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2.4.3 Discerning of Spirits

Chapter 6: Discerning of Spirits

1Cor. 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

  • Discerning of spirits gives one insight into the spirit of the situation.

  • Discerning of spirits enables one to discern a person's character.

This is a gift of the Holy Spirit to detect the presence of evil spirits. We will begin with a word of caution, demons have power and those that are not covered by the Blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost should not attempt to deal with those who are bound by demons. There were seven sons of Sceva in the Scripture who tried to cast out devils and the devils hurt them. - Acts 19:13-20 The demons knew who Jesus and Paul were, but they attacked these men who were not even saved. We have been given power in the name of Jesus to cast out devils.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; - Mark 16:17

The 3 Revelation gifts (Gifts that reveal something).

1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing's by the same Spirit;   To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Definition of Discerning of Spirits: The God given supernatural insight into the Spirit world — literally being given (as The Holy Ghost wills) the ability to see & hear in the realm of Spirits.

  • The gift of Discerning of spirits may be checked by a doctrinal test. I Jn. 4:1-6

  • The gift of Discerning of spirits may be checked by a practical test. Mat. 7:15-23

I. What the Gift of Discerning of Spirits is not

A. It does not involve guessing as to the presence of a demon.

1. This gift is not natural discernment by observing the look of a person.

An effeminate spirit for example is easy to discern. The spirit causes a man to act and look like a woman. This is not natural, God did not make the man that way, this is a spirit effecting the appearance and actions of a man.

2. It is not observing someone under the influence of demon power and concluding that a demon is present.

B. It is not the ability to know every spirit every time, everywhere you go.

1. The gift is operated by the Holy Spirit and reveals as He chooses.

2. The world is full of demons; the Holy Spirit will reveal what He wants you to know.

C. It is not the power to cast out demons.

The gift of Discerning of Spirits in Administration

Administered as the Holy Ghost wills any time & any where through an Individual that has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and has received The Baptism in The Holy Ghost and is living a Holy life, submitted to the leading of The Holy Ghost.

The gift of Discerning of Spirits in Demonstration

*Normally, A Born Again believer who has received The Baptism in The Holy Ghost will suddenly be able to see & sometimes hear in the Spirit Realm.

They may even taste, touch and smell things as The Holy Ghost wills.

When this Gift is in operation a person may see:

  • The Holy Spirit,

  • A Human Spirit

  • An Evil Spirit

  • Jesus

  • Angels

  • Heaven

  • or even Hell

They may see a quick picture, A Mini Vision,  A dream, A regular vision  or even have a full fledged interactive open vision where your body is fully involved & you can speak back & forth. If anything is revealed there will be an enablement to do something with what you have seen.

*It is not the "norm"

But it should be noted that God can & has from time to time enabled non-Christians such as Saul (prior to his conversion) to see & hear into the Spirit Realm in order to accomplish his purposes.

Delving into the Spirit world in any other way except through the safety of The Holy Spirit is extremely dangerous & results in a lifetime of spiritual bondage to evil Spirits (fallen angels). You can even get killed. The only way to get free from them is through repentance in Christ & Spiritual Intervention!

Discerning of Spirits is a Good Gift & is to be received

Biblical Examples of Discerning of Spirits: Mark 5:1-13; Luke 9:54-56; Luke 11:9-26

  • Moses discerned the Presence of God—Exodus 33:20-23,

  • Elisha discerned Gehazi's spirit— II Kings 5:20-26

  • John discerned The Holy Ghost—Rev 4:5

  • Luke 24:39; Jn 1:47-50; 2:25; 3:1-3; Acts 1:9; 5:3; 8:23; 16:16-18; Heb 1:3

Discerning of Spirits is Never without a fight of faith

Mat.17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42

  1. Not everything you hear, say or think is of the Holy Ghost. Let the Holy Ghost confirm the Word to You through men of God that have been tested and proven.

  2. Not everything you think that has got to be God. Not always will Be God. Not always for you right then.

God confirms His Word with signs following:

Heb 2:4 God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? {gifts: or, distributions}

Eph 6:10-19

It was the wisdom of God that placed the gift of discerning of spirits in the midst of the gifts of utterance?

The gift of the discerning of spirits was placed in this order because Satan would attempt to counterfeit the gifts of utterance.

II. What the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Is

Evidently in the spirit realm the evil spirits are not satisfied unless they possess someone. You should only try to help people that want to serve God. You can do more harm unless they want to serve God. Just casting out demons out of a person not wanting to serve God will only result in seven more spirits coming in making the person worse than before. Just casting out spirits alone is not enough. People need to be instructed and admonished to serve God and separate from their sin. Sin is what got them into the problem to begin with. People need to live right after the demon spirits have been cast out. They need to fill their life with the things of God, or else they will be filled again by the demon spirits.

A. It is the ability to identify the presence of an evil spirit.

1. There are many different spirits that attach themselves to people.

There are many spirits with different names and various missions of destruction. There are spirits of alcohol and drugs that drive people to addiction. Every alcoholic and every drug addict is not possessed by a spirit. It is the sin that will lead to demon possession. There are too many spirits to name on this page. For example, there are demons of: sex, stealing, lying, witchcraft, anger and rage. The spirit of homosexuality is running rampant in the world today. It is a perverted spirit that causes a man to desire a man. There is an effeminate spirit that will cause a man to act like a woman. This is not natural it is a perverted demon of hell. Not all homosexuals have an effeminate spirit. You cannot always tell by looking at someone if they are a homosexual. This gift will enable you to identify the demons so you will know how to pray.

2. The Holy Spirit will let you know if there is a spirit causing sickness.

When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. - Mark 9:25

Jesus cast a deaf and dumb spirit out of a boy. This helps us to understand that it was the demon that was causing the physical problem. Not all deaf people have demons and not all sickness is caused by demons. There is a difference between demon possession and lunacy. They are listed separate in Matthew 4:24. Lunacy doesn't need to be cast out but it needs a healing. This gift is used to discern if the cause of sickness is a spirit. You will know how to pray if you know what you are up against. If you know there is a spirit causing a person to be sick then you can rebuke the spirit of infirmity. This gift enables you to discern if a spirit is causing the sickness and that there is not just a physical problem.

3. You cannot always discern by natural means the presence of a demon.

Every person that is bound by a demon will not be writhing on the floor like a snake. You can't tell by looking at a person if they are demon possessed. Demons will show their presence when there is a strong anointing and the Holy Ghost is moving. This is referred to as demons manifesting. The demons can talk and make noise and cause the bound person to act out in frenzy. This will let you know there is demon activity, but you still wouldn't know what kind of demon or how many there were. This gift will enable you to know the type of spirits you are dealing with. Jesus called the demons by name and cast them out. This gift will help you to follow the example of Jesus and call the demons out by name.

B. It is knowledge to discover a workman of the devil.

1. Paul discerned a false prophet by the Holy Spirit. - Acts 13:4-12

2. God can expose the wolves in sheep's clothing.

3. There are many false prophets in the land today.

C. It is ability to know truthful testimony and check the devil's work.

Mark 1:23, 24, 27

D. It is revelation to reveal demon miracle workers.

1. Workers of Satan have power to produce lying signs wonders.

- II Thessalonians 2:9

2. We are living in a time when there is demon activity even in the house of God.

3. Devils can perform miracles.

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,… - Revelation 16:14

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

- Matthew 24:24

False Christs refers to those that will come with a false anointing. We are seeing some of the finest people being deceived by these false spirits. Evil spirits can work miracles to deceive people to believe a lie.

III. The Purpose of the Gift

A. It aids in the instruction of those that have been delivered.- Matthew 12:43-45

1. People need to be taught that the demons want to come back in.

Those that have been delivered from demons must be taught that they must close every door to sin and the devil. The demons that left want to come back to inhabit the person who has been set free. If the person returns to the sin that allowed the demon to come in then the door will be open for the demon to return. For example, if a person was bound by a spirit of lust and they return to the sin of lusting after the flesh, they can become bound again by a spirit of lust.

2. This gift will enable you to know if a spirit has come back into a person.

People who have been delivered need to break the habit of their sin and stand against the works of the devil. Many people struggle with the habit of sin and the carnal desire to satisfy the flesh. The devil does not quit because a person has been delivered from demons. The demons will continue to tempt and to seduce the person to sin. Temptation is not a sin; yielding to temptation is what will lead to sin. Sometimes a person will fall back to their sin and give an open door for the demons to return. People don't need to invite the demons into them. Sin will give demons an open door to enter into a person. This gift will let you know if a person has become bound again by demons. We should always have the attitude to help people and not to condemn them. If people fall we need to help them up and get back on their feet.

3. The Scripture tells us that when a demon returns it brings seven more demons with him, so the last state is worse than the first.

This is why you should never pray deliverance for a person who does not want to serve God. You do not help people by casting out their demons if they show no desire to serve God and repent of their sin.

B. It helps you to know the activities of demons.

1. This gift does not always give power to deliver.

Our hearts must be right before casting out demons. Acts 19:13-20 You have to be living right, and filled with the Holy Spirit and power of God or else it is dangerous.

Demons are nothing to play around with; they can really hurt you, and others. If you are not right with God then don't try to deal with demon power. This does not mean that we should be afraid of demons either. Through Jesus we have authority over the devil. We just need to know our place in God and act accordingly.

2. There can be spirits at work that do not actually possess a person.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

- Ephesians 6:12

There can be principalities and demon powers trying to hinder the work of God.

Demons work in many ways to come against the work of God. Paul prayed concerning a messenger of satan that was sent to hinder him. — II Cor. 12:7 There is a difference between possession and oppression. Demons can oppress and attack people without them actually inhabiting that person. This gift will let you know what spirits are trying to hinder and oppress a person so that you can help them.

3. This gift will reveal to you the powers of darkness that are at work so you will know how to pray.

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) - II Corinthians 10:4

God has given us power over the strong holds of the devil. Some locations are controlled by religious spirits while others have spirits of witchcraft. If you know your enemy then you know how to pray.

C. To give the man of God insight into the realm of the spirit world.

God will expose the works of the devil. This gift gives the man of God a look at what is going on in the spirit world. When the spirits are exposed then they can be dealt with. Some people try to cast the demons out of everything and everyone when there are no demons involved. There was even an account of a man who was casting devils out of plywood. Of course that is foolish because demons don't inhabit plywood. This gift will give you clear insight about the spirits that are involved so you are not just guessing or casting demons out of everyone.

1. The forces of darkness are at work to try to hinder what God is doing.

2. To shed light on the works of darkness.

3. To keep him totally aware of the subtle works of the demons of darkness.

  • It is knowledge to discover a workman of the devil. Acts 13:4-12

  • It is revelation to reveal demon miracle workers. II Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 16:14

  • False Christs: meaning false anointed

NEVER CAST SPIRITS OUT OF A PERSON WHO DOESN't HAVE ANY DESIRE TO SERVE GOD. You will not help them if they do not want to turn from their sin. You must use wisdom when dealing with demons. Sometimes a spirit can leave possessing one person and go and posses another person. You need to get the congregation to be reverent and take the situation seriously. Devils have tremendous power, don't minimize it. Demons are nothing to play with. Know who you are, and where you are at with the Lord. There are different strengths of demons — some that are very weak and some very strong. Jesus said some kinds only go out by prayer and fasting. — Mk. 9:29 This gift will enable you to know if the person is set free or if a demon is still hiding. Some demons will stay quiet and try to hide. Many people only get some deliverance, but because the one praying didn't have discernment to know to keep on praying through to victory.

Every person who is bound by a spirit has not necessarily totally given in to the spirit. For example a person bound by a homosexual spirit may never have actually committed a homosexual act. Some people who are bound are trying to fight on their own and don't even want the spirit. Sin opens the door to demons. Evil music sung by homosexuals carries a perverted spirit. People can open the door to demons through devilish worldly music. You need to keep this in mind when dealing with those who are possessed by a demon. Also understand that some things you cast out, and some things you work out. Anything that is of a spiritual nature you can cast it out; anything that is of a carnal nature has to be worked out. You can't cast out the carnal nature; it needs to be worked out.

It aids in the instruction of those that have been delivered. Matthew 12:43-45 It knows the activities of demons. This gift does not always give power to deliver. Our hearts must be right before casting out demons. Acts 19:13-20. You have to live right, and it is best not to play around with the spirits. Demons are nothing to play around with; they can really hurt you, and others

  1. You wont help a person unless they want to serve God

  2. You have to live right

Acts 19:13-20

They were involved with witchcraft themselves

vs. 19- it was approximately 6 million, 400 thousand

The demons knew who Jesus was and who Paul was, but if the Father doesn't know, you have no name with the devils, no power over the devil

Sometimes people have gotten themselves in trouble, when they tried to cast out demons and they were not living right and when they were casting out the demons and left that person and came right in and filled him

  • There is a difference between demon possession and lunacy…Matthew 4:24

Lunacy doesn't need to be cast out but it needs a healing. Some things you cast out, and some things you work out. Anything that is of a spiritual nature you can cast it out, anything that is of a carnal nature has to be worked out. You can't cast out the carnal nature, it needs to be worked out

Studying Questions 6: Discerning of Spirits

  1. What was it that placed the gift of discerning of spirits in the midst of the gifts of utterance?

It was wisdom of God that placed the gift of discerning spirits in the midst of the gifts of utterance.

  1. Why was this gift placed in this order?

The gift was placed in that order because satan would attempt to counterfeit the gifts of utterance.

  1. How many kinds of spirits are there? Name them.

    1. Human

    2. Satanic

    3. Divine

  1. What kind of weapon is this gift?

This gift is both an offensive and defensive weapon.

  1. Does this gift only discern between evil and good? Explain.

No, this gift not only discerns between an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit, but it also give you an ability to know the evil spirits.

  1. What did Jesus ask the demons to do?

Jesus asked the demons to identify themselves.

  1. What happened to the woman when Jesus cast out the spirit of infirmity from a woman?

When Jesus cast out the spirit of infirmity from a woman she became straight.

  1. Explain what the Gift of Discerning of Spirits is not.

    1. It is not mind reading or thought reading or motive reading.

    2. It is not mental insight.

    3. It is not the ability to discover fault in others.

  1. Explain what the Gift of Discerning of Spirits is.

    1. It is power to help in delivering the oppressed and the possessed.

    2. It is knowledge to discover a workman of the devil.

    3. It is ability to know truthful testimony and check the devil's work.

    4. It is revelation to reveal demon miracle workers.

  1. Give an example of the gift from Scripture. (Include Scripture reference)

In Mark 5:9 Jesus asked the demon what his name was, to identify himself.

Quiz 6: Discerning of Spirits

  1. What was it that placed the gift of discerning of spirits in the midst of the gifts of utterance?

It was wisdom of God that placed the gift of discerning spirits in the midst of the gifts of utterance.

  1. How many kinds of spirits are there? Name them.

There are three kinds of spirits.

    1. Human

    2. Satanic

    3. Divine

  1. Does this gift only discern between evil and good? Explain.

No, this gift not only discerns between an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit, but it also give you an ability to know the evil spirits.

  1. What did Jesus ask the demons to do?

Jesus asked the demons to identify themselves.

  1. What happened to the woman when Jesus cast out the spirit of infirmity from a woman?

When Jesus cast out the spirit of infirmity from a woman she became straight.

  1. Explain what the Gift of Discerning of Spirits is not.

    1. It is not mind reading or thought reading or motive reading.

    2. It is not mental insight.

    3. It is not the ability to discover fault in others.

  1. Explain what the Gift of Discerning of Spirits is.

    1. It is power to help in delivering the oppressed and the possessed.

    2. It is knowledge to discover a workman of the devil.

    3. It is ability to know truthful testimony and check the devil's work.

    4. It is revelation to reveal demon miracle workers.

  1. Give an example of the gift from Scripture. (Include Scripture reference.)

In Mark 5:9 Jesus asked the demon what his name was, to identify himself.