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2.4.7 Prophecy

Chapter 10: Prophecy

The Gift of Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in the known tongue.

There are some who have endeavored to include all anointed preaching within the scope of prophecy, but this can hardly be true since most preaching originates as the result of mediation and study, while prophecy is a spontaneous, unpremeditated utterance. Again, preaching may be described as the spirit using the intellectual faculties of the speaker in which he generally follows an outline previously prepared, while prophecy may be described as the Holy Spirit using our mouth to speak through us.

  1. I. Definition of the Gift of Prophecy

A. Prophecy is a divine inspired utterance of the Holy Spirit in the native tongue of the speaker on the spur of the moment, for the exhortation, edification and comfort of the hearers.

B. It may be by revelation wherein the prophet proclaims a message previously received through a dream, a vision, or the Word of the Lord.

C. It also includes foretelling the future. Acts 11:27; 27:9,10,25

          1. II. The Nature of the Gift of Prophecy

A. To bubble forth, an issuing out of, as a spring gushing forth continually. To speak for another. - I Cor 11,12 -14; Acts 13:1 Prophecy is mentioned 22 times in chapters 11-14 of I Cor.

B. The gift of Prophecy should not be compared to the office of a prophet.

1. A prophet is one of the gifts of ministry given to the church.

— Eph. 4:11

2. A person may be used in the gift of prophecy yet not be called to be a prophet as described in Eph. 4:11.

C. Prophecy is sometimes given in the first person. - Acts 13:2 Acts 21:11

1. God who is speaking through the individual will use the pronoun I.

2. The I is not referring to the one prophesying, but to the Holy Ghost who is speaking.

D. The gift of prophecy is not on a level with scripture.

1. We are instructed to test or judge prophecy. - I Cor. 14:29

2. The Scripture alone is infallible.

          1. III. The Purpose of the Gift of Prophecy

A. To speak to men supernaturally. - I Cor. 14:3

B. To edify the church. - I Cor. 14:4

C. To exhort the church.- I Cor. 14:3

D. To comfort the church. - I Cor. 14:3,31

E. To convict the unbeliever. - I Cor. 14:24,25

How than can we tell what the difference is between a so called expression and a real utterance from God? Sometimes people express verbally what is in the word, and add thus saith the Lord to an emotional expression that is not a true prophecy. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to help us to judge the prophecy. The Holy Spirit will bear witness with a true prophecy. The ultimate test of a prophecy is whether it comes to pass. Don't rely only on prophecy. Look to the Word of God and let God speak to you.

Study Questions 10: Prophecy

  1. Explain what the gift of prophecy is.

  1. Is anointed preaching and the Gift of Prophecy the same thing?

  1. Explain the difference between preaching and the Gift of Prophecy.

  1. Give definition of the Gift of Prophecy.

  1. Does the Gift of Prophecy have only to do with the spontaneous utterance and nothing previously received?

  1. Does the gift of prophecy have anything to do with the future?

  1. Explain the nature of this gift.

  1. Is the Gift of Prophecy and the office of a Prophet the same?

  1. Explain why Prophecy is not on an equal level with Scripture.

  1. Explain the purpose of the Gift of Prophecy.






Quiz 10: Prophecy