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2.4.5 Gifts of Healing

Chapter 8: Gifts of Healing


The one possessing this gift is used supernaturally by God in ministering health to the sick. This gift bears no relation to the medical profession or any of the human helps provided by man's skill to combat disease and suffering. Healing is a supernatural work of God totally beyond any work of man.

Can the one possessing this gift heal everyone? No, there are reasons why everyone is not healed. Such as:

  1. Disobedience and sin will hinder the moving of God.

  2. Unbelief will cause God not to work.

And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. - Matthew 13:58

The Scripture does not say that Jesus could not work, but that He chose not to work because of their unbelief.

3. God could be testing an individual through a trial of sickness. God does not bring disease but he can allow sickness. God allowed satan to bring sickness upon Job to test him.

4. God may want the individual to pray through to victory to develop their faith.

The Lord will help people to understand healing so that they can help others. Jesus wants us to know Him as our healer. God will allow people to go through a trial of sickness so they will know that He is the LORD our healer. God will allow us to go through sickness, but we need to understand that God does not make people sick. It is the work of the devil to bring sickness on people.

How is healing provided? Divine healing is a direct benefit of the atoning work of Christ.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. - I Peter 2:24


Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; - Psalms 103:3

Jesus healed all that came to Him. He rebuked the lack of faith in His disciples when they failed to heal the demon-possessed boy. - Matt. 8:17

I. The Purpose of the Gifts

  1. To deliver the sick and destroy the works of the devil.

It is the devil's business, to make people sick and lame. Not God, he desires that all be well and strong. God is not going around killing, he is going around healing, and restoring that which the devil restores. Divine healing is the will of God.

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. - Acts 10:38

Examples of Jesus healing: A leper - Matt. 8:3; Centurion's servant

1. Many people are bound by sickness and need healing.

People are oppressed of the devil and need to be set free from sickness and disease by the power of God.

2. Divine healing is the Will of God - Matt. 8:16,17

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. - Matthew 8:16-17

It is not the will of God for people to suffer with sickness. Jesus suffered so that we would not need to. Jesus bore our sickness. As has already been discussed there are reasons that God at times will not heal. But it is never the will of God for anyone to stay sick. If there is any failure it is always with man and never with God.

Divine healing is the will of God. Healing is in the atonement, As much as it is God's will that all be saved, it is God's will that all be healed.

3. It is a Divine covenant relationship with God.

I am the LORD that healeth thee. — Exodus 15:26

The word here in the Hebrew is Jehovah-Rafa. Jehovah is the covenant keeping name of God. I am Jehovah-Rafa. God has signed, sealed, and settled His covenant to heal His people. What God promises he is well able to perform.

  1. To establish the claims of Christ - Matt. 9:5-6

1. Healing is a testimony to man that Jesus is the Christ.

2. Healing reveals the mighty power of God to man.

3. Healing bears witness to man that Jesus is the mighty God.

  1. To establish the resurrection - Acts 3:15,16

1. Jesus is not dead; He is alive!

2. Jesus is still healing today.

  1. To draw people to hear the Gospel

And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. - John 6:2

1. Healing will lead people to Jesus the Savior.

2. The signs of healing direct people to Christ.

3. People need to see a manifestation of God's power to draw them to the cross.

4. Jesus the healer is Jesus the Saviour.

  1. We are given the power of attorney.

1. This gives you the authority to sign some ones name and have the authority that goes with that name.

For example, having this power gives you the right to access bank accounts and have the same authority as the person who has given you this power of attorney.

2. Christ has given us permission to use His name.

3. Jesus has given to us His Authority to heal the sick.

4. To bring glory to God. - Mark 2:12; Luke 13:1

II. The Nature of the Gifts

  1. Healing is restorative power. In the order of every healing, there was a progressive step and not instantaneous miracles

  1. .Peter's mother-in-law, Matt. 8:14,15

  2. Healing of the blind man, John 9:7

  3. The ten lepers, Luke 17:11-16

B. Note the plural form of this gift. I Cor. 12:9, 28,30

1. The gifts of healing.

2. There are gifts given for various types of sickness.

3. Every type of healing is a gift.

For example, some are given a gift to heal blind eyes, while others have a gift of healing the deaf. The word is plural to indicate that there are many gifts of healing.

There are gifts for every sickness such as cancer, TB, and so forth.

C. The gifts of healing will bring glory to God.

1. God will never give glory to a man.

2. Whenever you see man being exalted, you have to understand, God is not in it.

3. All is done for the glory of God. — Lk. 13:17

D. To drive out disease and sickness.

1. Some sickness is caused by spirits.

Jesus cast out a deaf and dumb spirit out of a boy — Mk 9:25 The spirit was the root of the sickness. Some sickness is caused by demon power. When the spirit of sickness is driven out in Jesus' name the sickness leaves as well.

2. Jesus rebuked the fever of Peter's mother in law. — Lk. 4:39

3. Diseases are living organisms that attack the body.

A healing occurs when the disease dies and stops attacking the body. If the disease has damaged the body, the person may need a creative miracle to restore what has been damaged by the sickness.

III. What the Gifts of Healing are Not

  1. Healing is not creative power.

1. This is out of the realm of healing and into miracles.

For example, if any eye is missing it will take creative power to restore the eye. This is not too hard for the God who made man from dust. But this does go into the realm of miracles and not healing, which we will discuss further under working of miracles.

B. A healing is not the same as a miracle.

1. To heal means to restore to health.

2. Miracles can be other than physical restoration.

The parting of the Red Sea was a miracle that did not involve healing.

3. Some times these gifts work together to bring a healing and a miracle.

A person may have a sickness that needs healing and a lost limb that needs a miracle of creative power. God can perform both a healing and a miracle at the same time

C. This is not a gift to heal all sickness and disease.

1. These are gifts that are given for a certain type of sickness.

It is the gifts of healing (plural), not gift of healing. "I personally have not had a lot of success with praying with teeth. But more with cancer, deaf, dumb, blind."—Rev. James Reynolds, Sr.

2. There are reasons that God may not heal.

3. These gifts do not go into the realm of miracles.

Study Questions 8: Gifts of Healing

  1. How is the one that possesses this gift used by it?

The one that possesses this gift is used by it supernaturally by God in ministering health to the sick.

  1. Does this gift have any relation to the medical profession to combat disease?

No, this gift bears no relation to the medical profession to combat disease.

  1. Why is this gift of healing spoken of in the plural?

This gift of healing is spoken of in the plural because it is the gifts of healing and not just the gift. God gives different men the ability to believe for healing, some more towards the healing of cancer and etc… and some towards the healing of teeth and etc… and such and such.

  1. Can the one possessing this gift heal everyone? Make a complete statement.

No, Sin needs to be dealt with, and unbelief and lack of faith can stand in the way of healing

  1. How is healing provided?

Divine healing is provided by the atoning work of Christ.

  1. How many did Jesus heal that came to Him?

Jesus healed all that came to him.

  1. Give four scripture references that show healing is in the atonement.

    1. Isaiah 53:5

    2. Psalm 103:3

    3. Matthew 8:17

    4. I Peter 2:24

  1. What is the purpose of this gift?

      1. To deliver the sick and destroy the works of the devil

      2. To establish the claims of Christ

      3. To establish the resurrection

      4. To draw people to hear the Gospel

      5. To have the power of attorney

  1. What is the nature of this gift of healing?

The nature of this gift is a restorative power, it is a progressive step.

  1. What kind of power is this gift not?

This gift is not a creative power. If a man with no eye is given one, that is more than a healing, that is a miracle.

Quiz 8: Gifts of Healing

        1. How is the one that possesses this gift used by it?

        2. How is the one that possesses this gift used by it?

        3. Why is this gift of healing spoken of in the plural?

        4. How is healing provided?

        5. Give four scripture references that show healing is in the atonement.

        6. What is the nature of this gift of healing?