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2.4.1 Word of Wisdom

Chapter 4: Word of Wisdom


Since in God are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3), there is nothing that He does not know. We are constantly in the process of learning, but God is omniscient—truly knows it all! God Himself is the abundant storehouse of all knowledge and wisdom.

There are four types of wisdom:

  1. The Wisdom of God I Cor 2:7; 3:10; Rom11:33; Jm1:5; 3:17

  2. The Gift of the Word of Wisdom I Cor. 12:8; 2:13; Eph. 1:17; Col 1:9,28

  3. The wisdom of the world I Cor. 1:20; 2:6; 3:19; James 3:15

  4. The wisdom of man I Cor. 2:4,5,13; Ecclesiastes 1:16-18

1Cor. 12:8 "For to one is given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom"

All of God's knowledge is applied in wisdom. This fact brings us immediately to the understanding of what is meant by the term "word of wisdom." Notice, it is not said, "To one is given the gift of wisdom," but it is said, "To one is given "the Word of Wisdom". It follows naturally then that the one possessing the gift of the word of wisdom is granted a word. Meaning, a sentence or a statement from the infinite storehouse of God's Wisdom. The Believer does not receive all wisdom, but only the necessary "Word" for the occasion. God gives the Believer a word of wisdom to solve the situation at hand.

  1. What the Word of Wisdom Is Not

  1. A high degree of intellectual power

  1. A deep spiritual insight or understanding of Scripture.

  1. It is not enough to know that the Bible is God's revealed Word

  1. Administrative wisdom

  1. Confused with Divine wisdom (James 1:5)

  1. "Wiseness" or discretion.

  1. What the Word of Wisdom Is

DEFINITION: The Word of Wisdom may be defined as the Holy Ghost inspiring a Believer to speak the right words at the right time to bring forth the right results.

Some synonyms of "wisdom" are: discernment, discretion, enlightenment, foresight, , knowledge, learning, profundity, prudence, reasonableness, sagacity, sense and skill.

  1. It is Knowledge Applied

God gives knowledge, but it takes wisdom to apply that knowledge. Having the mind of the Spirit with the skill to apply the word properly to a specific need. Knowledge is insight (of facts)Wisdom is skill (in using those facts) Not just supernatural facts, it's an expression, a word spoken, an utterance—WORD OF WISDOM.

  1. It is Entirely Supernatural

We often hear people say, "Yea the Lord hath said" and the Lord didn't say it at all! Just because the expression is used, doesn't mean it is of God. How than can we tell the difference between a fraud and a real utterance from God?

  1. It is an operation of the Holy Spirit. It has nothing to do with the flesh or carnal ability.

  1. It is more than just expressing what is in the Bible.

ILLUSTRATION: "One time we had an evangelist, I could not find one thing wrong with what he was saying. I looked and I looked hard, but could not understand why my stomach was in knots. He would prophecy and it all sounded like Scripture, but was it Scriptural?

Even the devil knows and uses Scripture, but the devil uses the Scripture unscripturally. In Job 2:4…And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. A lawyer used this text in a court setting trying to win his case. Well, is that Scripture? Yes, it's in the scripture, but is it scriptural? Who said it? The message is not inspired of God, but the record is inspired. It is exactly what Satan said. We have to understand that a lot that is in this Bible is an inspired record, but not inspired thought. The Bible records exactly as it was said, which is not necessarily what God ordains. David did some things that were not inspired of God. Now the record was inspired, and not what he did. The record is as exactly as it happened.

  1. It is taking action guided by the Holy Spirit and not any carnal means.

  1. The Gift of the Word of Wisdom imparts Supernatural power and ability

Skill or ability to speak right then as an oracle of God

1Peter 4:11—If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

  1. It is an Unfolding.

A Supernatural unfolding by the Spirit of God of God's plan and purpose concerning things, places, people, cities, nations, etc. (II Chronicles 20:16,17) a) To strengthen our faith to know and act on the Word as it is revealed b) To act on a need as it is unfolded by the Holy Ghost.

  1. Receiving a Word of Wisdom from God.

  1. This important part of the Spirit's endowment of wisdom is a gift to communicate with the unction from the Holy Ghost.

  1. In God's dealings with men much is mysterious, and the ordinary Christian is often in need of a word that will throw light upon each situation.

  1. The gift of the Word of Wisdom cannot be gained through study or experience.

Word of Wisdom — can come through various means such as: dreams, visions, audible voice of the Holy Spirit, Tongues & Interpretation or Prophecy.

Gen. 12:1;Gen 37:5-10, 27-28; 39:7-20; 41:38-41; 42:6; 45:5-8;Isaiah 38:1,4; II Kings 20:1,5-6; II Chron. 32:24; Job 33:14-17; Jonah 3:4; Mat.22:15-22; Luke 4:1-14; Jn. 7:37-43; Jn.16:13 Acts 5:1-16; 6:10; 9:6; 11:28; 14:7-10; 16:16-18; 21:10-11; 22:17-21; 27:23-24, I Cor. 2:4-16; II Cor. 1:12; 5:7; II Peter 3:15

  1. It is dependent upon our fellowship with God

Can God speak to you? God speaks to men of God for guidance and leadership. Can you fail God when he speaks? Man can fail God and make a mistake, but God can never make a mistake. The Lord always proves the word that he gives you, if you are faithful to obey. Obedience is more than just standing behind a pulpit; you really need to have the gifts in operation.

  1. The Purpose of the Gift

  1. A Means of Defense Mark 13:11; Luke 21:12-15; Acts 6:9,10

  1. A Means of Settling Controversy Acts 15:5-12

  1. A means to Declare God's Future Acts I Thessalonians 4:16

  1. The Gift of the Word of Wisdom in Action

Wisdom is knowledge applied.

  1. Old Testament Examples

  1. Noah Genesis 6:13-22

God told Noah what to do and HOW to do it. It had never rained before and Noah had no precedent to reference, but God gave specific instructions HOW to build.

  1. Lot Genesis 19:12-13

  2. Solomon I Kings 3:25

  1. New Testament Examples

  1. Jesus John 8:3-11; Luke 20:21-26

  1. Wise men Matthew 2:12

  2. Peter Acts 10:9-16

  3. Paul Acts 27:22-26,31,44

Studying Questions 4: Word of Wisdom

  1. Give a dictionary definition of "omniscient"?

    1. What are the four types of wisdom?

  • The Wisdom of God

  • The Gift of the Word of Wisdom

  • The wisdom of the world

  • The wisdom of man

  1. What is meant by the term "Word of Wisdom"?

Word of Wisdom is when one who has this gift is granted a "word" for the occasion. He does not receive all wisdom but a specific word, for a specific situation.

    1. Tell what Word of Wisdom is not.

      1. A high degree of intellectual power

      2. A deep spiritual insight for the understanding of scripture

      3. Administrative Wisdom

      4. Divine Wisdom — James 1:5

      5. Wise-ness or discretion

  1. What is the Word of Wisdom?

      1. It is knowledge applied

      2. It is entirely supernatural

      3. It is An Unfolding

"The Word of Wisdom is the Holy Spirit inspiring a person to speak the right words at the right time to bring forth the right results. "

  1. What is the purpose of the gift of the Word of Wisdom?

      1. For a means of defense — Luke 21:12

      2. For a means of settling controversy — Acts 15:5-12

      3. For a means to declare God's Future — I Thessalonians 4:16

  1. Give at least one Old Testament example of the gift of the Word of Wisdom.

      1. Noah: Genesis 6:13-22

      2. Lot: Genesis 19:12-13

      3. Solomon: I Kings 3:25

  1. Give at least one New Testament example of the gift of the Word of Wisdom.

      1. Jesus: John 8:3-11; Luke 20:21-26

      2. Wisemen: Matthew 2:12

      3. Peter: Acts 10:9-16

      4. Paul: Acts 27:22-26; 31

  1. Upon what is the gift of Word of Wisdom dependent? (Hint: Can God speak to you?)

It is dependent upon our fellowship with God

Quiz 4: Word of Wisdom

  1. What is meant by the term "the Word of Wisdom"?

Word of Wisdom is when one who has this gift is granted a "word" for the occasion. He does not receive all wisdom but the necessary "Word" for the occasion. God gives the Believer a word of wisdom to solve the situation at hand.

  1. Tell what the Word of Wisdom Is Not

A. A high degree of intellectual power

B. A deep spiritual insight or understanding of Scripture.

  1. It is not enough to know that the Bible is God's revealed Word

  1. Administrative wisdom

  1. Confused with Divine wisdom (James 1:5)

  1. "Wiseness" or discretion.

  1. What is the Word of Wisdom?

      1. It is knowledge applied

      2. It is entirely supernatural

      3. It is An Unfolding

"The Word of Wisdom is the Holy Spirit inspiring a person to speak the right words at the right time to bring forth the right results"

  1. What is the purpose of this gift?

      1. For a means of defense — Luke 21:12

      2. For a means of settling controversy — Acts 15:5-12

      3. For a means to declare God's Future — I Thessalonians 4:16

  1. Give at least one Old Testament example of the gift.

      1. Noah: Genesis 6:13-22

      2. Lot: Genesis 19:12-13

      3. Solomon: I Kings 3:25

  1. Give at least one New Testament example of the gift.

      1. Jesus: John 8:3-11; Luke 20:21-26

      2. Wisemen: Matthew 2:12

      3. Peter: Acts 10:9-16

      4. Paul: Acts 27:22-26; 31