Week 2
January 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Reading Checklist
- Sunday: Matthew 3-4
- Monday: Matthew 5-6
- Tuesday: Matthew 7-8
- Wednesday: Matthew 9-10
- Thursday: Matthew 11-12
- Friday: Matthew 13-14
- Saturday: Matthew 15-16
by Stephen III, Matthew 11,12,13,14,15,16
by Stephen, Inspired by The Baptism of Jesus by John, Matthew 3
by Amelia, Inspired by John's first meeting of Jesus, Matthew 3
by Jeremiah, Calling of the Disciples, Matthew 4
by Stephen III, Peter Sinking, Matthew 14
by Amelia, "Shoot nt you Baptis me?", Matthew 3
by Stephen, Inspired by Jesus Teaching on Hating Your Brother and the its connection with Cain and Abel., Matthew 5
by Stephen, Inspired by The Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness, Matthew 4
by Amelia, John Beheaded, Matthew 14:8
by Stephen, Inspired by the man sick of a palsy brought to Jesus lying on a bed and then healed., Matthew 9:2
by Amelia, Inspired by the sign of Jonah given to Jesus' generation., Matthew 12
by Stephen, Inspired by the sign of Jonah given to Jesus' generation., Matthew 12
by Amelia, Inspired by the mention of Moses and his involvement with the Red Sea Crossing, Matthew 8
by Stephen, Inspired by The Wiseman and the Foolish Men Who built their houses., Matthew 7
by Amelia, Jesus Teaching, Matthew 13-14
by Ellyana, Jesus Teaching, Matthew 13-14
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