Revolution and Revival
Text: 2 Kings 9:22,32,33
If it could be done from behind this pulpit, it would have been done already a thousand times over. There is a hunger that must arise out of each individual for more God than ever before. We need revival but we are not going to sing it down or preach it down, we are only going to pray it down and LIVE IT OUTLOUD.
- Revelation – Elijah & Israel faced a time of famine and the prophets were in hiding. God has shown his power.- - - Restoration – I have been very jealous but discouraged—direction from God. The prophets must come out of hiding.
- Revolution – It is time to choose sides. (2 Kings 9:32— Who is on my side ?)
DEFINITION: “revolution” refers to a movement, often violent, to overthrow an old regime and effect complete change in the fundamental institutions of society.
Matthew 11:12 — And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. ["gotten or taken by force"]
ILLUSTRATION: 70 minutemen (farmers, cobblers, silversmiths and metalworkers, carpentars) faced an entire regiment of trained British regulars. Instructed not to shoot unless fired upon. Some unknown man shot the first shot of the Revolutionary War. It has been described as “the shot heard around the world.” A Spiritual Revolution.
I. Prophets in Hiding -- SPRITUAL BONDAGE
- 100 hid by Obadiah.
- 7,000 not bent knee.
- Prophets by name. HINDERED, Fear/Intimidation, Discouragement, loss of direction from God. Desire to see God, but are hindered.
- 3 Eunuchs.
II. Jezebel’s Influence --- SPIRITUAL TYRANNY
Jezebel’s Influence is that of Idolatry and exaltation of the flesh. We are not ineffective as a Body because of the world’s spiritual indifference, but because we are steeped in idolatry ourselves. Modernism has crept into the Church trying to mix faith and flesh.
ALL THAT SHOWS JEZEBEL’S INFLUENCE MUST BE DESTROYED. (70 sons, Ahaziah, Jehoram 2 Kings 10:11)
Jezebel Puts a Question mark everywhere God puts a period. (There is not absolute standard.) Jezebel= whence? Hence How? Whether? Which Way? Dwelling in Uncertainty & Doubt.
- A life of Questioning God’s Word.
The church as been reduced to “SILLINESS”. We are a silly people. Why silly?
- Our interests are shallow. Small minds.
- Low estate, base (Power in the Blood is foreign.)
- People-Centered instead of God-Centered.
- They teach pastor’s to be more ‘people-friendly’ when we ought to be more ‘God-Friendly’. Is God welcome in our service? Are the lost uncomfortable because of conviction?
- They cry peace and compromise? What’s wrong? Is there peace? (Knowing full well there is not!)
- It’s the devil that calls us friend we need to resist and destroy.
- TRUE and OPEN WORSHIP IS LOST. Praying in Secret—In Spirit. Emphasize the Word—IN truth.
2Ki 9:22 And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?
Why was Syria winning and defeating them at every advance? JEHU RECOGNIZED AS LONG AS JEZEBEL REIGNED THERE WOULD BE NO PEACE.
Throw her down! Revolt Against Jezebel. No revival without revolution. If there is going to be a restoration of former things, there must be an end to the present things. The spirit of Jezebel exists in the church only because we have yielded to it!
A. Courage
Because of the rightness of our cause. (Nathan Hale “Give me liberty or give me death!”
B. Faith
I am on the Lord’s Side and no enemy can defeat us.
C. Anointing
It’s not by might, not by power, but by MY SPIRIT saith the Lord. A vessel flooded and overwhelmed by the Holy Ghost. (Demon’s manifest.)
- The Cry Heard Around the World
- Revolution and Revival
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