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  • <projector

  • Read Bible text and show image

  • last Supper skit- Rosemary and Elizabeth

  • Jeremiah : haiki 3 pictures

  1. Ellyanna

3 pictures - Read Scripture and comment

  • Judge gavel,
  • potter - Romans 9:21 --< commet //
  • finish line,
  1. Benjimain

3 pcures and scriptures and comment 1

  • little caeser --> scripture Mark 12:17
  • Roman Bubble (comment on book), Summary of the book
  • Dragon, scripture reveltion 20:21
  1. Elizabeth
  • 2 Scriptures and images
  • Life Preserver Titus 3:15 -2 Dogs chewing bones and flintstones 1 Timothy 6:18
  • Last Supper Skit (has music)
    • Music background
    • Rose as Jesus, this is my body Luke 22:19-20
  • 1 other video
  1. Jeremiah
  • Haiku -- week 16 --
  • 3 Drawings and Scripture comment
    • Open door and Candle, Revelation 3,4
    • Vineyard,
    • Men as Trees (find video a s well),
  1. Rosemary

    • 1 Skit Las Supper
    • 1 video (people around the world)
    • 2 Scriptres adn pictures
      • Stop Sign,
      • Wolf in Sheep Clothings, Matthew 7:15
  2. Stephen

          - 1 lego video
          - 2 scritpures and images
          - Read ministers article
  3. Amelia - Read Scripture for 2 pictures - Sing Song - John Baptizing jesus - Jesus holding the whole wide world - I've been changed

  4. Abigail - 3 Scritpures and 3 pictures - Soldier - ARk - lightbuld

  5. Sophia - 3 Scritprues and 3 pictures

Questions for congregation

  1. stars and candles, and how many of each and what do they represent? (Elyanna)
  2. Wat is the glory of the man and the woman? strength & hair Pr 20:29 ΒΆ The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the gray head. 1Co 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. (Benjamin)
  3. if not of confusing, what is God the author of? peace 1 cor. 14:33 (Sophia)
  4. Where can you read about pottery in the new testament? Ro 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? (Stephen)
  5. What are some qualifications of Bishop? (3) Titus1:7-9 (not soon angry, lover of good men, holy, not given to wine) (Rosemary)
  6. How many books in the new testament? 27 (Amelia)
  7. Why do we need teh armor of God? (Abigail) To Withstand
  8. What is the new covenant? (Elizabeth)
  9. The wisdom from above is WITHOUT: partiality, hypocrisy: James 3:17 wisdom from above (Jeremiah)
  10. What are we do EVERYthinG Without? murmuring Phil. 2:14