3 minutes max average.
Read Bible text and show image
last Supper skit- Rosemary and Elizabeth
Jeremiah : haiki 3 pictures
- Ellyanna
3 pictures - Read Scripture and comment
- Judge gavel,
- potter - Romans 9:21 --< commet //
- finish line,
- Benjimain
3 pcures and scriptures and comment 1
- little caeser --> scripture Mark 12:17
- Roman Bubble (comment on book), Summary of the book
- Dragon, scripture reveltion 20:21
- Elizabeth
- 2 Scriptures and images
- Life Preserver Titus 3:15 -2 Dogs chewing bones and flintstones 1 Timothy 6:18
- Last Supper Skit (has music)
- Music background
- Rose as Jesus, this is my body Luke 22:19-20
- 1 other video
- Jeremiah
- Haiku -- week 16 --
- 3 Drawings and Scripture comment
- Open door and Candle, Revelation 3,4
- Vineyard,
- Men as Trees (find video a s well),
- 1 Skit Las Supper
- 1 video (people around the world)
- 2 Scriptres adn pictures
- Stop Sign,
- Wolf in Sheep Clothings, Matthew 7:15
- 1 lego video - 2 scritpures and images - - - - Read ministers article
Amelia - Read Scripture for 2 pictures - Sing Song - John Baptizing jesus - Jesus holding the whole wide world - I've been changed
Abigail - 3 Scritpures and 3 pictures - Soldier - ARk - lightbuld
Sophia - 3 Scritprues and 3 pictures
Questions for congregation
- stars and candles, and how many of each and what do they represent? (Elyanna)
- Wat is the glory of the man and the woman? strength & hair Pr 20:29 ΒΆ The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the gray head. 1Co 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. (Benjamin)
- if not of confusing, what is God the author of? peace 1 cor. 14:33 (Sophia)
- Where can you read about pottery in the new testament? Ro 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? (Stephen)
- What are some qualifications of Bishop? (3) Titus1:7-9 (not soon angry, lover of good men, holy, not given to wine) (Rosemary)
- How many books in the new testament? 27 (Amelia)
- Why do we need teh armor of God? (Abigail) To Withstand
- What is the new covenant? (Elizabeth)
- The wisdom from above is WITHOUT: partiality, hypocrisy: James 3:17 wisdom from above (Jeremiah)
- What are we do EVERYthinG Without? murmuring Phil. 2:14
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