What is the difference between a doctrine and a dogma?
II. The Need For Doctrine:
1. Doctrinal knowledge supplies the need for an authoritative and
systematic statement of truth. John 17:17
2. Correct doctrinal knowledge is essential to salvation. I Tim. 4:16
3. Doctrinal knowledge is essential to the full development of
Christian character, and contributes to our instruction in
righteousness. II Tim. 3:16
NOTE: An understanding of doctrine is essential to growth in Christian character. It has been well said that “Christian character is a fruit that grows only on the tree of Christian doctrine.” Correct doctrine is to a Christian what a man’s backbone is to his body. He does not wear it on his chest, but without it he would be a hump-backed or jellyfish Christian.
4. Doctrinal knowledge is a safeguard against error. Matt. 22:29
Gal. 1:6-9 II Tim. 4:2-4
5. Doctrinal knowledge comes in obedience to the will of God.
John 7:17
III. The Classification of Doctrine
1. Exegetical Theology —
2. Historical Theology —
3. Dogmatic Theology —
4. Biblical Theology —
5. Systematic Theology —
IV. A System of Doctrine
1. Bibliology —
2. Theology —
3. Angelology —
4. Anthropology —
5. Hamartiology —
6. Christology —
7. Expiatology —
8. Soteriology —
9. Pnuematology —
10. Ecclesiology —
11. Eschatology —
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