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One By One by Stephen III

Count your blessings, one by one.

Jesus loves you and all of us.

Jesus died on the cross.

Would you give your life for Jesus?

Missionaries and ministers and preachers, all of them preach the Gospel.

Do you want to one?

If you do want to be one of them ask God .

There are many people not saved and that's why we have missinaries and ministers and preachers.

If you are not saved and you died you go to hell.

But if you are saved and you die, you go in heaven.

Do you know what God's book is called? The Holy Bible.

I plead the Blood is a song .

Listen to the word of God.

God made the universe and He has it in His hands.

It is not a lie its true.

God made man out of the dust of the earth.