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You are Purpose Built

TEXT: Psalm 139:14

Psalm 139:14 — I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


A. Theme: We are made for a particular purpose.

DEFINITION: "purpose built": designed and made serve a particular purpose instead of a universal one.

Psalm 139:14 —

  • I will praise thee;
  • for I am fearfully
  • and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works;
  • and that my soul knoweth right well.

  • fearfully = (morally) to revere
  • wonderfully = to distinguish:--put a difference, show marvellous, separate, set apart, sever

B. In this struggle for "what I want" our Godly purpose is being lost.

  • The Insanity and Confusion
  • Here’s What You Can Do… Let's look at how we are made: 1. Wonderfully 2. Fearfully

1. Wonderfully ("Male and female")

Psalm 139:14 — ... I am ... wonderfully made

Genesis 1:27 — So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

  • Your body (the least important part about you) is made up of some 37 trillion cells.
  • Each and every one of those cells contain your DNA.
  • DNA is the recipe or blueprint for every of the 37 trilliin cells how to grow-function-reptoduce.
  • in the center of every cell you dna is combined into strguctures called chromosomes eaither XX(girl) or XY(boy).
  • Each DNA has 2sets of genes (each parent) of 25,000 each.
  • a hair gene is not just universal but acts differently within a biys body or a girls body.

EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY: 37.2 trillion cells --every cell contains our DNA : how to grow function and reproduce ... The recipe to make every genetic trait --- DNA is made of genes men have an X and a Y chromosome and women have two X human Y contains only 27 genes. One of these is the sex-determining region Y gene (SRY), which kick-starts the pathway that causes a ridge of cells in a 12 week-old embryo to develop into a testis. Fearfully and wonderfully made A 1/3 of 'same'genes behave differently in men then woman Male biased and female biased Confusion.. how do we deal with it? The clock in our genes ... Biological clock ... Sleep/ wake ... Even in a cave for 40 days .. 25.5 hrs long ... Light is primary synchronizer of our rythms We have 3 billion base pairs in our genome A genome is The clock toggles a switch and the other genes respond 1 way to on or off position Within Every cell is clock that cycles in and off every day As we are awake and Brain has a master clock ... Ever cell has an internal clock …

2. Fearfully ("I will praise thee")

Psalm 139:14 — I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

  • Marvel at His Design
    • "Favorite Car/Truck"?
    • "Favorite Clothing Brand"?

what can we do better,? we can eorship God better.

fear from what we dint know vs fesr of god insoired by what we do know.

the mystery of God his holiness his othernesd. we can enlarge what we think about God.


that my soul knoweth right well.