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2.3.0 Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Chapter 2: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost

This subject is to be studied under five divisions:

  1. What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

  2. Why is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost necessary?

  3. For whom is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

  4. What are the results of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

  5. What are the Conditions upon which the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is given?

I. What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?

  1. To answer this question, we will take a number of phrases from the following Scriptures:

All these phrases are used in the N.T. to describe the same experience.

Luke 24:49

The promise of the Father; endued with power from on high

Acts 1:5

Baptized with the Holy Ghost

Acts 2:4

Filled with the Holy Ghost

Acts 2:38

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Acts 4:8

Filled with the Holy Ghost

Acts 10:44,45,47

The Holy Ghost fell; poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost; received the…

Acts 19:2-6

Received the Holy Ghost; the Holy Ghost came upon them

I Cor. 12:4

The same spirit (shows what the Holy Ghost brings to the Church.)

I Cor. 12:11-13

One and the selfsame Spirit; baptized into one body; drink into one Spirit. (distributes gifts, unites members of the Body of Christ; baptizes members into one Body; places members into their position; brings fellowship.)

  1. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost is an operation of the Spirit, distinct from, subsequent and additional to His regenerating work. (Acts 19:2-6; 1:5 Compare John 15:3; 13:10)

There is a definite work of the Holy Spirit at the new birth. A man is born of the Spirit. — Jn. 3:3 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a separate work of the Holy Spirit that takes place after Salvation. The Holy Spirit will not fill an unclean vessel. This pattern of Salvation taking place before Holy Spirit Baptism is illustrated in type in the Old Testament.The priest always applied the blood first and then the oil. — Ex. 29:21; Lev. 14:14-17. The oil was put on the blood. The blood is a symbol of the Blood of Jesus which purchased our salvation, and the oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

In John 13:10; 15:3 was a company of disciples whom Jesus had pronounced clean through the Word and yet the Baptism with the Holy Spirit lay for them some days in the future.

See Acts 8:12. In this company of Believers, baptized with water, there were certainly some regenerated people but we read in verses 15 and 16, "Who, when they were come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. (for as yet He was fallen upon none of them; only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus)."

NOTE: Some argue that the disciples could not have experienced regeneration (the life of the Spirit) until Jesus arose from the grave: therefore, they confuse the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the New Birth and claim that persons are not saved until they are baptized with the Holy Ghost, but this argument is settled by John 20:21,22. After His resurrection, Jesus met the disciples and breathed on them the Spirit of Life many days before the Upper Room experience.

In regeneration, there is an impartation of life and the one who receives it is saved. In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit there is an impartation of power and the one who receives is fitted for service. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is also a seal or an earnest of our inheritance. Eph. 1:13,14; Eph. 4:30. A person may be regenerated by the Holy Spirit and still not be baptized with the Holy Spirit.



II. The Necessity of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost

Luke 24:48-49; Acts 1:4,5,8

Jesus Christ commanded the disciples not to enter upon the work to which He had Himself, also called them until they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. .

NOTE 1: They were especially fitted for the work by experience and association with Himself, also the training at His own hands; but, the further preparation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was so all-essential that they must not move without it.

NOTE 2: It was apparently imperative that something be done at once. The whole world was perishing and they alone know the saving truth. Nevertheless Jesus strictly charges them "WAIT". What a testimony to the all-importance of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost as a preparation for work that shall be acceptable to Christ. Acts 10:38 Compare Luke 3:22; 4:1,14,17,18. Jesus Christ Himself, though the only begotten Son of God did not enter upon His ministry until the Spirit of God had come upon Him and He had thus been anointed with the Holy Ghost and power.

Acts 8: 14-16; 19:1,2 When the Apostles found believers in Christ, they at once demanded whether they had received the Holy Ghost and if not they at once saw to it that they did. From these three propositions we are justified in concluding that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary in every Christian for the service that Christ demands and expects of him. It is also necessary as the seal unto the Day of Redemption. Eph. 4:30; 1:13,14

A. Jesus Christ commanded the disciples not to enter upon the work of the ministry until they were Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

- Luke 24:48-49; Acts 1:4,5,8

1. It was imperative that the Gospel message be preached at once.

a. The whole world was perishing and they alone knew the saving truth.

b. Jesus strictly charges them to "WAIT" until they were endued with Holy Ghost power.

What a testimony to the all-importance of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost as a preparation for work that shall be acceptable to Christ.

c. Jesus Christ Himself, though the only begotten Son of God did not enter upon His ministry until the Spirit of God had come upon Him and He had thus been anointed with the Holy Ghost and power.

- Acts 10:38 Compare Luke 3:22; 4:1,14,17,18.

2. They were especially fitted for the work of the ministry by the teaching and example of Jesus.

a. The disciples were trained by Jesus the greatest teacher.

They sat at His feet and were trained by His own hands. Yet this alone was not enough to accomplish the great task that lay ahead of spreading the Gospel.

b. The further preparation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was so all-essential that they must not move without it.

c. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit enabled the early apostles to preach with power and authority.

3. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is essential for the work of the Body ministry.

a. For by one Spirit are we all Baptized into one body. — I Cor. 12:13 According to this Scripture Holy Ghost Baptism is necessary to be a part of the active ministry of the Body of Christ.

b. The power of the Holy Ghost comes from being Baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ.

The Scripture teaches Salvation is through the blood of Jesus. - Col. 1:14 Being Baptized into the body of Christ is not referring to being born again. Believers are born into

the Kingdom of God through the redemption that is in Jesus. The Holy Spirit Baptism places one into the active ministry of the body of Christ. According to Scripture one cannot be part of the Body ministry until they are Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

B. When the Apostles found believers in Christ, they at once demanded whether they had received the Holy Ghost and if not they at once saw to it that they did.

- Acts 8: 14-16; 19:1,2

1. The Apostles realized the necessity of being Baptized with the Holy Ghost.

2. The Holy Ghost gives the Christian power to overcome sin.

C. The Holy Ghost intercedes through the believer in prayer.

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. - Romans 8:26

1. The Holy Ghost will lead you to pray for the needs of people that you do not have natural knowledge of those needs.

2. The Holy Ghost Baptized believer will pray in tongues. This will further be discussed in the section on the Gifts of the Spirit.

3. The Holy Ghost will anoint the Spirit filled believer to pray with power and authority.

From these three propositions we are justified in concluding that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary in every Christian for the service that Christ demands and expects of him.

  1. For Whom Is The Baptism With The Holy Spirit?

Acts 2:38-39 Compare Acts 1:4 and Acts 2:33. 'The Promise" of these verses is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit or the gift of the Holy Spirit. These Scriptures prove that the Baptism with the Holy Ghost was not merely for the Apostles nor only for those of the Apostolic age but for "all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call" ,as well, i.e., it is for every believer in every age of the Church's history. If any believer in any' age of the Church does not have the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, it is solely because he does not claim his privilege in Christ.

A. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is for every Regenerated believer.

1. The regenerated believer should be Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) - John 7:39

2. Salvation is necessary before one can be Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

(discussed later in further detail)

B. The promise of Holy Spirit Baptism is still for us today.

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. - Acts 2:39

1. This promise refers back to verse 33 the promise of the Holy Ghost.

2. To all that are afar off. To those who are far ahead in time, meaning the promise is still for us today.

The 'Promise' of these verses is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit or the gift of the Holy Spirit. These Scriptures prove that the Baptism with the Holy Ghost was not merely for the original Apostles nor only for those of the Apostolic age but for "all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call" ,as well, i.e., it is for every believer in every age of the Church's history. If any believer in any' age of the Church does not have the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, it is solely because he does not claim his privilege in Christ.

- Acts 2:38-39 Compare Acts 1:4 and Acts 2:33

  1. Results of The Baptism With The Holy Spirit

  1. Acts 1:5,8 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit imparts power in servicer- Power for the very work God has for you to do. It may not always be manifested in many conversions but there will be power to do the work God has called you to do: (See also Acts 7:55-60; 6:1-5 Stephen's ministry.)

  1. Acts 4:29, 31 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit imparts boldness in testimony and service.

  1. Acts 4:8-13 Converts cowards into heroes.

  2. II Tim. 1:6,7 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit takes away fear.

NOTE: It is the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

  1. Acts2:4,7,8,11; 10:44-46; 19:6 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is accompanied by outward manifestations.

NOTE: Speaking with other tongues (spiritual) is sign evidence of His coming in.

  1. Acts 4:31-33; see verses 8-10; Acts 9:17-20; 10:44-46; Eph. 5: 18, 19 The Baptism with the Holy Spirit causes one to be occupied with God and Christ and Spiritual things. The Holy Spirit fills the mind with real apprehension of truth, takes possession of the faculties and imparts gifts, which qualify for the service to which God calls.

  1. The Baptism of the Spirit should endow the believer with a spiritual gift, or at least make him eligible for one. The baptized believer should desire spiritual gifts, I Cor. 14: 1. The manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for profit, see I Cor. 12:7. The Holy Spirit divides to each one a gift as He wills, I Cor 12: 11. He is absolutely sovereign in deciding what special gift should be given. Let us, therefore, yield ourselves to Him, or place ourselves entirely at His will and to impart what gift He will. It is scriptural, however, to covet earnestly the best gifts (I Cor. 12:31), always remembering that the gifts and the graces of the Spirit must keep pace with each other. (I Cor. 14: 1) "Follow after love and desire Spiritual gifts." Note the refillings as a result of the Baptism, Acts 4:8,31. Peter is said to have been "filled" on three different occasions. Wait on God for fresh infillings.

A. The speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

1. This is the initial Scriptural sign evidence of being Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. - Acts 2:4

Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6

2. If someone does not speak in tongues then they have not been Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

B. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit imparts power for service.

1. Power for the work God has called you to do. - Acts 1:5-8

(See also Acts 6:1-5; Acts 7:55-60 Stephen's ministry.)

2. Power to preach the Gospel — II Cor. 2:4

C. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit takes away fear.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

- II Timothy 1:7

1. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit imparts boldness in testimony and service. — Acts 4:13,29-31

2. The power of the Holy Spirit will drive back the power of fear.

D. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit causes one to be occupied with God and Christ and Spiritual things.

1. The Holy Spirit fills the mind with an understanding of truth.

— Jn.14:26

2. The Holy Spirit enables one to go beyond their natural abilities.

— Rom. 8: 11

3. The Holy spirits imparts gifts, which qualify for the service to which God calls. - Acts 4:31-33; see verses 8-10; Acts 9:17-20; 10:44-46; Eph. 5:18, 19

E. The Baptism of the Spirit should endow the believer with a spiritual gift.

1. The baptized believer should desire spiritual gifts. - I Cor. 14: 1.

2. The manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the profit of the believer.

- I Cor. 12:7.

3. The Holy Spirit divides to each one a gift as He wills - I Cor 12: 11.

He is absolutely sovereign in deciding what special gift should be given. Let us, therefore, yield ourselves to Him, or place ourselves entirely at His will to impart what gift He choses. It is scriptural, however, to covet earnestly the best gifts (I Cor. 12:31), always remembering that the gifts and the graces of the Spirit must keep pace with each other. (I Cor. 14: 1) "Follow after love and desire Spiritual gifts."

Note the refillings as a result of the Baptism, Acts 4:8,31. Peter is said to have been "filled" on three different occasions. Wait on God for fresh infillings of the Spirit.

  1. Fundamental Conditions Upon Which The Baptism of The Holy Ghost Is Given

  1. REPENTANCE and WATER BAPTISM as recorded in Acts 2:38; 19:3-6.

  1. FAITH in Jesus Christ for the remission of sins as in Acts 10:43-44. NOTE: The sin question must be dealt with in seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit; even in the type they were commanded not to put the anointing oil on a stranger. See Ex. 30:32-33. Faith in Jesus Christ as an all-sufficient Savior (apart from the works of the law as in Gal. 3:2).

  1. OBEDIENCE (Acts 5:32) The last part of this verse shows that the Holy Ghost is given to those who obey God. This means absolute surrender. It is one of the most fundamental conditions. of entering into this blessing. It is the one point at which thousands fail. Acts 8: 15, 16.

  1. HEART PURITY is also a condition upon which the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is given. Acts 15:8,9

NOTE 1: The Baptism of the Spirit is given to those who have already believed on Christ and been baptized with water, in answer to definite prayer. Acts 8: 15-17; Luke 11: 13

NOTE 2: Prayer must be in faith, James 1:6,7. Faith that counts it as its own, Mark 11 :24; also I John 5:14,15.

A. SALVATION is a requirement for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

- Acts 10:43-44

1. Throughout the OT this truth is illustrated in type.

The blood was always applied before the oil. Salvation comes through the Blood of Jesus which is always applied before the oil which is a symbol of the Holy Ghost.

2. The sin question must be dealt with in seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

a. Israel was commanded not to put the anointing oil on a stranger - Ex. 30:32-33.

This represents in type that the Holy Spirit will not be poured out on the sinner.

b. God does not put new wine into old bottles. — Mt. 9:17

The new wine represents the Holy Spirit and the old bottles represent the old nature or unclean vessel. The Holy Spirit will not fill an unclean vessel.

3. Repentance is a condition of Salvation and is also necessary to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

B. OBEDIENCE — Acts 5:32 This verse shows that the Holy Ghost is given to those who obey God.

1. This means absolute surrender.

2. It is one of the most fundamental conditions. of entering into this blessing. It is the one point at which thousands fail. - Acts 8: 15,16.

C. HEART PURITY is also a condition upon which the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is given. - Acts 15:8,9

1. It is God who purifies the heart by faith.

2. We should pray for a pure heart.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

- Psalms 51:10

D. WATER BAPTISM is an act of obedience that generally takes place before the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. - Acts 2:38; 19:3-6.

1. The Baptism of the Spirit is given to those who have already believed on Christ and been baptized with water, in answer to definite prayer.

- Acts 8: 15-17; Luke 11: 13 Prayer must be in faith, James 1:6,7; Mark 11 :24; also I John 5:14,15.

2. There is an account in the Bible where the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was given before water baptism.

Water baptism immediately followed receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. There is no saving power in water baptism which is an act of obedience to show that one has died to sin and walks in newness of life. God is sovereign and can do as He chooses, but the death of the old nature will always come before the Holy Spirit Baptism.

In regeneration there is an impartation of life and the one who receives it is saved. In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit there is an impartation of power and the one who receives is fitted for service.