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The Reserved Inheritance


The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. – John 16:13

The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. – I Corinthians 2:13-14

Scripture is not subject to private interpretation. – II Peter 1:20

We need a revelation, a Divine illumination, of the wealth of our inheritance – Ephesians 1:18

Many past theologians have tried to interpret prophecy that God had not yet revealed to their age.  Much of what is accepted today concerning End-Time prophecy is hundreds of years old, and does not totally agree with Scripture.  True interpretation of prophecy must always be in total harmony with the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  The pieces must perfectly fit together, like the pieces of a puzzle, either it fits or it doesn’t.  And much of what is being taught today just does not fit in relation to the Word of God.


There is a need to study the Word of God. – II Tim. 2:15

We will study **THE RESERVED INHERITANCE. We **will look at several New Testament words and their meanings to help us to understand a Biblical perspective on this subject.

The full inheritance – The son’s complete portion in God.

Sonship – A full mature placed son of God.

Adoption – The placing of a mature son.

Redemption – The process of producing sons, a complete state of release.

I Peter 1:3-5


1. **_“Kleronomia”_** – (noun)
    1. Property which passes from father to son upon the father’s death.
    2. That which is received by a son when he becomes of age.
    3. That which is received as a gift.
    4. The heavenly reward of the saved. – Col. 3:24, Heb. 9:15
2. **_“Kleros” _**– (noun)
    5. A lot (as in casting of lots)
        1. What is obtained by lot.
        2. An allotted portion.
    6. A portion or share of something.
    7. A piece or portion of land.
3. **_“Kleronomeo”_** – (verb)
    8. From two words.
        3. **_“kleros”_** – a lot.
        4. **_“Nemonmai”_** – to posses.
    9. To inherit – to obtain God’s promises and portion for the saints, to receive as ones own.

        Heb. 1:4 – “ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be <span style="text-decoration:underline;">heirs</span> of Salvation?”

        Heb. 6:12 – “… who through faith and patience <span style="text-decoration:underline;">inherit</span> the promises.”

        I Peter 3:19 – “… knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should <span style="text-decoration:underline;">inherit</span> a blessing”

        Matthew 25:34 – “Then shall the king say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, <span style="text-decoration:underline;">inherit</span> the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”  

4. The promised landPromised Land is a type of the believer’s inheritance.

    Acts 7:2-5, Heb.11:8.

    10. Not a type of heaven.
        5. No battles in heaven.
        6. No caananites in heaven.
    11. God told Joshua to posses the land. – Joshua 1:3.
        7. We must fight to posses our inheritance.
        8. We must drive off the adversary.
    12. That which belongs to the saints by promise.
5. That which has been purchased by the blood of Jesus.
    13. The overcomer’s  position of power and authority.     Eph. 1:19-23, 2:6-7.
    14. The price has been paid in full.


    “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.  Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” – I Peter 1:4-5.


6. Reserved – withheld, to hold in store. ( a hotel reservation)
    15. Held back for the last days.
    16. In heaven for those who are kept by God’s power.
        9. To be experienced here on the earth.

When we get to heaven there will be no need to be kept.

        10. Through faith.
            1. Believing for the unseen.
            2. Faith is for this life. 
7. To be revealed in the last time.
    17. End-time revelation of truth.                                           Daniel 12:4, 8-9.
        11. An uncovering of truth not revealed to previous generations.
        12. The meaning of the prophecy was closed.
        13. Sealed until the time of the end.
    18. A showing forth of the fullness of the inheritance.
8. An end-time manifestation of God’s power.

(Elijah prayed down the fire at the time of the evening sacrifice.)

9. We now have only the earnest of our inheritance. –                Eph. 1: 13-14.
    19. Earnest – a down payment, the initial portion.
    20. The fullness is yet to come.
    21. Until the redemption.
        14. Totally bought back.
        15. Scripture places this complete redemption in the end-time. – Luke 21:28.

We have the first fruits.

That which we have already received.- Rom. 8:23.

The full harvest to come later.

Waiting for the adoption.

The redemption of our body.


Not for the child. – Gal. 4:1.

Kept by the power of God.

Above sin. – I Jn. 2:1.

A Divine work. – Jn. 1:12.

Adoption – “Huiosthesia”.

“Huios” – full mature sons.

“Thesia” – To place.

Placed sons. – Placed by the Father into their inheritance.

Manifested sons. –Rom. 8:19.

Led by the Spirit – Rom. 8:14.

Led into sonship.

Power to become a son. – John 1:12.