The Life Jesus
John 1:4 — In him was ZOE; and the ZOE was the PHOS of men.
John 1:4 — In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
We are going to survey what the Scriptures tell us concerning Jesus and His life. We will look at the testimony of the whole Bible with an emphasis on harmonizing the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). When we harmonize these four Gospels it is important to remember that the sequences of many events are a matter of subjective debate.
1. Jesus Christ of Eternity Past
- verses: John 1:1; John 17:5; 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 13:8; Hebrews 7:3; Micah 5:2; John 8:58; Matthew 1:1
a. He was before the Creation of the World
John 1:1 — In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (compare v.14 "Word became flesh")
John 17:5 — And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
1 Peter 1:20 &mmdash; Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
b. He is eternally the same.
Hebrews 13:8 — Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. - Yesterday? He is Who He is. - Today? He is Who He is. - Forever? He is Who He is.
c. He has no beginning.
Hebrews 7:3 — Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
- "goings forth" / "origins" / "beginnings" (His existence is rooted outside time, space, and matter)
Micah 5:2 — But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
d. He was before Abraham (and was the son of Abraham).
John 8:58 — Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Matthew 1:1 — The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
2. Jesus Christ of the Old Testament
Throughout the New Testament, the writers affirm that Jesus wasn't just an important man: he was the one the Old Testament writers prophecied would come. Jesus can be found in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We can look at any book in the Bible and hear something about Jesus. Here's a brief look at what the Old Testament says about Jesus.
The Bible is God’s Word that He breathed out to us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Jesus, God the Son (John 10:30), assured us that His Word would endure: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33). His story is woven throughout Scripture because all of it is about Jesus. All of it.
Further references to Jesus abound in the Old Testament in the form of Pre-Incarnate Theophanies, types, and prophetic utterings.
1. Pre-Incarnate Theophanies (Old Testament appearances of God the Son):
THEOPHANY — a visible manifestation to humankind (an appearance) of God (Genesis 3:8)
Geneis 16:7-13
In Genesis 18, a man identified as the Lord appears to Abraham with two companions. The two companions were angels who went on a mission to Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord talked with Abraham about what was coming to those cities, and how Abraham’s wife Sarah would have a son.
Another stunning Old Testament appearance of Christ is seen in Daniel 3:24-25. King Nebuchadnezzar has Daniel’s three friends bound and thrown into a fire heated seven times hotter than normal (Daniel 3:19). The king observed a fourth man in the fire alongside the three men, one who looked like “a son of the gods” (Daniel 3:25). This fourth “man” is most likely Jesus.
He is identified with God:
- Genesis 16:7-13
- Genesis 22:15-18
- Genesis 31:11-13
- Exodus 3:1 ff
- Acts 7:30-35
- Exodus 13:21
- Exodus 14:19
- Judges 6:11-23
- Judges 13:9-20 He is also revealed to be a distinct Person.
- Genesis 24:7 , 40
- Numbers 20:16
- Zechariah 1:12-13
Some interesting thoughts about Theophanies and Christophanies.
- “The Angel of Jehovah” no longer appears after the Incarnation.
- Both “the Angel of the Lord” and Jesus are sent by God the Father to reveal truth and lead and protect Israel.
- No one has seen God the Father (John 1:18).
- Old Testament references to the Trinity.
- Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image.”
- Genesis 2:24 “They shall be one flesh.”
- Deuteronomy 6:4 “One” = “Unity”
- Genesis 3 God walking in the Garden. Who was that?
- Begin looking for Jesus in your Old Testament.
2. Types (symbols, a foreshadowing, or something that typifies something or someone else):
- Joseph is seen to be a type of Christ as he saved his people and brought them into unity with one another.
- Noah is a type of Christ, for he can be considered a “second Adam.” He was righteous, blameless, and walked with God. Noah and his seven family members were the only survivors of the Great Flood (Genesis 7:1), and God gave Noah “re-creation” orders.
Old Testament Book | Main Revelation | Types & Prophecies of Jesus |
Genesis | The Seed of the Woman |
Messiah would be born of the seed of a woman (Gen 3:15, Luke
Messiah would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Gen 12:3, 17:19, 28:14, Luke 3:23-34) Messiah would be a king in the line of Judah (Gen 49:10, John 1:49) Typified in the person of Melchizedek (Gen 14:18) The life of Isaac - the sacrificed son (Gen 22) The life of Joseph - the rejected brother (Gen 37) |
Exodus | The Passover Lamb |
Typified in
the life of Moses
- the deliverer
The Passover Lamb (Ex 12, John 1:29,36) The Manna from Heaven (Ex 16, John 6) The Rock struck at Horeb (Ex 17, 1 Cor 10:4) The Tabernacle (Brazen Altar, Lampstand, Table of Showbread, Ark of the covenant etc) (Gen 25-30) |
Leviticus | The High Priest |
Typified in the sacrifices and offerings (Lev 1-7)
In the Jewish festivals (Passover, Atonement, Lev 16, 23) In the scapegoat (Lev 16:7-9) In the person and duties of the High Priest (Lev 16) |
Numbers | The Cloud and The Fire |
Messiah would be a King (Num 24:17)
Typified in the bronze serpent (Num 21:8-9) The Water from the Rock (Num 20) |
Deuteronomy | The Prophet Like Moses |
Messiah will be a prophet (Deut 18:15-19, John 6:14)
Messiah would be worshipped by angels (Deut 32:43, Luke 2:13-14) Typified in the cities of refuge (Deut 4:41) |
Joshua | The Captain of Our Salvation |
Typified in the person of Joshua (our leader into the promised
In the Promised Land In the Commander of the Army (Josh 5:13-15) |
Judges | The Judge And Lawgiver | Typified in the Judges (for He is true Judge of the living and the dead) |
Ruth | The Kinsman Redeemer |
Messiah would be a descendant of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:12-17)
Typified in the life of Boaz - The Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 2:1) |
1 & 2 Samuel | The Prophet of The Lord |
Messiah exalted by God with power (1 Sam 2:10, Matt 28:18)
Messiah would be a descendant of David (2 Sam 7:12-16, Matt 1:1) Messiah would be the 'Rock' (2 Sam 23:2-3, 1 Cor 10:4) Typified in the life of David - The King in Exile (1 Sam 22) The life of Jonathon - the faithful friend (1 Sam 18:1-4) |
1 & 2 Kings | The Reigning King |
Typified in the
life of Solomon
(the Millennial Reign)
In the life and miracles of the prophet Elisha (multiplying bread 2 Kings 4:42, healing leper 2 Kings 5) |
1 & 2 Chronicles | The Glorious Temple |
Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah (1 Chron 5:2, Luke
Typified in Solomon's temple In the Wisdom of Solomon (2 Chron 9:22) |
Ezra | The Faithful Scribe | Typified in person of Zerubbabel, the rebuilder of the temple (Ezra 4) |
Nehemiah | The Rebuilder of the Walls | Typified in the person of Nehemiah , the rebuilder of the walls of salvation |
Esther | Mordecai | Typified in the person of Mordecai |
Job | The Dayspring From on High | Typified in the sufferings of Job and the blessings that would follow |
Psalms | The Lord Who Is Our Shepherd |
Messiah would be the Son of God
(Ps 2:7, 12, Matt 17:5)
Messiah would be resurrected (Ps 16:8-10, Acts 13:30-37) Messiah would be despised & crucified (Ps 22:6-8, 14, Luke 23:21-23, Matt 27:35) Messiah would be hated without cause (Ps 69:4, Luke 23:13-22) Messiah would be Lord, seated at the right hand of God (Ps 110:1,5, 1 Pet 3:21-22) Messiah would be in the line of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4, Heb 6:17-20) Messiah would be the 'stone' rejected by the Jews (Ps 118:22, Matt 21:42-43) Key Messianic Psalms: Chapters 2, 8, 16, 22, 45, 69, 89, 109, 110, 118 |
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes | The Wisdom of God |
Messiah would be from everlasting (Prov 8:22-23, John 17:5)
Messiah would be the Son of God (Prov 30:4, Matt 3:16-17) Typified in the Wisdom of God (Prov 8:22-31) |
Song of Solomon | The Lover & Bridegroom | Typified in the Bridegroom's love for, and marriage to, the bride |
Isaiah | The Suffering Servant |
Messiah would be born of a virgin (Is 7:14, Luke 1:34-35)
Messiah would be Immanuel "God with us" (Is 7:14, Matt 1:21-23) Messiah would be God and Man (Is 9:6, John 10:30) Messiah would have the 7-fold Spirit upon Him (Is 11:1-2, Matt 3:16-17) Messiah would heal the blind, lame, deaf (Is 35:5-6, Mark 10:51-52) Messiah would be proceeded by a forerunner (Is 40:3, Luke 1:17) Messiah would be a light to the gentiles (Is 42:6, John 8:12) Messiah would be despised by the Jewish nation (Is 49:7, John 10:20, Matt 27:23) Messiah would be whipped and beaten (Is 50:6, Matt 26:67, 27:26) Messiah would die as a guilt offering for sin (Is 53:10, John 18:11) Messiah would be resurrected and live forever (Is 53:10, Mark 16:16) |
Jeremiah & Lamentations | The Weeping Prophet |
Messiah would be God (Jer 23:6, John 13:13)
Messiah would be a righteous Branch (Jer 23:5) Messiah would be our righteousness (Jer 23:6, 1 Cor 1:30) |
Ezekiel | The Son of Man | Messiah would be a descendant of David (Ez 34:23-24, Matt 1:1) |
Daniel | The Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven |
Messiah would be 'a son of man' given an everlasting kingdom
(Dan 7:13-14, Luke 1:31-34)
Messiah would come 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan 9:25, John 12:12-23) Messiah would be killed (Dan 9:26, Matt 27:35) Revealed as the 'stone' (and His kingdom) that smashes the kingdoms of the world (Dan 2:34,44) Typified in the 4th man in the fiery furnace - one like 'the son of gods' (Dan 3:25) |
Hosea | The Bridegroom | Typified in Hosea's faithfulness to his adulterous wife (Hos 3) |
Joel | The Baptizer With The Holy Spirit |
Messiah will offer salvation to all mankind (Joel 2:32, Rom
Messiah would baptize people with the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-32) |
Amos | The Burden Bearer | God would darken the day at noon during Messiah's death (Amos 8:9, Matt 27:45-46) |
Obadiah | The Mighty Savior | |
Jonah | The Forgiving God | Typified in Jonah being 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a fish (Jon 1:17, Matt 12:40) |
Micah | The Messenger With Beautiful Feet |
Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2, Matt 2:1-2)
Messiah would be from everlasting (Mic 5:2, Rev:1-8) |
Nahum | The Avenger of God's Elect | |
Habakkuk | The Great Evangelist, Crying For Revival |
Messiah would come from Teman at His return
, full of glory (Hab 3:3)
Typified in the life of Habakkuk (his intercession and prayer for his people) |
Zephaniah | The Restorer of the Remnant | |
Haggai | The Cleansing Fountain | Messiah would visit the 2nd temple (Hag 2:6-9, Luke 2:27-32) |
Zechariah | The Pierced Son |
Messiah would be Priest and King (Zech 6:12-13, Heb 8:1)
Messiah would be ride into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech 9:9, Matt 21:6-9) Messiah would be God (Zech 11:12-13, John 12:45) Messiah would be pierced (Zech 12:10, John 19:34-37) |
The Son of Righteousness |
Messiah would appear at the temple (Mal 3:1, Mark 11:15-16)
Messiah's forerunner would come in the spirit of Elijah (Mat 4:5, Matt 3:1-2) |
3. Old Testament Prophecies (Prophecies of Jesus spoken by Old Testament prophets):
Luke 4:16-21 — Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. 17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
Jesus fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies. Let us consider some of these beginning with Isaiah
a. Isaiah's Prophecies
In Luke 4:18 & 19, Jesus read from Isaiah 61:1,2:
Isaiah 61:1 — The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
STUDY QUESTION: Why do Isaiah 61:1,2 and Luke 4:18,19 sound similar but not exactly the same? Does the New Testament Misquote the Old Testament? READ:
Isaiah | Luke |
, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; | (omitted) |
(omitted) | and recovering of sight to the blind, |
he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, | (omitted) |
- Explanation Part 1: The Languages Involved are as follows. Original Old Testament was written in Hebrew, subsequently translated to Greek (This translation often does not match the Hebrew texts from which most old testament books were translated into English), Jesus spoke in Aramaic, the New Testament is originally written in Greek and then translated to our English.
- Explanation Part 2: Jesus most probably actually read from the Hebrew text, but Luke may have filled in the reading from the "Septuagint".
- Explanation Part 3: Luke was not Jewish and spoke Greek, the Septuagint would have been his Bible.
- Explanation Part 4: Luke 4:18 matches neither the Septuagint (LXX) nor the Hebrew text exactly. The LXX has one clause that the Hebrew text does not have, but the Hebrew text has one clause that the LXX does not have. So the explanation that Luke is citing the Septuagint is not conclusive.
Compare the Masoretic Text (MT) and the Septuagint (LXX):
Isaiah 61:1, 2 (MT) — The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of our God’s vengeance, to comfort all who mourn
Isaiah 61:1, 2 (LXX) — The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me; he has sent me to preach glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; 2 to declare the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompence; to comfort all that mourn;
Consider Isaiah 42:1,7:
Isaiah 42:1 — Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
Isaiah 42:7 — To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
Isaiah is probably first on most lists of Old Testament prophets who prophesied about Jesus.
- Jesus’ birth in Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6-7, and Matthew 1:23 fulfills this prophecy.
- The harrowing words of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 describe the life and death of our Savior in vivid detail.
b. Genesis' Record
Jesus as Redeemer and crusher of Satan is prophesied in Genesis 3:15 (cf. Romans 16:20).
Genesis 3:15 — And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
- Jesus Christ and his redemptive work is foreshadowed in the story of Noah and the flood.
- An early glimpse of Jesus in Genesis is found in the promise God made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3.
- Jesus is seen in Genesis in the story of Isaac's near-sacrifice in Genesis 22.
- In Genesis 28, we see another glimpse of Jesus in the story of Jacob's ladder. Jesus himself referenced this story in John 1:51, telling Nathanael that he would see "the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
- Genesis 49:10 is another significant passage that points to Jesus Christ.
- Genesis 49:10 is part of Jacob's prophecy to his twelve sons, as recorded in the book of Genesis. In this verse, Jacob speaks specifically about Judah, his fourth son. Jacob makes a prophecy about the coming of Shiloh, who is believed to be a reference to the Messiah, Jesus Christ (The Lion of the Tribe of Judah).
- Another significant example of the footprints of Jesus in the book of Genesis is found in the story of Joseph, who is a type of Christ (Genesis chapters 37-50). Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and taken to Egypt. There, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison, but eventually rose to a position of great authority, second only to Pharaoh. In the same way, Jesus was betrayed by his own people, suffered unjustly, was crucified, and rose again to a position of great authority, seated at the right hand of the Father. Furthermore, Joseph saved his family and the surrounding nations from famine by providing them with grain during a time of great need. In the same way, Jesus provides spiritual nourishment to those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
c. Deuteronomy
- What O.T. Book did Jesus quote more than any other?
What Does Deuteronomy Say about Jesus?
Not only did Jesus’ followers associate him with the Old Testament teachings about the Messiah; he confirmed that he was who the Old Testament writers had spoken about. In John 1:43-45, Philip told Nathanael, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” In Luke 24:27, following his resurrection, Jesus met two disciples who were walking to Emmaus, “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”
Deuteronomy is an especially helpful example, because Jesus quoted from the book of Deuteronomy more than the other Old Testament books. The New Testament quotes Deuteronomy some ninety times and 22 or so are by Jesus.
- Matthew 4:4 & Deuteronomy 8:3
- Matthew 4:7 & Deuteronomy 6:16
- Matthew 4:10 & Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20
- Matthew 5:21 & Deuteronomy 5:17
- Matthew 5:27 & Deuteronomy 5:18
- Matthew 5:31 & Deuteronomy 24:1
- Matthew 5:38 & Deuteronomy 19:21
- Matthew 15:4 & Deuteronomy 5:16
- Matthew 18:16 & Deuteronomy 19:15
- Matthew 19:7 & Deuteronomy 24:1
- Matthew 22:24 & Deuteronomy 25:5
- Matthew 22:37 & Deuteronomy 6:5
- Mark 7:10 & Deuteronomy 5:16
- Mark 10:4 & Deuteronomy 24:1
- Mark 12:19 & Deuteronomy 25:5
- Mark 12:29-30 & Deuteronomy 6:4-5
- Luke 4:4 & Deuteronomy 8:3
- Luke 4:8 & Deuteronomy 6:13 and 10:20
- Luke 4:12 & Deuteronomy 6:16
- Luke 10:27 & Deuteronomy 6:5
- Luke 18:20 & Deuteronomy 5:17-21
- Luke 20:28 & Deuteronomy 25:5
Jesus is foreshadowed through Moses in Exodus and Deuteronomy, serving as a type of Christ before he came. Furthermore, several passages indicate Jesus’ coming.
For example, Jesus is indicated in Deuteronomy 18:15-18 when Moses spoke to the people. He told them the LORD God would raise a Prophet (like Moses) for them from their midst. They were to listen to Him as their Lord. What He said would be directly from God, and He would do as the Lord commanded Him (see John 14:31).
Another passage, in the middle of Moses’ commandments about laws and punishments for disobedience, is even more telling.
Does Deuteronomy Prophecy How Jesus Will Die?
Deuteronomy 21:22-23 describes a punishment for wrongdoing that also seems to be a foreshadowing of how Jesus would die. The Case for Christ Study Bible posits the following:
Deuteronomy 21:22-23 says that God cursed any man executed for breaking one of God’s commands. His body hanging on a pole was a public display of judgment. Jesus took on this curse for all of humanity when he died on the “cross” (1 Peter 2:24), fulfilling the prophecy in Deuteronomy 21:23. The apostle Paul reiterates this concept in Galatians 3:13.
Deuteronomy 21:23 also commanded that the offender’s body not be left on the pole overnight, and as we know from the Gospels, Jesus’ body was taken down and placed into the tomb before nightfall (see Matthew 27:57, Mark 15:42).” — Excerpted from the NIV Case for Christ Study Bible by Zondervan. Used with permission.
While Moses was a type of Christ, this passage is closer to prophecy. A biblical prophecy is a divine prediction (oracle) given by the Lord to one of His prophets (e.g., Isaiah, Malachi, Zechariah, etc.) That which is from the Lord will find fulfillment (Deuteronomy 18:22; Lamentations 3:37). Anything which does not come to pass is not from the Lord.
Since we know Jesus is seen throughout Scripture, it makes sense that this passage in Deuteronomy is prophetic. Jesus took on all of humanity’s sins—past, present, and future ones. He did hang on the “tree” of the wooden cross. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea removed His body from the cross on the same day he was crucified and died. And yes, they buried Him. Jesus lamented the cup of God’s wrath He was to “drink” that day (Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42), being in the place of the “accursed.”
The passage in Deuteronomy 18:15-18 is also prophetic because Jesus was (and is) Prophet (John 6:14), Priest (Hebrews 3:1), and King (Revelation 19:16).
d. Other O.T. Mentions of Jesus
- What Can We Learn from Jesus Being Mentioned in the Old Testament?
We learn a very clear lesson from the many Messianic prophecies in Deuteronomy and other Old Testament books: the Bible is all about Jesus. There is no denying He is the One who redeems humanity from the curse (Genesis 3:14-19). The references to Jesus throughout the Bible are called “The Scarlet Thread,” which traces the story of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. Jesus is the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament—the One who came and was and is to come.
- Concealed and Revealed
Theologians have a great saying: The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. We will miss so much of the glory and beauty of Christ if we forego the reading and study of the Old Testament.
3. Jesus Christ of Obscurity
a. We are given rare glimpses into Jesus' early years.
- The Gospels are not a complete biography. Largely centered on His last week of his life.
- "The Lost Years of Jesus"
There is a gnostic writing that most Christians regard as heretical, the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (completely different text than the "Gospel of Thomas"). This text is very old (2nd century) and as such gives us glimpse into some of the early imaginations at least of Jesus' early years. It describes the life of the child Jesus from the ages of five to twelve. Some interesting things included in it:
- A conversation between the child Jesus and his tutor who asks him "What is Alpha?" To which Jesus response, "First tell me what is beta, and I can tell you what alpha is."
- "Lonenly, no one to play with, makes 12 sparrows out of clay to play with, and causes them to come alive." (This story is also mentioned in the Quaran 5:110.)
- Jesus kills his first child, when at age one he curses a boy, which causes the child's body to wither into a corpse. Later, Jesus kills another child via curse when the child apparently accidentally bumps into Jesus, throws a stone at Jesus, or punches Jesus (depending on the translation). When Joseph and Mary's neighbors complain, Jesus miraculously strikes them blind.
- Jesus then starts receiving lessons, but tries to teach the teacher, instead, upsetting the teacher who suspects supernatural origins. Jesus is amused by this suspicion, which he confirms, and revokes all his earlier apparent cruelty. Subsequently, he resurrects a friend who is killed when he falls from a roof, and heals another who cuts his foot with an axe.
- Bringing life to a dried fish (this is present only in later texts)
- Three Miracles - Breathes life into birds fashioned from clay; curses a boy, who then becomes a corpse (not present in Greek B); curses a boy who falls dead and his parents become blind
- Attempt to teach Jesus, which fails, with Jesus doing the teaching
- Three Miracles - Reverses his earlier acts (this would include resurrecting the two boys and healing the blind parents), resurrects a friend who fell from a roof, heals a man who chopped his foot with an axe
- Carries water on cloth, produces a feast from a single grain, and stretches a beam of wood to help his father finish constructing a bed.
- Tutors attempt to teach Jesus, which fail, with Jesus doing the teaching
- Heals James from snake poison, resurrects a child who died of illness, and resurrects a man who died in a construction accident
b. Luke interviewed eye witnesses for his Gospel account.
Luke 1:1 ¶ Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 2 Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word;
- Luke wrote a whopping 25% of the New Testament (2nd only to Paul).
- Most certainly would have intervied Mary and this is telling as he gives the most detail of the time leading up to the birth of Jesus.
- Luke’s Gospel makes great note of the women, starting with its infancy narratives, featuring Elizabeth and the Prophetess Anna. It continues with his genealogy, which mentions the women Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba as ancestors of the Messiah. Luke gives details about the women who traveled with Jesus, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and “many others who provided for them out of their means.”
c. Songs and His Birth
Songs are featured in the OT as a way of memorializing important events:
- there are at least 185 songs in the Bible
- The 2 Shortest Songs are 7 words long: 2 Chronicles 5:13; 20:21
- The Longest song is Psalm 119: 1,732 words!
- The Book of Psalms (150)
- Song of Solomon (1) *Solomon wrote 1,005 songs, this is the only one in the Bible
- Lamentations (5 "dirges" songs mourning the fall of Jerusalem)
- Song of Moses (Exodus 15, the first song and song last in Revelation 15:3)
- Song of Miriam
- Song of Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1-10)
- The song of wells in the wilderness (Numbers 21:17-18)
- The Song of Moses and Joshua (Deuteronomy 31:19–22, 30, 32:1–43)
- The Song of Deborah and Barak (Judges 5)
- etc.
Song of Zechariahs - "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel" ( Luke 1:67-75 ) ( The Benedictus "Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel")
- Described as "prophecy"
- Zechariah praises God, characterizing God as powerful and faithful to covenant. A covenant is a promise or agreement. In the Bible the promises made between God and God's people are known as covenants; they state or imply a relationship of commitment and obedience. More promises. Zechariah also declares that his son, John, will play an important but subordinate role in the story that will unfold.
Mary - "My soul doth magnify the Lord" ( Luke 1:46–55 )( The Magnificat "" )
- Mary is visiting with her cousin Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Upon that visit, Elizabeth asked in verse 43, “How could this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Mary is aware that she is going to give birth to the Christ child. The angel Gabriel has spoken to her and shared God’s plan. But it seems that when she hears Elizabeth’s question, she is overtaken with a spirit of praise.
The Angels Song - "Glory to God in the highest" (Luke 2:13-14) ("Gloria in Excelsis Deo")
- Visiting the Shepherds
Song of Simeon - "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart" (Luke 2:29-32)(Nunc dimittis "Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine")
- The story told in the book of Luke was that Simeon, who was a Jew, had been promised by the Holy Ghost that he would not die until he had seen Jesus.
d. Jesus of Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum
Matthew 3:13 — Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
John 7:41 — Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?
- "Then Cometh Jesus from Galilee" (Matthew 2:19-23; Jg 13:5; 1Sa 1:11; Joh 1:45)
- How did Jesus get to Nazareth, Galilee?
Joseph, Mary and Joseph had escaped Herod by fleeing to Egypt. After some time, an angel informs Joseph in a dream it was safe to return to the land of Israel. Instead of returning to their home in Judaea, Josph and mary take the child Jesus to Nazareth in Galilee. (Both Herod and his eldest son Antipater were dead, but the surviving next eldest son, Archelaus, governed over Judaea. This was most prudent of Joseph as history tells us now of the cruel and violent character of Archelaus. )
ADAM CLARKE COMMENTARY: Archelaus partook of the cruel and blood-thirsty disposition of his father: at one of the passovers, he caused three thousand of the people to be put to death in the temple and city. For his tyranny and cruelty, Augustus deprived him of the government, and banished him.
e. In the Temple
- Luke 2:41-52
Was Jesus attending the temple for a "Bar Mitsveh"? There is no mention here or anywhere else in Scripture by name of a "Bar Mitzveh". The modern "Bar Mitzveh" celebration can be traced back to 14th century or maybe even earlier. By the age 13, a Jewish boy reaches an age of accountability without necessarily even marking this with a celebration.
Leopold Löw (l.c.) has shown that the Bar Miẓwah rite had become a fixed custom only in the fourteenth century in Germany. Nevertheless there are many indications, overlooked by Löw, that its origin must be sought in remote antiquity. —
4. Jesus Christ The Minister
Matthew 20:28 — Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Mark 2:17 — When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
A powerful devotional habit, is to take a few minutes each day and meditate on a particular point in time of Jesus' life. We probably more often give attention to the bigger picture of Jesus' Life, but much powerful insight can be gained from a more granular, patient look at even the so-called minor details of His Life and ministry.
1. Baptism and Anointing of Jesus
References: Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-23; John 1:25-36 (No mention of baptizing Jesus); Acts 10:37, 38
Acts 10:37 That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
a. Let the Spirit Descend
VERSE 1 — When John Came Preaching,
Preparing The Way,
For Jesus The Heavenly King.
That All Who Believe And Trust In His Name,
Could Stand In God’s Kingdom,
And Not Be Ashamed.
CHORUS — Let The Spirit Descend, Like A Beautiful Dove,
As It Did Upon Jesus That Day.
They Were Baptized By John,
In The River Of Jordan.
God’s Voice Spoke Like Thunder,
Saying “This Is My Son.”
VERSE 2 — When Lazarus Lay Dead In The Grave Four Days,
Martha Sent For Jesus To Come.
He Said “Lazarus Come Forth”
And He Heard What He Said.
Lazarus In Grave Clothes Arose From The Dead.
written by J.M. Purdom. John Mace Masters ("Johnnie Masters") was born near Jacksonville, Florida. His last name was Purdom, but his father died before he was born and his mother remarried P.S. Masters. His wife, Lucille Masters was born in Homerville, Georgia, but her family moved to Jacksonville within a year after she was born. They had three children, Johnnie Owen, Evelyn and Deanna.In 1946, John and Lucille were saved and from that time on, performed almost only sacred material. Johnnie would write secular songs later, but they became known primarily as a bluegrass gospel group. Owen Masters, their 12-year old son joined them in the act in 1947 and they became known as the Masters Family. Later, Lucille also worked with the group, having sung on the radio when she was only three years old, but did not take part in the recording sessions back then.
- Let The Spirit Descend
- I Found It In Mother's Bible
- Give Them The Roses Now
- Cry From The Cross
- Gloryland March
"traditionalists might frown upon their compromise with modern instrumentation after 1952, but none can deny that they started a trend followed by virtually everyone in that field."
b. What is Water Baptism?
Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; John 1:31; John 1:26; Acts 8:36; Acts 10:47; 1 Peter 3:20-22; 1 John 5:6-8;
c. Other Things John Does not Mention (Arthur W. Pink)
- In John's Gospel there is no genealogy, neither His legal through Joseph, nor his personal through Mary.
Nor is there any account of His birth. Instead, as we have seen, He was "In the beginning." For a similar reason, John is silent about Herod's attempt to slay the Christ Child, about the flight into Egypt, and subsequent return to Galilee. Nothing is said about the Lord Jesus as a Boy of twelve, in the midst of the doctors in the Temple. No reference is made to the years spent at Nazareth, and no hint is given of Christ working at the carpenter's bench before He began His public ministry.
There is no description of His baptism. Mark refers to the Lord Jesus being baptized by his forerunner, and Matthew and Luke each describe at length the attendant circumstances. John's reason for saying nothing about this is obvious. In His baptism, Christ, in condescending grace, took His place alongside of His needy people, saying to the one who baptized Him, "Thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness" (Matt.3:15).
John says nothing about the Temptation. Here, again, we may observe the superintending hand of the Holy Spirit, guiding the different Evangelists in the selection of their material. Each of the first three Gospels make mention of the season spent by Christ in the wilderness, where He was tempted for forty days of the Devil. But John is silent about it. And why? Because John is presenting Christ as God the Son, and "God cannot be tempted" (Jas.1:13).
There is no account of His transfiguration. At first sight this seems strange, but a little attention to details will reveal the reason for this. The wonderful scene witnessed by the three disciples upon the holy mount, was not an unveiling of His Divine glories, but a miniature representation, a spectacular showing forth of the Son of Man coming in His kingdom (see Matt.16:28 etc.). But the earthly kingdom does not fall within the scope of this Gospel. Here, it is spiritual and heavenly relationships which are made most prominent.
Here there is no Appointing of the Apostles. In the other Gospels we find the Lord Jesus selecting, equipping, and sending forth the Twelve, to preach, and to heal; and in Luke we also read of Him sending out the Seventy. But here, in harmony with the character of this Gospel, all ministry and miracle working is left entirely in the hands of the Son of God.
Never once is Christ here seen praying. This does not come out so clearly in our English translation as it does in the original Greek. In John's Gospel we never find the word associated with Christ which signifies taking the place of a supplicant; instead, the word "erotos" is used, and this word denotes "speaking" as to an equal. It is very striking to compare what each Evangelist records following the miracle of the Feeding of the five thousand: Matt. says, "And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray" (14:23). Mark says, "When He had sent them away, He departed into a mountain to pray" (6:46). Luke also follows his narration of this miracle with the words, "And it came to pass, as He was alone praying" (9:8). But when we come to the fourth Gospel, we read, "He departed again to a mountain Himself alone" (6:15), and there John stops!
The contents of John 17 may seem to contradict what we have just said above, but really it is not so. At the beginning of the chapter we read, "Jesus lifted up His eyes to Heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee" (v.1). And at its close we read that He said, "Father I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am" (v.24). Thus He spoke to the Father as to an Equal.
We never read in John's Gospel of "The Coming of the Son of Man," and for the same reason as this, He is never addressed as "The Son of David" here. The Coming of the Son of Man always has reference to His return to the earth itself, coming back to His earthly people. But here we read, not of a restored Palestine, but of the "Father's House" and its "many mansions," of Christ going on High to prepare a place "for His heavenly people, and of Him coming back to receive them unto Himself, that there may they be also.
We never find the word "Repent" in John. In the other Gospels this is a term of frequent occurrence; what, then, is the reason for its absence here? In the other Gospels the sinner is viewed as guilty, and needing, therefore, to "repent." But here, the sinner is looked upon as spiritually dead, and therefore, in sore need of that which only God can impart -- "life"! It is here we read of man needing to be "born again" (3:7), needing to be "quickened" (5:21), and needing to be "drawn" (6:44).
Neither is the word "Forgive" found in John. This, too, is a word often met with in the other Gospels. Why, then, its omission here? In Matt.9:6 we read, "The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins." As Son of Man He "forgives;" as Son of God He bestows "eternal life."
No Parables are found in John's Gospel. This is a very notable omission. The key to it is found in Matt.13: "And the disciples came, and said unto Him, Why speakest Thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand" (vv.10-13). Here we learn why that Christ, in the later stages of His ministry, taught in "parables." It was to conceal from those who had rejected Him, what was comprehensible only to those who had spiritual discernment. But here in John, Christ is not concealing, but revealing -- revealing God. It is to be deplored that the rationale of our Lord's parabolic form of teaching should be known to so few. The popular definition of Christ's parables is that they were earthly stories with a heavenly meaning. How man gets things upside down! The truth is, that His parables were heavenly stories with an earthly meaning, having to do with His earthly people, in earthly connections. This is another reason why none are found in John -- the word in 10:6 is "proverb."
In John's Gospel no mention is made of the Demons. Why this is we do not know. To say that no reference is here made to them, was, because mention of them would be incompatible with the Divine glories of Christ, hardly seems satisfactory; for, Satan himself is referred to here, again and again. It is, in fact, only here, that the Devil is spoken of three times over as "The prince of this world;" and, Judas, too, as the son of Perdition, occupies a more prominent position here than in the other Gospels. Should it be revealed to any of our readers why the "demons" are excluded from this Gospel, we shall be very glad to hear from them.
There is no account of Christ's Ascension in this fourth Gospel. This is very striking, and by implication brings out clearly the Deity of the Lord Jesus. As God the Son He was omnipresent, and so, needed not to ascend. As God the Son He fills both heaven and earth. We turn now to,
2. First 2 following Jesus
3. 40 days in wilderness
4. 1st miracle (Water to Wine)
5. Visit to Capernaum
6. Jerusalem visit
7. Temple Cleansed (1st)
8. Nicodemus
9. Contention between disciples
10. 1st withdrawal from Judea
11. Woman at the well
12. Nobleman's son healed
13. Prison for John the Baptist
14. First visit to Nazareth
15. Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
16. Preaching from Peter's Boat
17. The "Move" to Capernaum
18. Madman healed in Capernaum
19. Peter's mother-in-law healed
20. First Galilean tour
21. Lone leper healed
22. Man let down through the roof
23. "Harvesting" on the Sabbath
24. Withered hand healed
25. Matthew called
26. The 12 disciples ordained
27. Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes)
28. 2nd Galilean tour
29. Widow's son of Nain raised to life
30. "Who is my mother?"
31. Calms sea
32. 2 demoniacs healed
33. Blind and mute man healed
34. Roman Centurian's servant healed
35. John asks about Jesus
36. Matthew's feast
37. Jairus' daughter
38. One touch heals
39. 3rd Galilean tour
40. Sent two by two
41. Rejected at Nazareth again
42. John beheaded
43. Retreats to quiet spot
44. 5000 fed
45. Walks on water
46. Many leave Him
47. No Jerusalem trip (trap set)
48. Canaanite woman's daughter healed
49. 4000+ fed
50. Blind man healed (Bethsaida)
51. The Transfiguration
52. Demon possesed boy healed
53. Return to Capernaum
54. Argument about who is the greatest
55. Tax from fish's mouth
56. Visit to Jerusalem in secret
57. Teaches in the Temple
58. Writes in the dust
59. Puts clay on man's eyes
60. Return to Galilee
61. Begins last journey to Jerusalem
62. 70 appointed
63. Visits Mary, Martha
64. Lazarus Raised from the dead
65. High Priest, "Better one should die...."
66. Zaccheaus
67. Rich young ruler
68. Blessing of the children
69. Heals 10 lepers (1 says thanks)
5. Jesus Christ the Propitiation
Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
propitiation: atonement of Jesus Christ; appeasing the righteousness of God.
Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
6. Jesus Christ the Risen and Ascended Lord
Luke 24:6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
Ephesians 4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
7. Jesus Christ the Soon Returning King
Acts 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Map of the Life of Jesus
{"date":"October, 7 B.C.", "title":"Gabriel Announces John's Birth", "city":"Jerusalem", "scriptures":["Luke 1:5-25"] }, {"date":"October, 7 B.C.", "title":"The Birth of John the Baptist", "city":"Jerusalem", "scriptures":["Luke 3:1-3"] }, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]}, {"date":"", "title":"", "city":"", "scriptures":[]},
The History of the Birth of Jesus
The Genealogy of Jesus (Mat 1:1-17; Lk 3:23-38).
July, 6 B.C.
Gabriel Announces to Mary (Lk 1:26-38).
Mary's Visits Elizabeth (Lk 1:39-56).
An Angel Comes to Joseph (Mat 1:18-25).
The Decree of Augustus Caesar and the Birth of Christ (Lk 2:1-7).
The First Visitors - Shepherds (Lk 2:8-20).
The Second Visitors - Magi (Mat 2:1-12).
April, 5 B.C.
Jesus is Circumcised and Presented in the Temple (Lk 2:21-38).
March, 4 B.C.
Out of Egypt (Mat 2:13-23).
Herod the Great Dies
Jesus' Early Years
April, 8 A.D.
The Boy Jesus at the Temple (Lk 2:41-52).
The Beginning of His Ministry
The Jordan
September, 25 A.D.
Jesus is Baptized in the Jordan (Mat 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-23).
The Wilderness
The Temptation in the Wilderness (Mat 4:1-11; Mk 1:12, 13; Lk 4:1-13).
The Eternal Word (Jn 1:1-18).
The Testimony of John (Jn 1:19-34).
The First Disciples (Jn 1:35-51).
Turning Water to Wine (Jn 2:1-12).
Jesus Visits Jerusalem
The First Passover
April, 26 A.D.
Jesus was 30 Years of Age, A House of Merchandise (Jn 2:13-25).
Unless One is Born Again (Jn 3:1-21).
Jesus Baptizes (Jn 3:22, with 4:2).
He Departed Again to Galilee (Mat 4:12; Mk 1:14; Lk 4:14; Jn 4:1-3).
The Woman at the Well (Jn 4:4-42).
Jesus' Ministry in Galilee
He Taught in Their Synagogues (Mt 4:17; Mk 1:14,15; Lk 4:14,15; Jn 4:43-45).
A Certain Nobleman (Jn 4:46-54)
Physician, Heal Yourself! (Mat 4:13-16; Lk 4:16-31).
Sea of Galilee
Peter, Andrew, James, and John (Mat 4:18-22; Mk 1:16-20; Lk 5:1-11).
And Jesus Went About All Galilee . . Teaching (Mat 4:23-25; Mk 1:35-39, Lk 4:42-44).
A Man With an Unclean Spirit (Mk 1:21-28; Lk 4:31-37).
Simon's Wife's Mother Lay Sick (Mat 8:14-17; Mk 1:29-34; Lk 4:38-41).
Then a Leper Came to Him (Mat 8:2-4; Mk 1:40-45; Lk 5:12-16).
They Brought to Him a Paralytic (Mat 9:2-8; Mk 2:1-12; Lk 5:17-26).
Matthew the Tax Collector (Mat 9:9; Mk 2:13, 14; Lk 5:27, 28).
The Second Passover
April, 27 A.D.
Healing at the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath day (Jn 5:1-47).
Healing in the Synagogue on the Sabbath day (Mat 12:9-14; Mk 3:1-6, Lk 6:6-11).
And in His Name Gentiles Will Trust (Mat 12:15-21; Mk 3:7-12)
Then He Appointed Twelve (Mat 10:2-4; Mk 3:13-19; Lk 6: 12-19).
The Sermon on the Mount (Mat 5-7; Lk 6:20-49).
A Certain Centurion's Servant (Mat 8:5-13; Lk 7:1-10).
Raises the Dead Son at Nain (Lk 7:11-17).
Are You the Coming One? (Mat 11:2-19; Lk 7:18-35).
My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light (Mat 11:20-30).
The Woman With the Alabaster Flask (Lk 7:36-50).
Mary Called Magdalene (Lk 8:1-3).
The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Mat 12:22-37; Mk 3: 19-30; Lk 11:14-20).
Teacher, We Want to See a Sign From You (Mat 12:38-45; Lk 11:16-36).
Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites (Lk 11:37-54).
He Began to Say to His Disciples (Lk 12:1-59).
Parable of the Fig Tree (Lk 13:6-9).
Parable of the Sower (Mat 13:1-23; Mk 4:1-25; Lk 8:4-18).
Many Such Parables (Mat 13:24-53; Mk 4:26-34).
Sea of Galilee
Jesus Rebukes the Storm (Mat 8:18-27; Mk 4:35-41; Lk 8:22-25).
The Herd of Many Swine (Mat 8:28-33; Mk 5:1-21; Lk 8:26-40).
He Came Again to His Own City (Mat 9:1; Mk 5:21 Lk 8:40).
The Parable of the Wineskins (Mat 9:10-17; Mk 2:15-22; Lk 5:29-39).
Jairus' Daughter and the Woman With the Flow of Blood (Mat 9:18-26; Mk 5:22-43; Lk 8:41-56).
The Blind and the Mute (Mat 9:27-34).
A Prophet is Not Without Honor Except . . (Mat 13:53-58; Mk 6:1-6).
He Was Moved With Compassion For Them (Mat 9:35-38)
Sent His Disciples Out With Power and Authority (Mat 10; Mk 6:6-13, Lk 9:1-6).
John the Baptist is Beheaded (Mat 14:1, 2, 6-12, Mk 6:14-16, 21-29; Lk 9:7-9).
Near Bethsaida
The Disciples Return, Feeding Five Thousand (Mat 14:13-21; Mk 6:30-44; Lk 9:10-17, Jn 6:1-14).
Sea of Galilee
They Saw Him Walking on the Sea (Mat 14:22-36; Mk 6:45-56; Jn 6:15-21).
I Am the Bread of Life (Jn 6:22-65).
Do you also want to go away? (Jn 6:66-71).
Unwashed Hands (Mat 15:1-20; Mk 7:1-23).
A Woman of Canaan (Mat 15:21-28; Mk 7:24-30).
Then Great Multitudes Came to Him (Mat 15:29-31, Mk 7:31-37).
Feeding Four Thousand (Mat 15:32-39; Mk 8:1-9).
Seeking From Him a Sign From Heaven (Mat 16:1-4; Mk 8:10-12).
The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Mat 16:4-12; Mk 8:13-21).
Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida (Mk 8:22-26).
Caesarea Philippi
He Must Go to Jerusalem and Be Killed (Mat 16:21-28; Mk 8:31-38; 9:1; Lk 9:21-27).
And He Was Transfigured (Mat 17:1-13; Mk 9:2-13; Lk 9:28-36).
And Jesus Rebuked the Demon (Mat 17:14-21; Mk 9:14-29; Lk 9:37-43).
Speaks Again of His Death (Mat 17:22, 23; Mk 9:30-32; Lk 9:43-45).
Miracle of the Coin in the Fish's Mouth (Mat 17:24-27).
Which One is the Greatest? (Mat 18:1-35; Mk 9:33-50; Lk 9:46-50).
He Who is Not Against Us is On Our Side (Mk 9:38, 39; Lk 9:49, 50).
September, 27 A.D.
The Feast of Tabernacles
Set His Face to Go to Jerusalem (Lk 9:51-62; Jn 7:2-11).
The Lord Appointed Seventy Others (Lk 10:1-16).
The Ten Lepers (Lk 17:11-19).
Teaches in the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles (Jn 7:14-53; 8:1-59).
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37).
The Report of the Seventy (Lk 10:17-24).
The House of Mary and Martha (Lk 10:38-42).
Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray (Lk 11:1-13).
December, 27 A.D.
The Feast of Dedication
I Was Blind, Now I See (Jn 9:1-41).
My Sheep Hear My Voice (Jn 9:39-41; 10:1-21).
They Picked Up Stones To Stone Him (Jn 10:22-39).
Beyond the Jordan (Jn 10:40-42; 11:3-16).
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead (Jn 11:1-46).
The Declaration of Caiaphas (Jn 11:47-54).
The Woman Who Was Bent Over (Mat 19:1, 2; Mk 10:1; Lk 13:10-35).
Take the Lowest Seat (Lk 14:1-24).
Count the Cost (Lk 14:25-35).
More Parables, Prodigal Son (Lk 15:1-32; 16:1-13).
Exposes the Hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Lk 16:14-18).
The Rich Man and Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31).
Increase Our Faith (Lk 17:1-10).
Teaches the Pharisees About the Coming of the Kingdom (Lk 17:20-37).
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Lk 18:1-14).
Marriage and Divorce (Mat 19:3-12; Mk 10:2-12).
Let the Little Children Come to Me (Mat 19:13-15; Mk 10:13-16; Lk 18:15-17).
Rich Young Ruler (Mat 19:16-22; Mk 10:17-22; Lk 18:18-24).
The Parable of the Vineyard (Mat 20:1-16).
Again Foretelling His Death (Mat 20:17-19; Mk 10:32-34; Lk 18:31-34).
Can I Sit at Your Right Hand? (Mat 20:20-28; Mk 10:35-45).
Blind Bartimaeus (Mat 20:29-34; Mk 10:46-50; Lk 18:35-43).
Zacchaeus who was a Chief Tax Collector (Lk 19:1-10).
The Parable of the Minas (Lk 19:11-28).
Mary Anoints the Feet of Jesus (Jn 12:1-9).
Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Mat 21:1-11; Mk 11:1-11; Lk 19:29-44; Jn 12:12-19).
Jesus Enters the temple (Mat 21:12, Mk 11:11; Lk 19:45).
Drives the Vendors Out of the Temple (Mat 21:12, 13; Lk 19:45, 46).
The Blind and Lame Came to Him (Mat 21:14).
He Was Teaching Daily in the Temple (Lk 19:47, 48).
The Withered Fig Tree (Mat 21:17-22; Mk 11:12-14, 20-22).
The Parable of the Two Sons (Mat 21:28-31);
The Parable of the Vinedressers (Mat 21:33-46; Mk 12:1-12; Lk 20:9-19);
The Parable of the Great Supper (Mat 22:1-14; Lk 14:16-24).
Tested By the Pharisees (Mat 22:15-22; Mk 12:13-17; Lk 20:20-26).
Tested By the Sadducees (Mat 22:23-33; Mk 12:18-27; Lk 20:27-40);
Tested By a Lawyer (Mat 22:34-40; Mk 12:28-34).
Beware of the Scribes and the Pharisees (Mat 23; Mk 12:38-40; Lk 20:45-47).
A Certain Poor Widow (Mk 12:41-44; Lk 21:1-4).
The Prophecy of Isaiah About their Blindness (Jn 12:37-50).
Foretells the Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem (Mat 24; Mk 13; Lk 21:5-36).
He Saw the City and Wept Over It, (Mat 23:37; Lk 19:41-44).
The Parables of the Ten Virgins and The Talents (Mat 25:1-30).
The Sheep and the Goats (Mat 25:31-46).
Anointed with the Flask of Spikenard (Mat 26:6-13; Mk 14:3-9; Jn 12:1-8).
The Third and Final Passover
April, 28 A.D.
The Last Passover (Mat 26:17-30; Mk 14:12-25; Lk 22:7-20).
Began to Wash the Disciples' Feet (Jn 13:1-17).
The Hand of My Betrayer is With Me (Mat 26:23; Mk 14:18-21; Lk 22:21; Jn 13:18).
What You Do . . Do Quickly (Mat 26:21-25; Mk 14:18-21; Lk 22:21-23; Jn 13:21-30).
Teaches About the Holy Spirit (Jn 14; 15; 16).
Jesus' Intercession (Jn 17).
The Prayer in Gethsemane (Mat 26:30, 36-46; Mk 14:26, 32-42; Lk 22:39-46; Jn 18:1).
Betrayed and Taken (Mat 26:47-56; Mk 14:43-54, 66-72; Lk 22:47-53; Jn 18:2-12).
The Trial (Mat 26:57, 58, 69-75; Mk 14:53, 54, 66-72; Lk 22:54-62; Jn 18:13-18, 25-27).
Delivered to Pilate (Mat 27:1, 2, 11-14; Mk 15:1-5; Lk 23:1-5; Jn 18:28-38).
He Sent Him to Herod (Lk 23:6-12).
Tried Before Pilate (Mat 27:15-26; Mk 15:6-15; Lk 23:13-25; Jn 18:39, 40; 19:1-16).
Mocked by the Soldiers (Mat 27:27-31; Mk 15:16-20).
Led Him Away to be Crucified (Mat 27:31-34; Mk 15:20-23; Lk 23:26-32; Jn 19:16, 17).
Crucified (Mat 27:35-56; Mk 15:24-41; Lk 23:33-49; Jn 19:18-30).
Joseph of Arimathea (Mat 27:57-66; Mk 15:42-47; Lk 23:50-56; Jn 19:31-42).
The Resurrection
He is Risen (Mat 28:2-15, Mk 16:1-11 Lk 24:1-12; Jn 20:1-18).
Has Appeared to Simon (Lk 24:34; 1Cor 15:5).
Road to Emmaus
Appears to Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (Mk 16:12, 13: Lk 24:13-35).
- Sephoris
Josephus called Sepphoris “the ornament of all Galilee.” Herod Antipas chose this site in 4 BC as the capital of his government. He most likely built the theater as well. Josephus said Sepphoris was the largest city in Galilee
- a stones throw away from Nazareth
- city built during the time of Jesus, Jesus probably worked here
- There were many Jews crucified here later and Jesus could have referred to this event in:Luke 9:23
Lu 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
- Gush Halav
Gush Halav is known in Josephus as Gischala and is located north west of the sea of Galilee. Home of Revolt leader John of Gischala who was later captured in Jerusalem and paraded by Titus in Rome in the great processional: Jos. W. 7.118
- Later Home to the Maronite Christians
- Persecuted for 1400 years, did not give up their faith when attacked by the Muslims.
- Thousands were killed in a bloodbath that took place in the mountains of Lebon in 1860.
- Decapolis (Matthew 8:30–33; Mark 5:1–17).
Decapolis (“Ten Cities”) was a region east and southeast of the Sea of Galilee, north of Perea, and belonging to the half-tribe of Manasseh. It was so named for the ten cities that lay within its borders. The names of those cities are not certain. Pliny lists them as Scythopolis, Philadelphia, Raphanae, Gadara, Hippos, Dios, Pella, Gerasa, Canatha, and Damascus. Josephus replaces Canatha with Otopos on his list. Of the ten cities, only one, the capital Scythopolis, lay west of the Jordan River. Jesus visited the region of Decapolis during His ministry. Matthew calls it “the region of the Gadarenes,” because Jesus was near Gadara, in Matthew 8:28.
The ten cities that formed Decapolis probably entered their league with each other about the time the Roman general Pompey defeated Syria in 65 BC. Residents of Decapolis answered directly to the Roman governor in Syria. The alliance of cities enjoyed independence to the extent of being able to mint their own coins.
During the time of Christ, the ten cities of Decapolis and the surrounding region were inhabited mostly by Gentiles, not Jews, and the area had a strong Greek influence. This fact probably accounts for the presence of a large herd of swine near Gadara when Jesus visited that region to heal the demon-possessed men (Matthew 8:30–33; Mark 5:1–17).
- Arbela
-1. Mount Arbel is located on the west side of the Sea of Galilee and is the tallest mountain around the Sea of Galilee.
- Where Christ gave the great commission? -Many theologians believe this is the place because it is the tallest mountain in the area and provides a perfect view of the Sea of Galilee.
- Because Christ spent around 60% to 70% of His ministry time around the Sea of Galilee, Mount Arbel would have provided the perfect backdrop as Christ gave His disciples the powerful Great Commission mandate. From this location, we can easily see the following:
Gennesaret (Ginasor)
The area where Christ likely called several of His disciples
Tabgha - The likely place Christ restored Peter to ministry
Mount of Beatitudes
Bethsaida Lookout
Feeding the 5,000
Feeding the 4,000
Horvat Susita
Where Jesus walked on water and calmed the sea
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