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2.4.0 Introduction to the Gifts of the Holy Ghost

Chapter 3: Introduction to
the Gifts of the Holy Ghost

I. The General Nature of the Gifts

I Corinthians 12 presents the gifts of the Spirit ("spirituals") in a three-fold aspect:

  • vs. 4 "Charisma" or a variety of gifts bestowed by the one Spirit. "Pneuma"

  • vs. 5 "Diakonia" varieties of service rendered in the cause of the one Lord. "Kurios"

  • vs. 6 "Energema" varieties of the power of the one God Who works all in all. "Theos"

The gifts of the Holy Ghost can be presented in three categories:

  1. The Gifts of Revelation impart power to KNOW supernaturally

  1. Word of Wisdom

A supernatural revelation of Divine purpose

  1. Word of Knowledge

A supernatural revelation of facts in the Divine mind

  1. Discerning of Spirits

A supernatural insight into the realm of the Spirit

  1. The Gifts of Power impart power to ACT supernaturally.

  1. Gift of Faith

A supernatural trust in God for the miraculous

  1. Gifts of Healing

A supernatural power to heal

  1. Working of Miracles

A supernatural intervention into he ordinary course of nature.

  1. The Gifts of Inspiration impart power to SPEAK supernaturally.

  1. Prophecy

A supernatural utterance in a known tongue

  1. Diverse kinds of Tongues

A supernatural utterance in an unknown tongue

  1. Interpretation of Tongues

The supernatural showing forth of the meaning of unknown tongues

II. The Importance of the Gifts

I Corinthians 12:7—But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

  1. The gifts were all in operation in the early church, I Cor. 12:28

The gifts are important. We need every gift in operation—every body part functioning. They are many parts of the body: Hand, mind, feet, ears, fingers, eyes, etc.

1. The church was birthed in a demonstration of God's power.

2. The gifts of the Spirit are seen in operation in the book of Acts.

3. There is historical testimony as to the gifts of the Spirit in the early church.

B. The gifts are for the profit of the church.

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

- I Corinthians 12:7

1. It is the manifestation of the Spirit that is profit.

Note: The difference between manifestation and reaction. The light in the electric bulb is a manifestation of electricity; it is the nature of electricity to manifest itself as light. But when a person touches a live wire and lets out an ear-splitting scream, we cannot describe that scream as a manifestation of electricity, for it is not the nature of electricity to manifest itself in a voice. The scream is a reaction to the power of electricity.

2. To build up the church

Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. - I Corinthians 14:12

3 To guide and protect the Body of Christ

a. To warn against false spirits

b. To guide into the will of God

c. To keep the church physically healthy

  1. They are for our edification, exhortation and comfort.

I Corinthians 14:3—But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.

  1. Edification -- "Oikodome" "oikos" a home "demo" to build

  1. Build Up the Church (and not building up "self'", "the flesh"), Matt. 16:17,18

The gifts are for our profit—up-building of the Church.Note: Difference between manifestation and reaction. The light in the electric bulb is a manifestation of electricity; it is the nature of electricity to manifest itself as light. But when a person touches a live wire and lets out an ear-splitting scream, we cannot describe that scream as a manifestation of electricity, for it is not the nature of electricity to manifest itself in a voice. This is a reaction.

Remember — It is the manifestation of the Spirit that is profit. I Cor. 14:12 "Seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church." The Lord said He would build His Church.

  1. True Self-edification, I Cor. 14:4; Jude 20; Isaiah 28:11

God has things to reveal to us. God can do such supernatural things with us if we just yield to Him.

  1. Exhortation — "Paraklesis" a calling to one's side — and to one's aid — encouragement

"Parakletos" Advocate, Matthew 9:2; 14:27; 17:7

  1. Comfort — It combines encouragement with alleviation of grief.

III. The Best Gifts

I Corinthians 12:31—But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

What are the best gifts? Some believe prophecy to be the best gift. Some believe the gifts of healing, etc.

ILLUSTRATION: In a Carpenter's shop could be nine different types of saws —

  1. Hand saw
  2. Cross cut saw
  3. Rip saw
  4. Key hole saw
  5. Fret saw
  6. Hack saw
  7. Jig saw
  8. Band saw
  9. Cord wood saw

The head carpenter says: "I have a piece of work to do. Get me the best saw." What work do you have to do?

If he wants to make a keyhole — the keyhole saw. He wants to cut a piece of iron — the hack saw. If he wants to cut a log in half — cord wood saw.

All saws are the "best" saws. It all depends upon the type of work to be done.

The "best gift" is the one needed at the present moment.

l. All the gifts are good for their intended purpose.

2. The best gift depends on the work of the ministry at hand.

3. God will give the best gifts to the individual based on their calling and ministry.

B. We are to desire the best gifts.

1. We need to earnestly pray for the gifts of the Spirit.

2. We cannot expect to receive from God if we do not seek for the gifts.

3. God is faithful to give to us according to our need.

C. The best gifts are needed to help us do the work of God.

1. The gifts take the individual beyond the realm of the natural.

2. The gifts enable us to know the deceptions of the devil.

3. The gifts show the power of God to the unbeliever.