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SQ: Justification


Doctrine I


Study Questions


1. What kind of term is justification?


2. What is the nature of justification?


3. How is this made available to the individuals?


4. Is this merely a temporary state or permanent state?  Give scripture.


5. Is Justification a matter of past behavior or present imperfection?


6. In what sense is Justification subtraction and addition?


7. Why is Justification necessary?  Give scripture.


8. What were the steps in the downfall of the gentiles?


9. Is the Jew under condemnation?  Give scripture.


10. What knowledge does the law give us?


11. What is the source of Justification?


12. What does grace mean?


13. Is Christian service the payment for God’s grace?


14. Is grace based on the sinner’s merit or demerit?


15. Is grace treating a person better than he deserves?


16. Is grace independent of man’s work?


17. What is the difference between law and grace?


18. What does “prevenient grace” mean?


19. What does “actual grace” mean?


20. What does “habitual grace” mean?